It is hard to troubleshoot without the data.  Can you provide the data, for
example using the dput() function, or can you replicate the issue with some
simplified version of code that we can run?


On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Kevin Haynes <> wrote:

> Hi everyone - I'd like to add multiple polygons to a leaflet map. I don't
> get any errors when running this code, but it'll only display the second
> choro layer - the citizenship rate one. Here's my code below. Any thoughts?
> Here's the map right now:
>   #map
>   la_trad_school_perf_map_layers <- leaflet(lac_schools) %>%
>     addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
>     setView(-118.4, 34.05, zoom = 9) %>%
>     addCircleMarkers(
>       radius = 3,
>       color = ~pal(metandabove_mth),
>       stroke= FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.5,
>       group="14-15 Proficiency Rates - Math"
>     ) %>%
>     addPolygons(data = income_merged,
>       fillColor = ~pal_income(MedianIncome_2014),
>       color = "#b2aeae",
>       fillOpacity = 0.5,
>       weight = 1,
>       smoothFactor = 0.2,
>       popup = popup_income,
>       group="Median Income - 2014")%>%
>     addPolygons(data = cit_merged,
>       fillColor = ~pal_cit(non_citizenship_rate),
>       color = "#b2aeae",
>       fillOpacity = 0.5,
>       weight = 1,
>       smoothFactor = 0.2,
>       popup = popup_cit,
>       group="Non-U.S. Citizen - 2014")%>%
>    addLayersControl(
>      baseGroups=c("Median Income - 2014", "Non-U.S. Citizen - 2014"),
>      overlayGroups=c("14-15 Proficiency Rates - Math"),
>      options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
>    )
>   la_trad_school_perf_map_layers
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