I have over 8000 time series that I need to analyze and forecast. Running 1500 
takes over 2 hours using just ETS, let alone Holt-Winters and ARIMA. So I am 
looking at ways in shrinking the time to generate a 2 year forecast.

The code I am using successfully to run through the time series sequentially is 
below. The essence of the code being reading data from multiple CSV files, 1 
per data set, that contain up to 5 years of historical sales by item. I parse 
each file out by item, generate a time-series for each item, fit the ETS model 
by item, generate a 24 months forecast by item, add the item number to the 
forecast, and write the forecast to an Excel file.

I'm looking for guidance in two areas:

*         Reading the raw data in from Excel which is in the form:
             d1    d2    d3   d4    ...
series 1  v11   v12  v13  v14
series 2  v21   v22  v23  v24

*         Using parallel processing to analyze the data more quickly using 
several cores.

I have tried to use doParallel at the item level, but without success. I have 
annotated the code to show where I tried to insert the %dopar% aspects.

# store the current directory
# change to the new directory
# load the necessary libraries

#cl <- makeCluster(3)
#chunks <- getDoParWorkers()

# output plots to a file
pdf("R Plots.pdf")
# set the output file
sink(file = "R Output.out", type = c("output"))

# load the dataset
files <- c("3MH", "6MH", "12MH")
for (j in 1:3)
  title <- paste("\n\n\n Evaluation of", files[j], " - Started at", date(), 

  History <- read.csv(paste(files[j],"csv", sep="."))

  # output forecast to XLSX
  outwb <- createWorkbook()
  sheet <- createSheet(outwb, sheetName = paste(files[j], " - ETS"))
  Item <- unique(unlist(History$Item))

  for (i in 1:length(Item))  # I tried using r <- foreach(i=1:length(Item) , 
.combine='rbind') %dopar% at this level
    title <- paste("Evaluation of item ", Item[i], "-", i, "of", 
    data <- subset(History, Item == Item[i])
    dates <- unique(unlist(data$Date))
    d <- as.Date(dates, format("%d/%m/%Y"))
    data.ts <- ts(data$Volume, frequency=12, 
start=c(as.numeric(format(d[1],"%Y")), as.numeric(format(d[1],"%m"))))
    try(data.ets <- ets(data.ts))
    try(forecast.ets <- forecast.ets(data.ets, h=24))
    IL <- 
    ets.df <- data.frame(forecast.ets)
    ets.df$Item <- IL
    r <- 24*(i-1)+2
    addDataFrame(ets.df, sheet, col.names=FALSE, startRow=r)

  title <- paste("\n\n\n Evaluation of", files[j], " - Completed at", date(), 
  saveWorkbook(outwb, paste(files[j],"xlsx",sep='.'))

# close the output file
# change back to the original directory

Trevor Miles
Vice President, Thought Leadership
O: +1.613.907.7611  |  M: +1.647.248.6269  |  T: 
@MilesAhead<https://twitter.com/milesahead>  |  L: 

[Kinexions '14]<http://kinexions.kinaxis.com>


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