
another option if you're using Linux AND an Intel processor would be linking R against Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library). Under Linux you can get a (free) non-commercial licence for it.

Here I'm using an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz laptop processor with R 3.0.2 build with intel compilers and linked against Intel MKL 11 and get the following times:

n <- 2000
A<-matrix(rnorm(n^2,0,1), n,n)
       User      System verstrichen
      1.480       0.004       1.482

PS: I'm using the sequential version of Intel MKL.

Zitat von Timo Schmid <timo_sch...@hotmail.com>:


I am looking for a way to do fast matrix operations (multiplication, Inversion) for large matrices (n=8000) in R. I know R is not that fast in linear algebra than
other software.
So I wanted to write some code in C++ and incorporate this code in R. I have used the package RcppArmadillo, because a lot of people write that it is really fast in
doing matrix algebra. So I have run a short example. See the code below.
I was wondering that I got almost the same CPU time for the matrix algebra in my
example. I expect that using C++ Code in R is faster than using the standard
matrix operations in R.

Is there a way to do matrix algebra in R faster as the standard command (e.g. %*%) using the Rcpp or RcppArmadillo packages? I would be happy about any idea or advice.
Thanks in advance

 > library(Rcpp)

# Generation of the matrix
A<-matrix(rnorm(n^2,0,1), n,n)

# Code in R
+     D<-A%*%A%*%A+A)
   user  system elapsed
  12.29    0.01   12.33

# Code using RcppArmadillo
src <-
+     '
+ arma::mat X = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(X_);
+ arma::mat ans = X * X * X + X;
+ return(wrap(ans));
+ '
mprod6_inline_RcppArma <- cxxfunction(signature(X_="numeric"),
+                                       body = src, plugin="RcppArmadillo")

+     C<-mprod6_inline_RcppArma(X=A))
   user  system elapsed
  12.30    0.08   12.40

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