
Using R,  I've loaded a .cvs file comprised of several hundred rows and 3
columns of data. The data within maps the output of a triaxial
accelerometer, a sensor which measures an object's acceleration along the
x,y and z axes. The data for each respective column sequentially
oscillates, and ranges numerically from 100 to 500.

I want create a function that parses the data and detects patterns across
the three columns.

For instance, I would like to detect instances when the values for the x,y
and z columns equal 150, 200, 300 respectively. Additionally, when a match
is detected, I would like to know how many times the pattern appears.

I have been successful using str_detect to provide a Boolean, however it
seems to only work on a single vector, i.e, "400" , not a range of values
i.e "400 - 450". See below:

# this works
> vals <- str_detect (string = data_log$x_reading, pattern = "400")

# this also works, but doesn't detect the particular range, rather the
existence of the numbers
> vals <- str_detect (string = data_log$x_reading, pattern = "[400-450]")

Also, it appears that I can only apply it to a single column, not to all
three columns. However I may be mistaken.

Any advice on my current approach or alternativea I should consider is
greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


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