Dear Tolga,

I'm afraid that your data work fine for me:

> regrCMSlm <- lm(regrCMS[,1] ~ regrCMS[,2])
> cochrane.orcutt.lm(regrCMSlm)
 (Intercept) regrCMS[, 2] 
  23.5679065   -0.1784187 

             (Intercept) regrCMS[, 2]
(Intercept)    60.449366  -2.14491371
regrCMS[, 2]   -2.144914   0.07676436

[1] 1.081036

[1] 0.7208652

[1] "cochrane.orcutt"

I'm using R 2.7.0 on Windows Vista; I put your data in a standard data
frame; and, as I said, the method dispatch no longer works, so I called
Cochrane.orcutt.lm() directly.


John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: June-17-08 2:13 PM
> To: John Fox
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures
> Sure, of course. And thanks for looking John.
> Here is the entire data:
> > regrCMS
>               a     b
> 09/20/07 26.084 28.40
> 09/21/07 22.458 28.90
> 09/24/07 21.297 29.25
> 09/25/07 21.733 29.40
> 09/26/07 21.319 28.75
> 09/27/07 22.507 28.85
> 09/28/07 19.571 28.90
> 10/01/07 21.961 29.00
> 10/02/07 21.729 28.45
> 10/03/07 21.241 28.00
> 10/04/07 21.253 28.55
> 10/05/07 21.401 27.25
> 10/10/07 20.923 25.70
> 10/11/07 20.401 25.25
> 10/12/07 20.122 24.35
> 10/15/07 19.225 26.35
> 10/16/07 18.759 27.15
> 10/17/07 18.413 26.85
> 10/18/07 18.960 27.75
> 10/19/07 18.643 28.65
> 10/22/07 17.829 28.35
> 10/23/07 17.835 28.60
> 10/24/07 17.335 29.15
> 10/25/07 17.971 29.05
> 10/26/07 16.205 28.60
> 10/29/07 16.722 28.40
> 10/30/07 16.772 28.40
> 10/31/07 17.127 27.05
> 11/01/07 15.328 27.85
> 11/02/07 17.088 28.15
> > regrCMSlm<-lm(regrCMS[,1]~regrCMS[,2])
> > summary(regrCMSlm)
> Call:
> lm(formula = regrCMS[, 1] ~ regrCMS[, 2])
> Residuals:
> 09/20/07 10/01/07 10/12/07 10/23/07 11/02/07
>   6.4365   2.2112   0.3183  -2.2462  -2.5355
> Coefficients:
>              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
> (Intercept)  16.92553   10.21538   1.657    0.109
> regrCMS[, 2]  0.09584    0.36477   0.263    0.795
> Residual standard error: 2.436 on 28 degrees of freedom
> Multiple R-squared: 0.00246,    Adjusted R-squared: -0.03317
> F-statistic: 0.06904 on 1 and 28 DF,  p-value: 0.7947
> > cochrane.orcutt(regrCMSlm)
> debugging in: cochrane.orcutt.lm(regrCMSlm)
> debug: {
>     X <- model.matrix(mod)
>     y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
>     e <- residuals(mod)
>     n <- length(e)
>     names <- colnames(X)
>     rho <- sum(e[1:(n - 1)] * e[2:n])/sum(e^2)
>     y <- y[2:n] - rho * y[1:(n - 1)]
>     X <- X[2:n, ] - rho * X[1:(n - 1), ]
>     mod <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
>     result <- list()
>     result$coefficients <- coef(mod)
>     names(result$coefficients) <- names
>     summary <- summary(mod, corr = F)
>     result$cov <- (summary$sigma^2) * summary$cov.unscaled
>     dimnames(result$cov) <- list(names, names)
>     result$sigma <- summary$sigma
>     result$rho <- rho
>     class(result) <- "cochrane.orcutt"
>     result
> }
> Browse[1]>
> debug: X <- model.matrix(mod)
> Browse[1]>
> debug: y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
> Browse[1]>
> debug: e <- residuals(mod)
> Browse[1]>
> debug: n <- length(e)
> Browse[1]>
> debug: names <- colnames(X)
> Browse[1]>
> debug: rho <- sum(e[1:(n - 1)] * e[2:n])/sum(e^2)
> Browse[1]>
> debug: y <- y[2:n] - rho * y[1:(n - 1)]
> Browse[1]>
> debug: X <- X[2:n, ] - rho * X[1:(n - 1), ]
> Browse[1]>
> debug: mod <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
> Browse[1]>
> Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ X - 1, drop.unused.levels =
> TRUE) :
>   variable lengths differ (found for 'X')
> >
> "John Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 17/06/2008 18:49
> To
> cc
> <>
> Subject
> RE: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures
> Dear Tolga,
> That's a little more information, but because the code seems to work for
> me
> on other data (though no longer the message dispatch), I can't say what
> produces the error. I guess that if you can't debug this yourself, you'll
> have to share the data (generally a good idea in any event).
> > mod <- lm(Hartnagel[,5] ~ Hartnagel[,7])
> > mod
> Call:
> lm(formula = Hartnagel[, 5] ~ Hartnagel[, 7])
> Coefficients:
>    (Intercept)  Hartnagel[, 7]
>       -85.1117          0.2126
> > cochrane.orcutt.lm(mod)
> $coefficients
>    (Intercept) Hartnagel[, 7]
>    57.05592426     0.04015223
> $cov
>                (Intercept) Hartnagel[, 7]
> (Intercept)    1226.739528   -1.381235045
> Hartnagel[, 7]   -1.381235    0.001713204
> $sigma
> [1] 14.00277
> $rho
> [1] 0.7835837
> attr(,"class")
> [1] "cochrane.orcutt"
> Regards,
>  John
> ------------------------------
> John Fox, Professor
> Department of Sociology
