> On May 19, 2016, at 5:19 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi laomeng_3,
> Have a look at the padjust function (stats).
> Jim
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 1:56 AM, laomeng_3 <laomen...@163.com> wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> As to the anova, we can perform multiple comparison via TukeyHSD.
>> But as to chi-square test for frequency table,how to perform multiple 
>> comparison?
>> For example, if I want to compare 3 samples' ratio(the data has 3 rows,each 
>> row corresponds to 1 sample,and has 2 columns,each column corresponds to 
>> positive and negative respectively).
>> dat<-matrix(c(6,30,8,23,14,3),nrow=3)
>> dat
>>      [,1] [,2]
>> [1,]    6   23
>> [2,]   30   14
>> [3,]    8    3
>> chisq.test(dat)
>>       Pearson's Chi-squared test
>> data:  dat
>> X-squared = 17.9066, df = 2, p-value = 0.0001293
>> The result shows that the difference between the 3 samples is 
>> significant.But if I want to perform multiple comparison to find out which 
>> pair of samples is  significantly different,which function should be used?

It appears your question is which row(s) are contributing most greatly to the 
overall test of independence. The result of a `chisq.test(.)` (which is not 
what you see from its print method) has a component named residuals. (Read the 
help page : ?chisq.test)

x2 <- chisq.test(dat)
           [,1]       [,2]
[1,] -2.3580463  2.4731398
[2,]  1.4481733 -1.5188569
[3,]  0.9323855 -0.9778942

Those row sums should be distributed as chi-squared statistics with one degree 
of freedom each, but since you have admittedly inflated the possibility of the 
type I error, it would be sensible to adjust the "p-statistics" using the 
function that Jim Lemon misspelled:

> rowSums(x2$residuals^2)
[1] 11.676803  4.404132  1.825620

> p.adjust( 1- pchisq( rowSums(x2$residuals^2), 1) )

[1] 0.001898526 0.071703921 0.176645786

So row 1 represents the only group that is "significantly different at the 
conventional level" from the expectations based on the overall sample 
collection. I also seem to remember that there is a function named CrossTable 
(in a package whose name I'm forgetting) that will deliver a SAS-style 
tabulation of row and column chi-squared statistics.


>> Many thanks for your help.
>> My best
>> 发自 网易邮箱大师
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