Dear R users,
I'm trying to plot survival probability against time(in years) using "survreg" 
and "intcox". Please can you help me with this problem?
My code shows 
Call:survreg(formula = s_new ~ type + sex + eye + preopiop + preopva,     dist 
= "weibull")             Value Std. Error      z        p(Intercept) 40.539     
20.582  1.970 4.89e-02typeTrab    -6.606      4.279 -1.544 1.23e-01sexM        
-1.055      3.765 -0.280 7.79e-01eyeR        -2.112      3.587 -0.589 
5.56e-01preopiop    -0.308      0.269 -1.147 2.52e-01preopva     -0.461      
1.771 -0.260 7.95e-01Log(scale)   2.058      0.285  7.222 5.12e-13
Scale= 7.83 
Weibull distributionLoglik(model)= -78.7   Loglik(intercept only)= -81.4        
Chisq= 5.37 on 5 degrees of freedom, p= 0.37 Number of Newton-Raphson 
Iterations: 10 n= 339
 = s_new ~ type + eye + sex + age + preopiop +     preopva, data = glaucoma_new)
  n= 339
             coef exp(coef) se(coef)  z Pr(>|z|)typeTrab  0.59391   1.81106     
  NA NA       NAeyeR      0.28419   1.32868       NA NA       NAsexM     
-0.11597   0.89050       NA NA       NAage      -0.06556   0.93655       NA NA  
     NApreopiop  0.03903   1.03980       NA NA       NApreopva  -0.05517   
0.94632       NA NA       NA
         exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95typeTrab    1.8111     0.5522  
      NA        NAeyeR        1.3287     0.7526        NA        NAsexM        
0.8905     1.1230        NA        NAage         0.9365     1.0678        NA    
    NApreopiop    1.0398     0.9617        NA        NApreopva     0.9463     
1.0567        NA        NA
Rsquare= NA   (max possible= 0.327 )Likelihood ratio test= NA  on 6 df,   
p=NAWald test            = NA  on 6 df,   p=NAScore (logrank) test = NA  on 6 
df,   p=NA

Kind regards,Sid

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