the issue is the sort order of the levels.  Time series graphs in the
alphabetical sort
order will be uninterpretable.  I show the three sets of contrasts for
factors, factors
with specified levels, and ordered factors.

week <- 

week.f <- factor(week)

week.l <- factor(week, levels=week)

week.o <- ordered(week, levels=week)





On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Bert Gunter <> wrote:
> Not true, Rich.
>> z <-factor(letters[1:3],lev=letters[3:1])
>> sort(z)
> [1] c b a
> Levels: c b a
> What you say is true only for the **default** sort order.
> (Although maybe the code author didn't realize this either)
> -- Bert
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:24 AM, Richard M. Heiberger <> wrote:
>> If days of the week is not an Ordered Factor, then it will be sorted
>> alphabetically.
>> Fr Mo Sa Su Th Tu We
>> Rich
>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Bill <> wrote:
>>> I am reading the code below. It acts on a csv file called dodgers.csv with
>>> the following variables.
>>>> print(str(dodgers))  # check the structure of the data frame
>>> 'data.frame':   81 obs. of  12 variables:
>>>  $ month      : Factor w/ 7 levels "APR","AUG","JUL",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
>>> 1 ...
>>>  $ day        : int  10 11 12 13 14 15 23 24 25 27 ...
>>>  $ attend     : int  56000 29729 28328 31601 46549 38359 26376 44014 26345
>>> 44807 ...
>>>  $ day_of_week: Factor w/ 7 levels "Friday","Monday",..: 6 7 5 1 3 4 2 6 7
>>> 1 ...
>>>  $ opponent   : Factor w/ 17 levels "Angels","Astros",..: 13 13 13 11 11 11
>>> 3 3 3 10 ...
>>>  $ temp       : int  67 58 57 54 57 65 60 63 64 66 ...
>>>  $ skies      : Factor w/ 2 levels "Clear ","Cloudy": 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
>>> ...
>>>  $ day_night  : Factor w/ 2 levels "Day","Night": 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 ...
>>>  $ cap        : Factor w/ 2 levels "NO","YES": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>>>  $ shirt      : Factor w/ 2 levels "NO","YES": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>>>  $ fireworks  : Factor w/ 2 levels "NO","YES": 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
>>>  $ bobblehead : Factor w/ 2 levels "NO","YES": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>>> NULL
>>> I don't understand why the author of the code decided to make the factor
>>> days_of_week into an ordered factor. Anyone know why this should be done?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Here is the code:
>>> # Predictive Model for Los Angeles Dodgers Promotion and Attendance
>>> library(car)  # special functions for linear regression
>>> library(lattice)  # graphics package
>>> # read in data and create a data frame called dodgers
>>> dodgers <- read.csv("dodgers.csv")
>>> print(str(dodgers))  # check the structure of the data frame
>>> # define an ordered day-of-week variable
>>> # for plots and data summaries
>>> dodgers$ordered_day_of_week <- with(data=dodgers,
>>>   ifelse ((day_of_week == "Monday"),1,
>>>   ifelse ((day_of_week == "Tuesday"),2,
>>>   ifelse ((day_of_week == "Wednesday"),3,
>>>   ifelse ((day_of_week == "Thursday"),4,
>>>   ifelse ((day_of_week == "Friday"),5,
>>>   ifelse ((day_of_week == "Saturday"),6,7)))))))
>>> dodgers$ordered_day_of_week <- factor(dodgers$ordered_day_of_week,
>>> levels=1:7,
>>> labels=c("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"))
>>> # exploratory data analysis with standard graphics: attendance by day of
>>> week
>>> with(data=dodgers,plot(ordered_day_of_week, attend/1000,
>>> xlab = "Day of Week", ylab = "Attendance (thousands)",
>>> col = "violet", las = 1))
>>> # when do the Dodgers use bobblehead promotions
>>> with(dodgers, table(bobblehead,ordered_day_of_week)) # bobbleheads on
>>> Tuesday
>>> # define an ordered month variable
>>> # for plots and data summaries
>>> dodgers$ordered_month <- with(data=dodgers,
>>>   ifelse ((month == "APR"),4,
>>>   ifelse ((month == "MAY"),5,
>>>   ifelse ((month == "JUN"),6,
>>>   ifelse ((month == "JUL"),7,
>>>   ifelse ((month == "AUG"),8,
>>>   ifelse ((month == "SEP"),9,10)))))))
>>> dodgers$ordered_month <- factor(dodgers$ordered_month, levels=4:10,
>>> labels = c("April", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct"))
>>> # exploratory data analysis with standard R graphics: attendance by month
>>> with(data=dodgers,plot(ordered_month,attend/1000, xlab = "Month",
>>> ylab = "Attendance (thousands)", col = "light blue", las = 1))
>>> # exploratory data analysis displaying many variables
>>> # looking at attendance and conditioning on day/night
>>> # the skies and whether or not fireworks are displayed
>>> library(lattice) # used for plotting
>>> # let us prepare a graphical summary of the dodgers data
>>> group.labels <- c("No Fireworks","Fireworks")
>>> group.symbols <- c(21,24)
>>> group.colors <- c("black","black")
