Dear R users, I have fifty two (52) text files with the same dimensions (ie 31 
by 13). Three sample of such data files are attached. I want to compute the 
rowMeans for each separate file for;(i) all the months 
(ii) For January and February 
(iii) For March, April and May 
(iv) For June, July and august  
(v) For October, November and December 
(vi) Plot the single mass curve for each file and season ie. plot(Year, 
(vii) Plot Time series graphs for each file and per each season.
The code I was trying to use is given below, and I investigated it and find 
that it does just for one only one file.How can I loop through all files?
I kindly need your help.

Thanks in advance!!

rm(list = ls())
 Import text filesprec_files <- list.files(pattern="*.txt")# Reading my files
prec_files <- list.files(pattern = ".txt")
for (i in 1:length(prec_files)){  
  prec_data = read.delim(prec_files[i], sep="\t", 
header = TRUE)  }
#prec_data <- as.numeric(prec_data[, 2:13])
# All years assignments
all_yr <- prec_data[, 2:13]
# Season assignment
jf <- prec_data[, 2:3]
mam <- prec_data[, 4:6]
jja <- prec_data[, 7:9]
ond <- prec_data[, 11:13]
jf_means <- apply(jf, 1, mean)
mam_means <- apply(mam, 1, mean) 
jja_means <- apply(jja, 1, mean) 
ond_means <-apply(ond, 1, mean)
yr_mean <- apply(all_yr, 1, mean)

Peter  E. Tuju
Dar es Salaam
Year    Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     
Oct     Nov     Dec
1982    6.3     3.6     123.6   191.5   148.7   91.9    20.5    15.6    44.3    
291     196.4   147.2
1983    11.7    13.9    170.7   225.8   221.7   17.2    11      0.4     10      
73      27.6    118.3
1984    73.4    0.2     202.6   368.6   131.4   47.1    20.4    1.8     6.4     
52      128.4   84.4
1985    30.8    151.2   139.2   122.6   76      4.7     70.8    4.4     17.1    
26.1    74.8    103.3
1986    26.8    4.5     191.6   256.5   199.9   20.6    1       18.5    15.5    
59.3    154     43.4
1987    50.2    38.3    87.7    159.5   143.9   1       5.1     57.6    0.2     
9       10.6    101
1988    77.5    18.3    121.9   204.3   43.4    63.6    9.4     6.2     26.4    
7.2     51.1    186.4
1989    320.2   0.2     80.9    175.2   190.1   19.9    1.6     34.3    3.9     
71.2    73.1    141.1
1990    48.8    173.2   268.6   104.1   75.3    3.6     4.6     3.9     19.6    
55      181.8   24.2
1991    137.4   0.1     64.3    64.4    208.8   2.1     12.7    8.7     7.5     
10.9    55.6    72.4
1992    3.9     74.3    99.2    350.6   148.6   28.5    18      0.1     40.3    
2.6     139.5   49.9
1993    77.6    89.6    92.2    306.2   147.7   4.3     35      7       12.1    
61.8    36.9    5.2
1994    2.8     131.3   243.4   285.9   101.4   40      17.6    8.6     1.8     
69.6    140.5   96
1995    13.1    71.7    302.5   302.3   307.1   0       3.5     61.1    22.7    
31.3    11.2    75.3
1996    111.4   25.4    367.6   202.8   217.5   1.7     3.1     1.5     0       
138.4   50.4    0
1997    0.4     28.4    292.4   146.1   104.5   89.5    1.1     3.6     2.6     
275.6   141.2   233.3
1998    74.1    85.4    77.8    169.3   185.8   9.3     2       1.5     32.5    
71.6    67.1    1.2
1999    70.3    25.2    130.5   254.9   136.8   59.4    15.5    13.4    4.1     
14.5    96.1    104.5
2000    16.7    7.4     159.4   169.9   52.6    71.9    14.6    9.7     2.3     
0       175.8   121.4
2001    114.2   59.4    205.4   294.9   110     11.6    0.6     4.5     0.2     
7.4     2.2     54.2
2002    103.9   60      257.3   422.6   22.9    15      23.3    64.4    21.7    
72.5    69.3    145.6
2003    10.5    2.2     41.7    40.7    90.5    8.2     1.4     2.1     1.5     
24.2    37.3    30.9
2004    10.4    24.2    141.7   232.5   23.9    17.5    0.5     1.5     0.8     
