Thanks for response.. I want to merge two data frames using "within"
function..the columns to used for merge could vary.. then the other
commands become simpler..

Thanks so much for your help!

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Duncan Murdoch <>

> On 27/05/2016 7:00 PM, Santosh wrote:
>> Dear Rxperts!
>> Is there a way to compute relative values.. using within().. function?
>> Any assistance/suggestions are highly welcome!!
>> Thanks again,
>> Santosh...
>> ___________________________________________________________________
>> A sample dataset and the computation "outside" within()  function is
>> shown..
>> q <- data.frame(GL = rep(paste("G",1:3,sep = ""),each = 50),
>>                 G  = rep(1:3,each = 50),
>>                 D = rep(paste("D",1:5,sep = ""),each = 30),
>>                 a = rep(1:15,each = 10),
>>                 t = rep(seq(10),15),
>>                 b = round(runif(150,10,20)))
>> r <- subset(q,!duplicated(paste(G,a)),sel=c(G,a,b))
>> names(r)[3] <- "bl"
>> s <- merge(q,r)
>>  s$db <- s$b-s$bl
>> head(s,5)
>>     G  a GL  D  t  b bl db
>> 1   1  1 G1 D1  1 13 13  0
>> 2   1  1 G1 D1  2 16 13  3
>> 3   1  1 G1 D1  3 19 13  6
>> 4   1  1 G1 D1  4 12 13 -1
>> 5   1  1 G1 D1  5 19 13  6
> Just use
>  s <- within(s, db <- b - bl)
> Duncan Murdoch

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