Hi Marc,

According to your guidance the labels are almost at the right place when 
adjusting mar values.

A remaining need is to have the x axis at least for the two bottom figures as 
date from 1981 to 2005. Do you think this is doable. Ylim is fine but how tots 
in this case xlim.

Best regards,

Le 25 juil. 2016 à 14:28, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwa...@me.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> If your code below is a verbatim copy and paste, you still have the following 
> two lines active:
>  par(mar=rep(2,4))
> and
>  op <- par(oma=c(1,2,3,5))
> Comment out both of those lines and then see what the result looks like.
> As I noted before, try the plot **without any modifications** to the default 
> margin values. Then adjust from there, which may require you to increase, not 
> decrease, the values from their defaults in order to have room for your text.
> The values you have for par(mar) above, for example, reduce the values to 2 
> for each side from the default, which is:
>  c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1.
> So that alone will likely result in there not being enough room for your axis 
> labels.
> You may also have to create the barplot without any default annotation 
> created by the function itself and then add it with ?axis, ?text and ?mtext. 
> You may also have to reduce the size of the font itself, which is done via 
> the cex* arguments to barplot() and the additional annotation functions 
> mentioned in the prior sentence.
> Regards,
> Marc
>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Abdoulaye SARR <abdoulaye...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marc and Others,
>> I am still struggling to have my slab and ylab displayed on a bar plot. Marc 
>> did useful advise on playing with mar settings. I tried may combinations and 
>> can�t have it work.
>> I paste the code I am suing hoping guidance on solving this issue.
>> ## extract works for all time steps
>> d1<-read.nc(gp)
>> d2<-read.nc(er)
>> d3<-read.nc(me)
>> d4<-read.nc(ne)
>> d5<-read.nc(ar)
>> d6<-read.nc(cc)
>> d7<-read.nc(mr)
>> d8<-read.nc(ic)
>> z1<-d1$spei
>> z2<-d2$spei
>> z3<-d3$spei
>> z4<-d4$spei
>> z5<-d5$spei
>> z6<-d6$spei
>> z7<-d7$spei
>> z8<-d8$spei
>> #par(oma=c(2,2,2,2))  # all sides have 3 lines of space  
>> par(mar=rep(2,4))
>> #par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1))
>> #par(mai=c(1.02,0.82,0.82,0.42))
>> op <- par(oma=c(1,2,3,5))
>> #op <- par(oma=c(6,5,0,0))
>> par(mfrow=c(4,2))
>> line = 3
>> barplot(z1, ylim=c(-2,2), xlab="Years", ylab="spei", xaxp=c(181,2005,1), 
>> col=ifelse(z1>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("a")
>> barplot(z2,xlab="Years", ylab="spei",  ylim=c(-2,2), 
>> col=ifelse(z2>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("b")
>> barplot(z3, ylim=c(-2,2), xlab="Years", ylab="spei", 
>> col=ifelse(z3>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("c")
>> barplot(z4, xlab="Years", ylab="spei", ylim=c(-2,2), 
>> col=ifelse(z4>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("d")
>> barplot(z5, xlab="Years", ylab="spei", ylim=c(-2,2), 
>> col=ifelse(z5>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("e")
>> barplot(z6, xlab="Years", ylab="spei", ylim=c(-2,2), 
>> col=ifelse(z6>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("f")
>> barplot(z7,xlab="Years", ylab="spei",  ylim=c(-2,2), 
>> col=ifelse(z7>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("g")
>> barplot(z8,  ylim=c(-2,2), xlab="Years", ylab="spei", 
>> col=ifelse(z8>0,"green","brown"))
>> mtext("h")
>> par(op)
>> Another solution with ggplot2 or lattice also welcome.
>> Best regards,
>> asarr
> <snip>

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