     I am trying to do nonlinear minimization using nlm() function, but for
large amount of data it is going out of memory.

Code which i am using:

      sum(-log((p[5] * dnbinom(n11, size=p[1], prob=p[2]/(p[2]+E)) +
(1-p[5]) * dnbinom(n11, size=p[3], prob=p[4]/(p[4]+E)))))
p_out <-nlm(f, p=c(alpha1= 0.2, beta1= 0.06, alpha2=1.4, beta2=1.8, w=0.1),
n11=n11_c, E=E_c)

When the size of n11_c or E_c vector is to large, it is going out of memory.
please give me some solution for this.

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