On Aug 17, 2015, at 1:51 PM, David Winsemius wrote:

> On Aug 17, 2015, at 12:10 PM, survivalUser wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I would like to build a model, based on survival analysis on some data, that
>> is able to predict the /*expected time until death*/ for a new data
>> instance.
> Are you sure you want to use life expectancy as the outcome? In order to 
> establish a mathematical expectation  you need to have know the risk at all 
> time in the future, which as pointed out in the print.survfit help page is 
> undefined unless the last observation is a death. Very few datasets support 
> such an estimate. If on the other hand you have sufficient events in the 
> future, then you may be able to more readily justify an estimate of a median 
> survival. 

Dear survivalUser;

I've been reminded that you later asked for a parametric model built with 
survreg. The above commentary applies to the coxph models and objects and not 
to survreg objects. If you do have a parametric model, even with incomplete 
observation then calculating life expectancy should be a simple matter of 
plugging the parameters for the distribution's mean value, since 
life-expectancy is the statistical mean. So maybe you do want such a modle. The 
default survreg  distribution is "weibull" so just go to your mathematical 
statistics text and look up the formula for the mean of a Weibull distribution 
with the estimated parameters.


> The print.survfit function does give choices of a "restricted mean survival" 
> or time-to-median-survival as estimate options. See that function's help page.
>> Data
>> For each individual in the population I have the, for each unit of time, the
>> status information and several continuous covariates for that particular
>> time. The data is right censored since at the end of the time interval
>> analyzed, instances could be still alive and die later.
>> Model
>> I created the model using R and the survreg function:
>> lfit <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ X) 
>> where:
>> - time is the time vector
>> - status is the status vector (0 alive, 1 death)
>> - X is a bind of multiple vectors of covariates
>> Predict time to death
>> Given a new individual with some covariates values, I would like to predict
>> the estimated time to death. In other words, the number of time units for
>> which the individual will be still alive till his death.
>> I think I can use this:
>> ptime <- predict(lfit, newdata=data.frame(X=NEWDATA), type='response')
> I don't see type="response" as a documented option in the `?predict.survreg` 
> help page. Were you suggesting that code on the basis of some tutorial?
>> Is that correct? Am I going to get the expected-time-to-death that I would
>> like to have?
> Most people would be using `survfit` to construct survival estimates.
>> In theory, I could provide also the time information (the time when the
>> individual has those covariates values), should I simply add that in the
>> newdata:
>> ptime <- predict(lfit, newdata=data.frame(time=TIME, X=NEWDATA),
>> type='response')
>> Is that correct?
> This sounds like you are considering time-varying predictors. Adding them as 
> a 'newdata' argument is most definitely not the correct method. As such I 
> would ask if you really wanted to use a parametric survival model in the 
> first place? The coxph function has facilities for time-varying covariates.
>> Is this going to improve the prediction?
> It would most likely severely complicate prediction. Survival estimates may 
> be more problematic in that case on theoretical grounds.
>> (for my data, the
>> time already passed should be an important variable).
>> Any other suggestions or comments?
>> Thank you!
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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