Hello List,

I did this script to clear data after import (I don’t know is ok ). After
its execution levels and label values got lost. Could some explain me to
reassign levels again in the script (new depurate value)? 

Best regard

Maicel Monzon MD, PHD

Center of Cybernetic Apply to Medicine

# data cleaning  script


for(i in 1:length(data)) { 

  if (is.factor(data[[i]])==T) 

  {for(j in 1:sum(str_detect(data[,i], "  "))) 

  {data[[i]]<-str_replace_all(data[[i]], "  ", " ")}}

  data[[i]]<-str_trim (data[[i]],side = "both")



Note: “   ” is 2 blank space  and “ “  only one


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