164.7   110.5   141.2
2005    24.4    24.2    80.3    172.6   240.5   2.8     11.2    10.2    2.1     
9.7     29.5    67.4
2006    72.5    19.9    181.6   316.3   160.6   92.1    14.1    15.3    10.9    
51.7    139.4   266
2007    38.5    36.9    124.8   183.4   70      16.7    7.4     16.5    6.3     
26.9    168.5   73.2
2008    96.3    42.8    272     340.2   32.2    3.7     2.2     12.1    7.7     
93.6    118.5   48.6
2009    29.1    70.7    134.6   113.8   52.6    22.3    1.4     0.7     0       
29.4    25.5    159.4
2010    40.2    54.1    70.2    255.7   141.7   10      2.1     2.3     11.4    
4.6     59.4    42
2011    20      25.6    203.6   244.2   74.6    7.4     0       5       41.1    
28.5    139.3   247.7
2012    7.5     30.7    121.7   210.1   103.3   7.4     1.1     11.1    0       
14      112     32.5
Year    Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     
Oct     Nov     Dec
1982    277.7   181.3   241.7   55.4    62.3    0       0       0       0       
24.5    147     281.6
1983    275.4   132.7   242.2   76.1    27.9    0       0       0       0       
26.5    42      231.3
1984    451.4   196.5   213.5   52.3    4.6     1.4     6.8     0       0       
0       127.3   130
1985    150.2   254.6   116.1   74.8    6.3     1.4     5.7     1       3.1     
0       142.7   166.8
1986    427.1   170.5   244.5   86.5    2.7     2.7     0       0       0       
11.3    59      342.9
1987    283.3   219.2   258.4   57.2    0       0       0       0       0       
8.8     1.5     106.2
1988    226.8   138.2   129     42.5    1.1     0       0       0       0       
1.6     42.9    133.2
1989    361     138.1   368.6   168.6   19.1    0       0       0       0       
0       93.9    136.1
1990    151.8   140     140.9   100.8   15.4    0       3.4     0.2     0.8     
7.2     74.1    210.6
1991    504.1   82.9    325.5   167.6   8       0       3.9     2.6     3.2     
0       59.1    216
1992    162.1   193.9   225.9   60      12.3    3.9     0       0       0       
0       134.2   105.6
1993    174.4   337.7   304.6   115.9   21.6    0       0       0.7     0       
9       18.8    34.5
1994    339.8   226     359.7   44.2    0.2     1.4     0       1.7     0       
5.7     27.5    133.6
1995    296.8   268.8   242.6   54.2    4.8     0       0       4.3     0       
0       1.1     130.9
1996    140.7   451.1   274.3   70.9    22.8    0       0.2     0       0       
0.3     9.2     210.3
1997    190.4   317.5   51.2    66.6    0       10.7    0       0       0       
2.6     9.8     223.8
1998    336.9   191.2   207.1   66.5    1.4     0       0       0.4     19.2    
1.2     43.6    29.2
1999    185.4   191.7   294.5   175.9   15.3    0       0       2       2.7     
2.8     10      121.3
2000    191.4   162.7   189.3   120.6   11.4    1       0       3.1     0       
0       293.9   618.5
2001    269.4   118.5   290.5   52.4    20.4    0       0       0       1.3     
0       10.4    128.1
2002    360     192.8   298     116.3   1.7     2       0       0       0.2     
1.1     87.2    198.3
2003    160.3   226.1   254.6   67.2    12.8    0       0       0.7     0       
0       22.9    217.7
2004    218.5   214.4   160.6   128.2   0       1.6     0       0       0       
2.7     125     246.4
2005    152.5   112     257.7   51.9    38      6.1     0       0       0       
0.6     0       97.3
2006    140     170.9   177.7   194.6   2.1     0       3.3     2.4     0.7     
0       92.2    390.1
2007    301.8   229     211.4   69.3    22.7    0       1.9     1       1.1     
43      13.6    285.4
2008    222.1   298.6   168.8   58.5    14.8    0       0       5.1     0       
1.3     73.6    162.8