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> web:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: June-17-08 1:17 PM
> > To: John Fox
> > Subject: RE: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures
> >
> >
> > Sure, I can imagine GLS is a much better way to deal with this.
> >
> > I guess I was looking at this because I did try GLS but got exactly the
> same
> > results as LM and I just wanted to be sure.
> >
> > I did "debug" the code in
> > January/017774.html and the offending line is:
> >
> > ...
> > mod <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
> > ...
> >
> > in the Orcutt procedure. Essentially, X is twice the length of y, as
> below:
> >
> > > cochrane.orcutt(regrCMSlm)
> > debugging in: cochrane.orcutt(regrCMSlm)
> > debug: {
> >     UseMethod("cochrane.orcutt")
> > }
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: UseMethod("cochrane.orcutt")
> > Browse[1]>
> > debugging in: cochrane.orcutt.lm(regrCMSlm)
> > debug: {
> >     X <- model.matrix(mod)
> >     y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
> >     e <- residuals(mod)
> >     n <- length(e)
> >     names <- colnames(X)
> >     rho <- sum(e[1:(n - 1)] * e[2:n])/sum(e^2)
> >     y <- y[2:n] - rho * y[1:(n - 1)]
> >     X <- X[2:n, ] - rho * X[1:(n - 1), ]
> >     mod <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
> >     result <- list()
> >     result$coefficients <- coef(mod)
> >     names(result$coefficients) <- names
> >     summary <- summary(mod, corr = F)
> >     result$cov <- (summary$sigma^2) * summary$cov.unscaled
> >     dimnames(result$cov) <- list(names, names)
> >     result$sigma <- summary$sigma
> >     result$rho <- rho
> >     class(result) <- "cochrane.orcutt"
> >     result
> > }
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: X <- model.matrix(mod)
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: y <- model.response(model.frame(mod))
> > Browse[1]> length(X)
> > [1] 378 #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: e <- residuals(mod)
> > Browse[1]> length(y)
> > [1] 189 #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: n <- length(e)
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: names <- colnames(X)
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: rho <- sum(e[1:(n - 1)] * e[2:n])/sum(e^2)
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: y <- y[2:n] - rho * y[1:(n - 1)]
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: X <- X[2:n, ] - rho * X[1:(n - 1), ]
> > Browse[1]>
> > debug: mod <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
> > Browse[1]>
> > Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ X - 1, drop.unused.levels =
> > :
> >   variable lengths differ (found for 'X')
> >
> > Tolga
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "John Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > 17/06/2008 17:51 To
> > cc
> > <>
> > Subject
> > RE: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Tolga,
> >
> > I'm afraid that I don't see an error. (I expect in any event that the
> > Cochrane-Orcott and Prais estimators are now only of historical
> interest.)
> >
> > Regards,
> > John
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > John Fox, Professor
> > Department of Sociology
> > McMaster University
> > Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> > web:
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > On
> > > Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: June-17-08 11:13 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures
> > >
> > > Hi John,
> > >
> > > Hi Folks/Prof. Fox,
> > >
> > > I found some code John Fox had written sometime back on the
> > Cochrane-Orcutt
> > > and Prais procedures here:
> > >
> > >
> > > I thought I would try it out and get the following errors below. Was
> > > wondering if anyone had any immediate opinions why this might be ?
> > >
> > > The linear model is the object regrCMSlm .
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Tolga
> > >
> > > > regrCMSlm
> > >
> > > Call:
> > > lm(formula = regrCMS[, 1] ~ regrCMS[, 2])
> > >
> > > Coefficients:
> > >  (Intercept)  regrCMS[, 2]
> > >      25.7067       -0.3409
> > >
> > > > summary(regrCMSlm)
> > >
> > > Call:
> > > lm(formula = regrCMS[, 1] ~ regrCMS[, 2])
> > >
> > > Residuals:
> > > 09/20/07 11/28/07 02/01/08 04/09/08 06/16/08
> > >  10.0593   0.3588  -1.1459   0.1340  -9.8520
> > >
> > > Coefficients:
> > >              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
> > > (Intercept)  25.70673    0.85300   30.14   <2e-16 ***
> > > regrCMS[, 2] -0.34092    0.02205  -15.46   <2e-16 ***
> > > ---
> > > Signif. codes:  0 b
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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