I’ve posted this question on StackExchange at 
 but haven’t received any replies.  I’m hoping that someone who understands the 
operation of the R system() command can help.  


I have a command that works when typed into the Terminal on a Mac (OSX El Cap), 
but exactly the same command fails when called from R using `system()`. 


I am trying to batch-process MODIS satellite files using a small program called 
the MODIS Reprojection Tool 
(https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/tools/modis_reprojection_tool).  My software is all up 
to date.


This is a simple example in which I mosaic two files.  The names of the two 
files are in a text input file called `input.list`.  The command just tells the 
`mrtmosaic` routine where to find the input list and where to put the output. 


This command works correctly in the Terminal:  


    /Applications/Modis_Reprojection_Tool/bin/mrtmosaic -i ~/temp/input.list -o 


However, if I put exactly the same string into a variable and run it from R 
(using RStudio), it fails:  


    comstring<-"/Applications/Modis_Reprojection_Tool/bin/mrtmosaic -i 
~/temp/input.list -o ~/temp/output.hdf"  



>Warning: gctp_call : Environmental Variable Not Found:   

    MRT_DATA_DIR nor MRTDATADIR not defined

    Error: GetInputGeoCornerMosaic : General Processing Error converting 
lat/long coordinates to input projection coordinates.  

    Fatal Error, Terminating...


The strange thing is that the system knows what the environment variables are.  
In the terminal, the command

`echo $MRT_DATA_DIR`

shows the correct directory: /Applications/Modis_Reprojection_Tool/data


I don't see why it would have trouble finding the variables from an `R 
system()` call when it has no trouble in the Terminal.  I'm very stumped!  




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