Hi, I have some questions on how to estimate the survival function from a Cox 
model. I know how to do this in R using survfit(). 

But let's say the model was done is another software, and I was only given the 
estimate of baseline cumulative hazard "A0(t=10)" at the specified time "t=10" 
(baseline cumulative hazard refers to when covariate X=0)and the beta estimate 
"b" for the covariate used in Cox model "X". 

So the survival function at time 10 for a given covariate value x can be 
calculated as:

A(t=10|X=x) = exp(b*x)*A0(t=10) where A is cumulative hazard when X=x
S(t=10|X=x) = exp(-A(t=10|X=x)) where S is survival function to be calculated

Now I want to calculate confidence interval for S(t=10|X=x). I think I need to 
calculate the CI for cumulative hazard A(t=10|X=x) first and then exponentiate 
it to get CI for S, based on the relationship S = exp(-A).

To get CI for A, I need to calculate the estimate of standard error of A. I 
know the other software can give me the standard error of A0, the baseline 
cumulative hazard. Based on the relationship A = exp(b*x)*A0, I guess I'll need 
the standard error for b. But how do I calculate the standard error for A based 
on standard errors for A0 and b?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

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