Wild guess: You have huge and high dimensional VAR models, i.e. the matrices get huge and you use huge amounts of memory and you use more than what is available physically. The operating system protects itself by killing processes in such a case...

Uwe Ligges

On 31.05.2016 20:29, Vivek Singh wrote:

I am using VARS (vector autoregressive model). The process gets killed
after running for sometime. Following is the output of R.

vivek@isds-research:~/cloudAuction/padding/panel$ cat var.Rout

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[Previously saved workspace restored]

only_variables= subset(data, select=c(-date,-hour,-minute,-sec))

Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: strucchange
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: ‘zoo’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric

Loading required package: sandwich
Loading required package: urca
Loading required package: lmtest
summary(VAR(only_variables, p = 1, type ="both"))

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