>>> group.fill <- c("black","red")
>>> xyplot(attend/1000 ~ temp | skies + day_night,
>>>     data = dodgers, groups = fireworks, pch = group.symbols,
>>>     aspect = 1, cex = 1.5, col = group.colors, fill = group.fill,
>>>     layout = c(2, 2), type = c("p","g"),
>>>     strip=strip.custom(strip.levels=TRUE,strip.names=FALSE, style=1),
>>>     xlab = "Temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit)",
>>>     ylab = "Attendance (thousands)",
>>>     key = list(space = "top",
>>>         text = list(rev(group.labels),col = rev(group.colors)),
>>>         points = list(pch = rev(group.symbols), col = rev(group.colors),
>>>         fill = rev(group.fill))))
>>> # attendance by opponent and day/night game
>>> group.labels <- c("Day","Night")
>>> group.symbols <- c(1,20)
>>> group.symbols.size <- c(2,2.75)
>>> bwplot(opponent ~ attend/1000, data = dodgers, groups = day_night,
>>>     xlab = "Attendance (thousands)",
>>>     panel = function(x, y, groups, subscripts, ...)
>>>        {panel.grid(h = (length(levels(dodgers$opponent)) - 1), v = -1)
>>>         panel.stripplot(x, y, groups = groups, subscripts = subscripts,
>>>         cex = group.symbols.size, pch = group.symbols, col = "darkblue")
>>>        },
>>>     key = list(space = "top",
>>>     text = list(group.labels,col = "black"),
>>>     points = list(pch = group.symbols, cex = group.symbols.size,
>>>     col = "darkblue")))
>>> # specify a simple model with bobblehead entered last
>>> my.model <- {attend ~ ordered_month + ordered_day_of_week + bobblehead}
>>> # employ a training-and-test regimen
>>> set.seed(1234) # set seed for repeatability of training-and-test split
>>> training_test <- c(rep(1,length=trunc((2/3)*nrow(dodgers))),
>>> rep(2,length=(nrow(dodgers) - trunc((2/3)*nrow(dodgers)))))
>>> dodgers$training_test <- sample(training_test) # random permutation
>>> dodgers$training_test <- factor(dodgers$training_test,
>>>   levels=c(1,2), labels=c("TRAIN","TEST"))
>>> dodgers.train <- subset(dodgers, training_test == "TRAIN")
>>> print(str(dodgers.train)) # check training data frame
>>> dodgers.test <- subset(dodgers, training_test == "TEST")
>>> print(str(dodgers.test)) # check test data frame
>>> # fit the model to the training set
>>> <- lm(my.model, data = dodgers.train)
>>> # obtain predictions from the training set
>>> dodgers.train$predict_attend <- predict(
>>> # evaluate the fitted model on the test set
>>> dodgers.test$predict_attend <- predict(,
>>>   newdata = dodgers.test)
>>> # compute the proportion of response variance
>>> # accounted for when predicting out-of-sample
>>> cat("\n","Proportion of Test Set Variance Accounted for: ",
>>> round((with(dodgers.test,cor(attend,predict_attend)^2)),
>>>   digits=3),"\n",sep="")
>>> # merge the training and test sets for plotting
>>> dodgers.plotting.frame <- rbind(dodgers.train,dodgers.test)
>>> # generate predictive modeling visual for management
>>> group.labels <- c("No Bobbleheads","Bobbleheads")
>>> group.symbols <- c(21,24)
>>> group.colors <- c("black","black")
>>> group.fill <- c("black","red")
>>> xyplot(predict_attend/1000 ~ attend/1000 | training_test,
>>>        data = dodgers.plotting.frame, groups = bobblehead, cex = 2,
>>>        pch = group.symbols, col = group.colors, fill = group.fill,
>>>        layout = c(2, 1), xlim = c(20,65), ylim = c(20,65),
>>>        aspect=1, type = c("p","g"),
>>>        panel=function(x,y, ...)
>>>             {panel.xyplot(x,y,...)
>>>              panel.segments(25,25,60,60,col="black",cex=2)
>>>             },
>>>        strip=function(...) strip.default(..., style=1),
>>>        xlab = "Actual Attendance (thousands)",
>>>        ylab = "Predicted Attendance (thousands)",
>>>        key = list(space = "top",
>>>               text = list(rev(group.labels),col = rev(group.colors)),
>>>               points = list(pch = rev(group.symbols),
>>>               col = rev(group.colors),
>>>               fill = rev(group.fill))))
>>> # use the full data set to obtain an estimate of the increase in
>>> # attendance due to bobbleheads, controlling for other factors
>>> <- lm(my.model, data = dodgers)  # use all available data
>>> print(summary(
>>> # tests statistical significance of the bobblehead promotion
>>> # type I anova computes sums of squares for sequential tests
>>> print(anova(
>>> cat("\n","Estimated Effect of Bobblehead Promotion on Attendance: ",
>>> round($coefficients[length($coefficients)],
>>> digits = 0),"\n",sep="")
>>> # standard graphics provide diagnostic plots
>>> plot(
>>> # additional model diagnostics drawn from the car package
>>> library(car)
>>> residualPlots(
>>> marginalModelPlots(
>>> print(outlierTest(
>>>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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> --
> Bert Gunter
> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
> (650) 467-7374

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