
This uses a different approach than what you propose, but it gets the job
done and perhaps you will find it helpful.


# download image from internet for use in example
# http://www.tootsie.com/wallpaper/wp_concord2_1344x1008.jpg
img <- readJPEG("c:/temp/wp_concord2_1344x1008.jpg")
# define location of two yellow gumballs, could use locator() to get these
px.x <- c(172, 576)
px.y <- c(433, 657)
# set up plot
par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
eqscplot(x, y, type="n", xlim=c(0, 1334), ylim=c(0, 1008))
# add image
rasterImage(img, 0, 0, 1334, 1008)
# add line connecting two yellow gumballs
lines(px.x, px.y, lwd=5, col="yellow")

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Rick Turner <ricktur...@btconnect.com>wrote:

>    Hi All,
>    I am struggling with something, and could use some help
>    I have a scenario where I need to draw lines onto a base image using R
> –
>    briefly, the image has what amounts to an outline ‘map’ of
> locations, and
>    the lines will correspond to ‘routes’ between two locations.
>    The locations are known in terms of image pixel coordinates – let’s
> call
>    them (px1, py1) and (px2, py2), but when I try and plot a line into the
>    image using these coordinates, the visual positions are incorrect –
> the
>    start and end points of the line are offset from the desired position,
> and
>    the amount of offset changes as I resize the window. I've tried such
> things
>    as normalising them into the [0,1] range used by the viewport but this
> does
>    not correct the problem.
>    So,  I  figured  that I must have made some mistake with my scaling of
>    coordinates from image to viewport, but I cannot find where or what.
> I’ve
>    fiddled around a bit (well, a lot!) but cannot get the desired result.
> So,
>    it is time to ask for help, hence this message….
>    Any  suggestions  gratefully  received…   I’ve done a fair amount
> of R
>    programming, but have not used these extended graphics capabilities
> much at
>    all, so I really am getting frustrated....
>    Regards and thanks in advance,
>    Rick
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    --------------------------------------------------
>    The code segment in question is:
>    # load packages
>    library(jpeg)
>    library(grid)
>    # read the image file
>    baseimg <- readJPEG("loc_map.jpg", native=FALSE)
>    xsize <- ncol(baseimg)                   # Get image size – this one
> is 1344
>    px wide
>    ysize <- nrow(baseimg)                 # and 1008 px high
>    # create a viewport
>    xrange <- c(0, xsize)                        # set up the viewport
> range to
>    match the image size
>    yrange <- c(0, ysize)
>    vp  <-  viewport(x=0.5,  y=0.5,  width=0.9, height=0.9, xscale=xrange,
>    yscale=yrange)
>    pushViewport(vp)
>    grid.rect(gp=gpar(lty="dashed"))        # draw a dashed line around it.
>    # display the base image
>    grid.raster(baseimg)
>    # First location – image pixel coordinates (748, 177). Normalise
> these to
>    [0,1] to
>    # match the viewpoint coordinate scheme. Note that we need to invert the
>    # y coordinate as R coords run from bottom up, but image ones are top
> down
>    px1 <- (748/xsize)                                            #
> 748/1344 ~=
>    0.556, so in range [0,1]
>    py1 <- (1.0 - (177/ysize))                               # 1-(177/1008)
> ~=
>    0.824, so also in range [0,1]
>    # position of the St Johns Hill enterance (image coords
>    # [769, 892]) normalised to the viewport
>      x2 <- (769/xsize)
>      y2 <- (1.0 - (892/ysize))
>      # draw a line from pixel (px1,py1) to pixel (px2,py2) in blue
>      xx <- c(px1, px2)
>      yy <- c(py1, py2)
>      grid.lines(xx, yy, gp=gpar(col="blue"))
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