Please always "reply-all" so the list stays in the conversation. With the details presented below, this question is a perfect example of why you should keep the list in the conversation because I don't know how to solve your problem.

Also please read and follow the Posting Guide, which warns you not to post in HTML since what you see is not necessarily what we see in that format.

I do know that it is quite common for structured input routines that process data such as XML and JSON to look for a single "object" and convert it. Normally this is an "outermost layer" of structure that encompasses the entire contents of the file. In your case, the log file is an indefinite stream of objects. From what I can see this is not a standard use case for most JSON (or XML) libraries.

One solution discussed on StackOverflow [1] is to encode each object without internal newlines, and separate the objects by newlines. This would require that you have control over the software that was generating this stream of data.


On Mon, 23 Jun 2014, praveen pal wrote:

hi jeff sorry for my late response

actually i am trying to parse this log file which i attached in my previous

 this log contains activity of students like
    how many times they login,
    which page they visit,
    which and how much video they watched,
    which quiz they attempted,
    did they give correct or wrong answer.
and similar other data and clicks.

 i want to extract these data of students from log file  and want to store
it in a table  (table is not necessary if work is done by R only ).
 then i want to perform some statistic on the data extracted from log file.

I am using jsonlite  to parse it and below is code which i used to parse it

tracking_json  <-

this code prints only the first data and ignore everything else.

then i tried

path <- "/home/praveen/praveen/Cleaning_Data/tracking.log"
c <- file(path,"r")
l <- readLines(c,-1L)
json  <- lapply(X=l,fromJSON)

it parse and store the data from log file to array
 i am able to print data with the  json[[1]]
but i don't know how to collect whole data related to one factor only
for example if i want to collect all the related to single student .

if there is any other way to do this or you have a document or link to parse
a log file.

and then i want to perform some statistic
i am new to R may be there is some mistake in my explanation.

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Jeff Newmiller <>
      You have not said what your problem is, and you have not shown
      us the code you have tried. How are we supposed to know what you

      Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....
       Go Live...
      DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.
       Live Go...
                                            Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..
      Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.
      /Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.

      Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

      On June 20, 2014 12:26:03 AM PDT, praveen pal
      <> wrote:
      >   i am new to R and need help,
      >   I want to parse a log file using R named tracking.log file.
      > i try to read it using "jsonlite" package but not able to get
      data  in
      >proper format.
      >   i entered a sample of file below.
      >   i also attached a file tracking.log file with this mail
      > {
      >    "username": "lavita",
      >    "host": "",
      >    "event_source": "server",
      >    "event_type":
      >    "context": {
      >        "course_id": "IITB/CS101/2014_T1",
      >        "course_user_tags": {},
      >        "user_id": 42,
      >        "org_id": "IITB"
      >    },
      >    "time": "2014-06-20T05:49:10.468638+00:00",
      >    "ip": "",
      >    "event": "{\"POST\": {\"saved_video_position\":
      >\"GET\": {}}",
      >"agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:18.0)
      >    "page": null
      >    "username": "raeha",
      >    "host": "",
      >    "event_source": "server",
      >    "event_type": "problem_check",
      >    "context": {
      >        "course_id": "IITB/CS101/2014_T1",
      >        "course_user_tags": {},
      >        "user_id": 40,
      >        "org_id": "IITB",
      >        "module": {
      >            "display_name": ""
      >        }
      >    },
      >    "time": "2014-06-20T06:43:52.716455+00:00",
      >    "ip": "",
      >    "event": {
      >        "submission": {
      "i4x-IITB-CS101-problem-33e4aac93dc84f368c93b1d08fa984fc_2_1": {
      >                "input_type": "choicegroup",
      >                "question": "",
      >                "response_type": "multiplechoiceresponse",
      >                "answer": "MenuInflater.inflate()",
      >                "variant": "",
      >                "correct": true
      >            }
      >        },
      >        "success": "correct",
      >        "grade": 1,
      >        "correct_map": {
      "i4x-IITB-CS101-problem-33e4aac93dc84f368c93b1d08fa984fc_2_1": {
      >                "hint": "",
      >                "hintmode": null,
      >                "correctness": "correct",
      >                "npoints": null,
      >                "msg": "",
      >                "queuestate": null
      >            }
      >        },
      >        "state": {
      >            "student_answers": {},
      >            "seed": 1,
      >            "done": null,
      >            "correct_map": {},
      >            "input_state": {
      >            }
      >        },
      >        "answers": {
      >        },
      >        "attempts": 1,
      >        "max_grade": 1,
      >        "problem_id":
      >    },
      >"agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:29.0)
      >    "page": "x_module"
      >    "username": "tushars",
      >    "host": "localhost",
      >    "event_source": "server",
      >    "event_type":
      >    "context": {
      >        "course_id": "IITB/CS101/2014_T1",
      >        "course_user_tags": {},
      >        "user_id": 6,
      >        "org_id": "IITB"
      >    },
      >    "time": "2014-06-20T05:49:26.780244+00:00",
      >    "ip": "",
      >    "event": "{\"POST\": {}, \"GET\": {}}",
      >"agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:29.0)
      >    "page": null

Thank you

Praveen Pal

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...1k
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