2009    202.3   195.7   204.4   53.2    0.3     0       0       0       0       
0.3     91.2    132.3
2010    326.1   230.9   151.1   67      15.4    2.3     0       1.4     0       
2.1     0.3     159
2011    223.4   339     243.6   97.7    11.2    0.5     0       0.5     8.8     
40      52.2    144
2012    286.7   111.4   172.2   58.6    12.3    0       0.2     0       0       
0       82.7    171.9
Year    Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     
Oct     Nov     Dec
1982    153.5   60.3    50.6    179.8   107.7   8.7     0       0       1.2     
162.3   337.9   105.8
1983    92.9    99.2    99.1    147.4   21.3    0.5     0       67.1    0       
139.1   63.1    113.8
1984    63.2    73.6    79      117.7   28.5    0       0       0       4.1     
121.3   206.8   110.1
1985    101.7   110.2   104.4   131.1   11.2    27.6    0       0       2.1     
22.3    228.6   241.9
1986    206.3   174.2   60.4    82.1    47.6    0       0       0       21      
90.3    189.1   268.1
1987    55.6    67      74.1    219.9   17.7    4.1     0       0       95.9    
91.2    104.8   78.4
1988    92.7    47.5    133.1   208.3   0.6     0       1.2     31.9    7.2     
114.9   109.4   303.5
1989    149.4   114.3   141.7   130.2   24.3    0.3     2.2     0       19      
77.4    138.8   121.1
1990    140.1   184.5   260.6   132.7   88.8    0       0       0.3     27.8    
29.4    58.4    198.4
1991    90.7    118.5   35.5    86.6    147.1   0       0       3.6     82.4    
117.4   183.3   208.5
1992    130.1   49.8    88.5    125.7   60.4    9.2     0       0       2.2     
66.9    257.5   137.4
1993    154.3   67.3    157     67.1    28.6    0       0       5.9     0       
21.7    118.2   171.9
1994    120.2   82.8    118.6   169.3   28.6    0       4.3     0       15.6    
105.2   92.5    203.7
1995    224.2   89.5    146.9   120.1   23.7    56.3    0       0       7.5     
160.6   100.9   78.2
1996    135.9   225.4   180.5   108.6   14.5    2.1     0       0       33.3    
77.4    98.6    144
1997    193.1   15.6    107.2   136.4   86.9    0.5     0       0       0       
227.6   122.4   155.4
1998    172.4   73.8    212     75.4    81.3    0       31.3    0       11      
60.7    126.6   121.4
1999    125.1   30.5    208.2   141     0       0       0       23.7    21.2    
71.6    280.7   129.8
2000    63.5    88.4    146.7   60.7    32.8    0       0       0.3     2       
53.5    186.1   150.2
2001    161.5   59.6    228.3   31      37      17.7    0.5     22      30.6    
64.1    71.4    91
2002    229.7   26.3    167.8   233     4.3     0       0       0       0       
29      186.4   106.3
2003    164.7   153.1   161     170.9   6.5     8.3     0       3.8     22      
73      91.8    134.9
2004    178.6   29.6    160     54.4    0       0       0       0       47.9    
76.6    89.9    183.9
2005    264.8   29.6    89.3    35.1    81.5    5.5     0       0.2     0       
22.7    153.7   59.8
2006    105.3   132.7   95.6    178.9   107.7   0       4.1     0.7     20.6    
31      220.2   241.1
2007    96      22.2    132.3   123.5   53.1    12.2    0       0.3     12.2    
56.4    191.9   95.8
2008    234.8   191.5   135.4   120.9   0       13.2    0.2     0       4       
78.3    142.2   150.7
2009    62      86.8    190.2   167     23.9    18.4    0       0.1     2       
23.2    148.7   87.4
2010    75.4    56.1    198.4   82.9    111.9   5.6     0.5     0       16      
60.2    100.5   158.1
2011    74.9    148     230     81.2    19.6    0       10.6    2.6     91.6    
89.8    175.5   154.4
2012    33      43.3    100.3   69.1    41.7    15.7    0       36.3    8.6     
60.7    190.7   135.9
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