
   I try to build a package myself on RStudio. The command
"package.skeleton" is successfully run, but the command "build" is not. In
my case, the username and the package name are both "abcd".

   Error message:

> R CMD build abcd

Error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD"


    Could someone help me to write a correct "build" command?

    Thanks! Full log:

> setwd("D:/0B/R/pkg-abcd")

> setwd("D:/0B/R/pkg-abcd")

> package.skeleton(name="abcd")

Creating directories ...

Creating DESCRIPTION ...

Creating NAMESPACE ...

Creating Read-and-delete-me ...

Saving functions and data ...

Making help files ...


Further steps are described in './abcd/Read-and-delete-me'.

  > setwd("D:/0B/R/pkg-abcd/abcd")

> dir()

[1] "data"               "DESCRIPTION"        "man"

[4] "NAMESPACE"          "R"                  "Read-and-delete-me"


> .libPaths()

[1] "C:/Users/abcd/Documents/R/win-library/3.0"

[2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.1/library"


> R CMD build abcd

Error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD"

> R CMD build C:\Users\abcd\Documents\R\win-library\3.0

Error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD"

> R CMD INSTALL -1 C:/Users/abcd/Documents/R/win-library/3.0 abcd

Error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD

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