
I have a question on how to perform a Duncan test after I set a model like this 
(see below).

The data consist of a dependent variable (PHt) and two dependent variables 
(REGION (3 levels) AND MANAGEMENT (3 levels)).

N      P    S
 REGION     A           196 196          196
                  V           196 196 196
                  H       196 196 196

196 is the number of trees on which PHt was estimated, but we cannot consider 
them as repetitions, they are subjects. Therefore, only one repetition per 

I set a two way ANOVA without repetition. Although within

model <- 

Then I try to run a Duncan test for REGION and also for MANAGEMENT. I get this 
error message.

Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = 
stringsAsFactors) :
  cannot coerce class "c("aovlist", "listof")" to a data.frame

Is there anyone who could give me a clue on what it is wrong? Maybe it isnot 
correct to call for a Duncan.test() for such type of model?

If I fit only the mean (mean of the 196 observations) within each 
REGION*MANAGEMENT factor, then Duncan.test() works as expected. The model then 
looks as simple as this.

model <- aov(PHt~REGION+MANAGEMENT,data=obsHET)

Thanks in advance.

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