Like this?

> l <- replicate(3,data.frame(w1=sample(1:4),w2=sample(1:4)), simplify=FALSE)
> l
  w1 w2
1  2  2
2  3  3
3  1  1
4  4  4

  w1 w2
1  3  4
2  2  2
3  1  3
4  4  1

  w1 w2
1  1  4
2  4  3
3  2  1
4  3  2

> sapply(l,"[[",2)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    2    4    4
[2,]    3    2    3
[3,]    1    3    1
[4,]    4    1    2

Or even

> sapply(l,"[",,2)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    2    4    4
[2,]    3    2    3
[3,]    1    3    1
[4,]    4    1    2

Notice that if dd[1:24] gives you the 1st column, then dd is not a data frame 
but rather a matrix, and indexing semantics are different. In that case, for 
some unspeakable reason, the empty index does not work and you'll need 
something like

> l <- replicate(3,cbind(w1=sample(1:4),w2=sample(1:4)), simplify=FALSE)
> sapply(l,"[",T,2)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    4    3    2
[2,]    1    1    4
[3,]    3    2    3
[4,]    2    4    1

Or, brute-force-and-ignorance:

> sapply(l, function(e) e[, 2])
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    4    3    2
[2,]    1    1    4
[3,]    3    2    3
[4,]    2    4    1

On 09 Feb 2016, at 10:03 , Wolfgang Waser <> wrote:

> Hi,
> sorry if my description was too short / unclear.
>> I have a list of 7 data frames, each data frame having 24 rows (hour of
>> the day) and 5 columns (weeks) with a total of 5 x 24 values
> [1]
>       week1   week2   week3   ...
> 1     x       a       m       ...
> 2     y       b       n
> 3     z       c       o
> .     .       .       .
> .     .       .       .
> .     .       .       .
> 24    .       .       .
> [2]
>       week1 week2 week3 ...
> 1     x2      a2      m2      ...
> 2     y2      b2      n2
> 3     z2      c2      o2
> .     .       .       .
> .     .       .       .
> .     .       .       .
> 24    .       .       .
> [3]
> ...
> .
> .
> .
> [7]
> ...
> I now would like to extract e.g. all week2 columns of all data frames in
> the list and combine them in a new data frame using cbind.
> new data frame
> week2 ([1])   week2 ([2])     week2 ([3])     ...
> a             a2              .
> b             b2              .
> c             c2              .
> .
> .
> .
> I will then do further row-wise calculations using e.g. apply(x,1,mean),
> the result being a vector of 24 values.
> I have not found a way to extract specific columns of the data frames in
> a list.
> As mentioned I can use
> sapply(list_of_dataframes,"[",1:24)
> which will pick the first 24 values (first column) of each data frame in
> the list and arrange them as an array of 24 rows and 7 columns (7 data
> frames are in the list).
> To pick the second column (week2) using sapply I have to use the next 24
> values from 25 to 48:
> sapply(list_of_dataframes,"[",25:48)
> It seems that sapply treats the data frames in the list as vectors. I
> can of course extract all consecutive weeks using consecutive blocks of
> 24 values, but this seems cumbersome.
> The question remains, how to select specific columns from data frames in
> a list, e.g. all columns 3 of all data frames in the list.
> Reformatting (unlist(), dim()) in one data frame with one column for
> each week does not help, since I'm not calculating colMeans etc, but
> row-wise calculations using apply(x,1,FUN) ("applying a function to
> margins of an array or matrix").
> Thanks for you help and suggestions!
> Wolfgang
> On 08/02/16 18:00, Dénes Tóth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Although you did not provide any reproducible example, it seems you
>> store the same type of values in your data.frames. If this is true, it
>> is much more efficient to store your data in an array:
>> mylist <- list(a = data.frame(week1 = rnorm(24), week2 = rnorm(24)),
>>               b = data.frame(week1 = rnorm(24), week2 = rnorm(24)))
>> myarray <- unlist(mylist, use.names = FALSE)
>> dim(myarray) <- c(nrow(mylist$a), ncol(mylist$a), length(mylist))
>> dimnames(myarray) <- list(hour = rownames(mylist$a),
>>                          week = colnames(mylist$a),
>>                          other = names(mylist))
>> # now you can do:
>> mean(myarray[, "week1", "a"])
>> # or:
>> colMeans(myarray)
>> Cheers,
>>  Denes
>> On 02/08/2016 02:33 PM, Wolfgang Waser wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a list of 7 data frames, each data frame having 24 rows (hour of
>>> the day) and 5 columns (weeks) with a total of 5 x 24 values
>>> I would like to combine all 7 columns of week 1 (and 2 ...) in a
>>> separate data frame for hourly calculations, e.g.
>>>> apply(,1,mean)
>>> In some way sapply (lapply) works, but I cannot directly select columns
>>> of the original data frames in the list. As a workaround I have to
>>> select a range of values:
>>>> sapply(list_of_dataframes,"[",1:24)
>>> Values 1:24 give the first column, 25:48 the second and so on.
>>> Is there an easier / more direct way to select for specific columns
>>> instead of selecting a range of values, avoiding loops?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Wolfgang
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> Frankenförder Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
> Dr. Wolfgang Waser
> Wissenschaftsbereich Berlin
> Chausseestraße 10
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