
I used roxygen2 v5.0.1 to document my package, and all was ok. I have just updated to roxygen2 v6.0.0 and my script is broken and I can't find why.

I have done a simple version of a package folder as a test with 3 files: chr.R, essai-package.R and DESCRIPTION.

Previously, I did:

system(paste0("R CMD build '", getwd(), "/essai'"))
install.packages(file.path(getwd(), "essai_1.0.tar.gz"), repos = NULL, type="source")

And it worked well.

Now I get an error at the second line: roxygenize("essai")

> roxygenize("essai")
First time using roxygen2. Upgrading automatically...
Updating roxygen version in /Users/marcgirondot/Documents/Espace_de_travail_R/Package_Essai/essai/DESCRIPTION Warning: The existing 'NAMESPACE' file was not generated by roxygen2, and will not be overwritten. Warning: The existing 'chr.Rd' file was not generated by roxygen2, and will not be overwritten. Warning: The existing 'essai-package.Rd' file was not generated by roxygen2, and will not be overwritten.

And of course it fails after.

Are you aware of this situation ? And do you have a solution ?

Thanks a lot



Package: essai
Type: Package
Title: Package Used For Try
Version: 1.0
Date: 2017-02-06
Author: Marc Girondot <marc.giron...@u-psud.fr>
Maintainer: Marc Girondot <marc.giron...@u-psud.fr>
Description: Trying package.
Depends: R (>= 2.14.2)
License: GPL-2
LazyData: yes
LazyLoad: yes
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 6.0.0

A file essai-package.R (essai=try in French):

#' Trying package
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  Package: \tab essai\cr
#'  Type: \tab Package\cr
#'  Version: \tab 1.0 - build 1\cr
#'  Date: \tab 2017-02-06\cr
#'  License: \tab GPL (>= 2)\cr
#'  LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#'  }
#' @title The package essai
#' @author Marc Girondot \email{marc.girondot@@u-psud.fr}
#' @docType package
#' @name essai-package


A file chr.R:

#' chr returns the characters defined by the codes
#' @title Return the characters defined by the codes
#' @author Based on this blog: http://datadebrief.blogspot.com/2011/03/ascii-code-table-in-r.html
#' @return A string with characters defined by the codes
#' @param n The vector with codes
#' @description Return a string with characters defined by the codes. J'essaye avec un code utf-8: ê.
#' @examples
#' chr(65:75)
#' chr(unlist(tapply(144:175, 144:175, function(x) {c(208, x)})))
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export

chr <- function(n) {

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