On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:40 PM, arnaud gaboury
<arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have two df (and dt):
> df1
> structure(list(name = c("poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy",
> "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy",
> "cruzecontrol", "agreenmamba", "agreenmamba", "vairis", "vairis",
> "vairis", "vairis", "vairis", "vairis", "xaeth"), text = c("ok",
> "need items ?", "i didn't submit pass codes for a long now",
> "ok", "<@U03AEKYL4>: what app are you talking about ?", "some testing
> with my irc client",
> "ha ha sorry", "for me there is no such question", "Lol.",
> "<@U03AEKWTL|agreenmamba> uploaded a file:
> <https://enlightened.slack.com/files/agreenmamba/F03KGRF3W/screenshot_2015-02-09-14-31-15.png|regarding:
> should I stay or should I go?>",
> "<@U032FHV3S> <http://youtu.be/oGIFublvDes>", "ok, see you around",
> "yeah, I had a procrastination rush so I started to decode a little",
> "<http://ingress.com/intel|ingress.com/intel> when you submit passcodes",
> "intel", "what is the cooldown time or how does it work...;",
> "anybody knows how does \"Passcode circuitry too hot. Wait for cool
> down to enter another passcode.\" works?",
> "and people told that agent their geocities experience would never
> amount to anything (the convo yesterday) "
> ), ts = c("1423594336.000138", "1423594311.000136", "1423594294.000135",
> "1423594258.000133", "1423594244.000131", "1423497058.000127",
> "1423497041.000126", "1423478555.000123", "1423494427.000125",
> "1423492370.000124", "1423478364.000121", "1423594358.000139",
> "1423594329.000137", "1423594264.000134", "1423594251.000132",
> "1423592204.000130", "1423592174.000129", "1423150354.000112"
> )), .Names = c("name", "text", "ts"), class = c("data.table",
> "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -18L))
> df2
> structure(list(id = c("U03KH8Z52", "U02AF1DTJ", "U02AF0ZT8",
> "U03AEKWTL", "U02BCJH0G", "U033YA1MS", "U029QMCRR", "U03H139M5",
> "U02AET1D0", "U02A6U41Z", "U02B5T4CX", "U02B2QU4R", "U03F0LQ5X",
> "U03JNFKLY", "U02ASMBMQ", "U029QLQC7", "U03AEMBQU", "U02B4D3Q1",
> "U02AGDC14", "U029A467C", "U02A7NFG6", "U02AESPPL", "U02AQANK7",
> "U03ADJDFK", "U03EYR0KB", "U02AW7Q5Q", "U02AE8RKD", "U02FT84BS",
> "U02B25M3B", "U03EZDQT7", "U02AECKFF", "U03H2691M", "U02DWTJ5V",
> "U02AFTAHH", "U029QQEPM", "U03C51Z42", "U02CAK2CV", "U03AK21DP",
> "U03FFN8ED", "U02B23V03", "U029T2143", "U02C1LEEX", "U03AF2QH2",
> "U03E0GN0S", "U03AG20R9", "U02AES8S2", "U02AG64S7", "U02B5A0R7",
> "U02AS4SLR", "U03C2SG0R", "U03AV7CCW", "U032XPFDU", "U03AUKSSV",
> "U02C2A61Y", "U02AESHJQ", "U02BLSKHU", "U02E34WM6", "U03AK6P26",
> "U02E6ADRZ", "U03FCDQ50", "U03EW1CC5", "U02BL0DBD", "U02FHQZ6D",
> "U02B47T63", "U03H2TTQP", "U03AVP71V", "U03JLV38V", "U02E39HAY",
> "U02AE5281", "U032FHV3S", "U03AL2096", "U02ARUG6M", "U02AECRSP",
> "U02B42XG4", "U03AFQZNS", "U02AE7H41", "U03G9UNTG", "U02GEQ0E6",
> "U02AGLE5A", "U02BQTRC9", "U03H0J6GS", "U02B3D27F", "U02AEKTHV",
> "U02C52YN3", "U02E33MUW", "U03AKUT85", "U03B53EHG", "U02FBN38P",
> "U03AH3E5W", "U02B5PLE0", "U02AS4RCK", "U03ANE1GZ", "U02E8LZQB",
> "U03EPGJ98", "U02E3N220", "U03AEKYL4", "U02AE7HT1", "U02C1RR3G",
> "U03JH408J", "U03KL0FKN", "U02B44R92", "U03EURWGX"), name = c("10k_affair",
> "1upwuzhere", "4xcss", "agreenmamba", "ait109", "arly69", "azkop13",
> "barcik75", "bigolnob", "blackrose", "blink619", "bobaloo23",
> "bodger", "bomb", "bootswithdefer", "brandizzle", "bregalad",
> "camon", "celticrain", "ch3mical", "checksum", "cocothunder",
> "cruxicon", "cruzecontrol", "crystalskunk", "cscheetah", "dabcelin",
> "deelicious", "delthanar", "drkaosdk", "droidenl-joe", "dukeceph",
> "fillerbunny", "flickohmsford", "flyingg0d", "garaxiel", "goby9",
> "gymbal", "hideandseek", "hobojr", "ijackportals", "invalidcharactr",
> "itso9", "j0shs", "jarvis", "jc0mm5", "jencyberchic", "jimbobradyson",
> "joespr0cket", "jostrander", "jueliet", "karlashi", "khan99",
> "kingkonn0r", "krispycridder", "kritickalmass", "lawgiver", "maxcorbett",
> "memory556", "meta000x", "minkovsky", "mistylady", "mstephans",
> "mstrinity", "nocarryr", "ollietronic", "philistine11", "pickledpickles",
> "piercingsbykris", "poisonivy", "raugmor", "remarks999", "rheds77",
> "rhinz", "rigiritter", "robbie0017", "rohdef", "ryoziya", "s4n1ty",
> "sacredcow133", "samwill", "sgtlemonpepper", "sivan", "spline9",
> "starwolf", "stueliueli", "sweetiris", "swift2plunder", "swissphoenix",
> "synyck", "test", "therug", "tinja551", "trulyjuan", "twinster",
> "vairis", "vinylz3ro", "watervirus", "xaeth", "yagamiyukari",
> "zafo", "zexium")), .Names = c("id", "name"), class = c("data.table",
> "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -102L))
> I need to replace this regex pattern in df1 :
> (?<=<@)[^|]{9}(?=>|) by its corresponding name from df2.
> E.g : if <@U03KH8Z52> is found in df1, then I want to replace it by
> the "name" which correspond to this id in df2., in this case
> 10k_affair
> I know of replace an expression with gsub:
> gsub('(?<=<@)[^|]{9}(?=>|)', 'toto', df1, perl = T)
> but I have no idea how to replace it with value from another df.
> Thank you for hints

I am gathering some pieces of the puzzles.

> regmatches(df1$text,regexpr('(?<=<@)[^|]{9}(?=>|)',df1$text, perl = T))
[1] "U032FHV3S" "U03AEKWTL" "U03AEKYL4"
The above commands extract the needed pattern

[1] "poisonivy"
The above command returns the name in the same row than the id. I need
more than one name (in my case, I need 3)

Shall I now write a loop and get a list of my needed name ? Pseudo
code would be something like:

for i %in% regmatches(df1$text,regexpr('(?<=<@)[^|]{9}(?=>|)',df1$text,
perl = T))

Thank you for hint about how I shall proceed.



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