Hello together,

i have a short question. Maybe anyone can help me to create a barplot in R with 
the package lattice.

I have the following data as ouput values and the following code:

Data (d):

KOST                  Budget        IST
1060                 -2.18          0
1080                  91037.71   91647.15
1100                  955573.87  907938.98
1120                  23326.8          0
1150                 2521.57          0
1180                 51302.03   48760.45
1200                  2027.04    -1667.5
1210                 2385.03    2386.06
1220                       0          0
1250                  528.87          0
1255                 766.54          0
1260                 12154.97    4861.41
Gesamtbudget 1141622.25 1054236.55


### read the data

d$KOST <- ordered( d$KOST, levels = d$KOST)

### load lattice and grid
require( lattice )

 ### setup the key
k <- simpleKey( c( "Budget",  "IST" ) )
k$points$fill <- c("blue", "darkgreen")
k$points$pch <- 21
k$points$col <- "black"
k$points$cex <- 1

 ### create the plot
dotplot( KOST ~ Budget + IST , data = d, horiz = TRUE,
     par.settings = list(
         superpose.symbol = list(
             pch = 21,
             fill = c( "blue", "darkgreen"),
             cex = 3,
             col = "black"
      ) , xlab = "Kostenstellenübersicht", key = k,
      panel = function(x, y,  ...){
        panel.dotplot( x, y, ... )
#       grid.text(
  #           unit( x, "native") , unit( y, "native") ,
   #          label = x, gp = gpar( cex = .7 ) )
      } )

The result look like the attached graph. But this is not exactly what I want. I 
want the "Budget" on the right side (100), and the "IST"-Value in dependence of 
the "Budget" between 0 and 100. As a example. If there is a budget over 100.000 
and the "IST"-Value ist around 50.000, the blue button should be on the right 
side and the green button right in the middle.

Maybe anyone can help me.

Thank you.

Best regards.


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