Dear R people, I’ve been doing some hpc using R and openmpi. Unfortunately I’ve encoutred a major problem and it’s nature is hard to pin down:
Essentially I call mpirun Rscipt … as soon as the script reaches a foreach()%dopar% it halts indefinitely. I’ve attached the qsub script: #!/bin/bash #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -N test_14 #$ -cwd #$ -V #$ -o "/fhgfs/g61570/Spectral Databases/log/test_14_"$JOB_ID #$ -j y #$ -q regular #$ -pe openmpi 8 #$ -l h_rt=00:15:00 #$ -l h_vmem=1.9G #$ -m eas #$ -M module add gcc module add openmpi/gcc/64/1.6.5 module add R/gcc/3.0.1 date #log start time echo "Number of slots " . $NSLOTS mpirun Rscript /fhgfs/g61570/Spectral\ Databases/test_10.r > /fhgfs/g61570/Spectral\ Databases/log/test_14.Rout date exit and the R file: suppressMessages(library('doMPI')) skylla.cluster <- startMPIcluster() registerDoMPI(skylla.cluster) cat(paste("COMM SIZE: ", mpi.comm.size(0), " cluster size: ", clusterSize(skylla.cluster), "\n",sep = "")) tmp.time <- proc.time() sample <- foreach(i=seq(from=0, to=1000, by =1),.combine='c',.inorder=TRUE) %do% { r <- sqrt(i^2 + i^2) + .Machine$double.eps * factorial(i) sin(r) / r } cat(paste("Processing seriell time: ", "\n", sep = " ")) print(proc.time() - tmp.time) #print(sample) tmp.time <- proc.time() sample <- foreach(i=seq(from=0, to=1000, by =1),.combine='c',.inorder=TRUE) %dopar% { r <- sqrt(i^2 + i^2) + .Machine$double.eps * factorial(i) sin(r) / r } cat(paste("Processing parallel time: ", "\n", sep = " ")) print(proc.time() - tmp.time) #print(sample) closeCluster(skylla.cluster) # mpi.close.Rslaves() # mpi.exit() mpi.quit(save='no‘) Any suggestions would be highly appreciated! Thanks! Best André ------------------------------------------------------ Dipl. Psych André Ziervogel ------------------------------------------------------
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