I suspect that this does look a bit easier to interpret. It certainly beats 68 
lines on one graph. Still it's a lot of individual subplots.

What I was suggesting was grouping all NASS, HASS, etc. together and graphing 
each so that you get several lines per subplot. I don't know if this makes 
sense in your context but it should reduce the size of the overall plot.

Ugly simple-minded example of what I meant below.

names   <-  c('hass', "ham", 'nacs', 'nass')
line  <-  c('alpha', "beta")
xval  <-  1:4

dat1  <-  data.frame(group= rep(names, each = 3, 4),
tt  =  rep(line, each =12 , 2),
xx  =  rep(xval, 12 ),
yy  =  rnorm(48))

p  <-  ggplot(dat1, aes(xx, yy, colour = tt)) + geom_line() +
      facet_grid(. ~ group)

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mir.sa...@uef.fi
> Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 16:27:06 +0000
> To: jrkrid...@inbox.com, petr.pi...@precheza.cz, r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: RE: [R] graphs
> __Dear all,
> You can see the plot specif curves in the enclosed document. Inclusion of
> all plot specif curves in one plot may not be look  good and finally it
> will be unreadable. I am agree with Petrr and John. This graph is more
> readable.
> Best regards
> Salam
> ______________________________________
> From: John Kane <jrkrid...@inbox.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 4:12 PM
> To: PIKAL Petr; Mir Salam; r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] graphs
> @Petr
> I agree. I think Mir would get a totally unreadable graph. I occasionally
> look at some spagetti graphs from climate research, and I find 8 - 12
> lines are incomprehensible (I'm not a subject matter expert)'
> @Mir
> Is there any logical way to break down the data ? I think Petr is correct
> in that ggplot2 should be able to do it but I'd suggest thinking about,
> perhaps, facetting the data to produce some reasonable number of panels.
> Here is a simple three-panel plot to illustrate what I mean but I have
> easily produced a 9 or 10 panel plot which reduces visual clutter
> immensely.
> library(plyr) library(ggplot2)
> df1 = data.frame(basel_asset_class =
> ratings =
> default_probability =
> c(0.0027,0.0029,0.0031,0.0034,0.0037,0.004,0.0043,0.0025,0.0024,0.0024,0.0023,0.0022,0.0021,0.0021,0.003,0.0031,0.0032,0.0033,0.0034,0.0035,0.0036))
> names(df1) <- c("class", "rate", "default")
> p <- ggplot(df1, aes(rate, default,colour=class)) + geom_point() +
> facet_grid(class ~.) + theme(legend.position="none")
> p
> John Kane
> Kingston ON Canada
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: petr.pi...@precheza.cz
>> Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 11:34:42 +0000
>> To: mir.sa...@uef.fi, r-help@r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R] graphs
>> Hi
>> Your example is not reproducible, but I presume you could use ggplot
>> together with predict. However, I wonder how do you want to distinguish
>> 68 curves in one picture.
>> I would
>> Cheers
>> Petr
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Mir
>>> Salam
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2015 10:57 PM
>>> To: r-help@r-project.org
>>> Subject: [R] graphs
>>> Dear all,
>>>  I need help to get different 68  plots specifc fitted curves in one
>>> plot with respective field data observations (age vs dominant height).
>>> aspdomH2<-groupedData(domH2~age|plotno,data=aspdomH2)
>>> names(aspdomH2)
>>> plotno, age, origin, soilcharacter, domH2,
>>> plotno-different plot no. I have 68 plots
>>> age- every plot have from age 5 to 30 years
>>> origin- two, native aspen and hybrid aspen
>>> domH2<-dominant height
>>> soilcharacter-3, clay, silt and mold. both origin have different soil
>>> charcter
>>> #### then I fit model
>>> fm2cham.nlme<-nlme(domH2~cham(age,b0,b1,b2),
>>>                data=aspdomH2,
>>>                fixed = list(b0~1+origin+soilcharacter,b1~ 1,b2 ~
>>> 1+origin+soilcharacter),
>>>                random = b0+b2~1|plotno,
>>>                start=c(b0=26.3387,0,0,0,b1=0.1065,b2=1.9453,0,0,0),
>>>                weights=varPower(form = ~age, 0.5),
>>>                correlation=corAR1())
>>> #### parameter values
>>> Fixed effects: list(b0 ~ 1 + origin + soil character, b1 ~ 1, b2 ~ 1 +
>>> origin + soil character)
>>>                                         Value
>>> b0.(Intercept)                 21.081124
>>> b0.origin1                        7.735064
>>> b0.soilcharactermold   10.689051
>>> b0.soilcharactersilt       3.906585
>>> b1                                      0.079035
>>> b2.(Intercept)                  1.616360
>>> b2.origin1                        -0.384421
>>> b2.soilcharactermold      0.612285
>>> b2.soilcharactersilt          0.527462
>>> ##### I can easily get the augmented plot.  I got  different 68 plots
>>> specific curves.
>>> #######
>>> Any body can help me how can I will get all 68 plots specific fitted
>>> curves in one plot with respective plot specific age and dominant
>>> height obervations? (x axis will represent age, y axis will represent
>>> dominant height and fitted curves of all 68 plots)
>>>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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