See inline

On 04/16/2014 08:13 PM, DrunkenPhD wrote:
No nothing :((((
I tried :
 > hdf <- get_map(location = c(20.166065, 41.270679), zoom = 8, maptype
= 'roadmap')
 > sampledf<-read.table(text="x y City Village

19.9437314 40.7086377 120 425
20.2214171 41.4924336 1 1
20.0955891 39.9481364 4 4
20.9506636 40.6447347 10 15",header=TRUE)
# make the graphics device high enough to hold Albania
# display the map upon which you want the pies

hdf <- get_map(location = c(20.166065, 41.270679), zoom = 8,
 maptype = 'roadmap')
ggmap(hdf, extent = 'device')
# I don't know if you have to do anything else here

# display the pies
for(pp in 1:4) floating.pie(sampledf[pp,"x"],sampledf[pp,"y"],

but pffff nothing
What to do

Look at the documentation for ggmap (I don't have the package on my system, so I can't do it for you). Try par("usr") to see the coordinates of the plot.


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