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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On October 11, 2014 11:12:40 PM PDT, Marc Girondot <> wrote:
>I use R-devel 3.2 in order to check "as cran" packages that I develop.
>To maintain my package uptodate, I cannot use the update.packages() 
>directly because the packages are not still compiled for version 3.2. 
>Then I use:
>update.packages(contriburl = contrib.url(repos=options("repos")$repos, 
>But at the time of installation, I get an error, for example:
> > update.packages(contriburl = 
>contrib.url(repos=options("repos")$repos, type="source"))
>nlme :
>  Version 3.1-117 installed in 
>  Version 3.1-118 available at
>Update (y/N/c)?  y
>essai de l'URL ''
>Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
>   impossible d'ouvrir l'URL 
>De plus : Warning message:
>In download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) :
>   ouverture impossible : le statut HTTP était '404 Not Found'
>Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available =
>available,  :
>   le téléchargement du package ‘nlme’ a échoué
>When I use :
>install.packages("nlme", type="source")
>essai de l'URL ''
>Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 759483 bytes (741 Kb)
>URL ouverte
>downloaded 741 Kb
>It works well.
>It seems at .tgz is not available in CRAN mirror. It is normal ?
>Is it a way to force .tar.gz to be used ?
>Marc Girondot
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