
R's text-drawing functions, such as text() or grid.text(), do NOT allow you to skew or stretch individual characters (like PostScript does). Your strategy of using PostScript to produce a result and then import the result as a "shape" for R to draw may work (if you can script it).


On 11/03/13 14:46, Iakub Henschen wrote:
I would like to add characters to R plots but need separate control over
height, width, skew, rotation etc. These parameters result from a
statistical computation within R. Also I need to be able to control stroke
and fill parameters independently. Finally, I need more than just ASCII
characters, but symbols and possibly Chinese/Japanese. What I've found so
far points to a solution where I send the character and scale information
to an external script that produces what I need in Postscript, then import
via the grImport package. I assume there is a more direct way via editing R
sources, such as inserting a transformation into text(), but that's
probably not a good idea in the long run. Or is there a better strategy?

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