Dear Sarah
thank you very much. I used "crosstab" and it worked,


All the best

On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Sarah Goslee <>

> There are various ways to do this. It shouldn't take forever as a loop,
> with only 215 entries.
> I find crosstab() from the ecodist package helpful. The current version is
> on GitHub, but not yet CRAN (soon!).
> Sarah
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 7:47 AM A M Lavezzi <>
> wrote:
>> Dear R-Users
>> I have data on bilateral trade flows among countries in the following
>> form:
>> > head(dataTrade)
>>       iso_o iso_d year FLOW
>> 1   ABW   AFG 1985   NA
>> 2   ABW   AFG 1986   NA
>> 3   ABW   AFG 1987   NA
>> 4   ABW   AFG 1988   NA
>> 5   ABW   AFG 1989   NA
>> 6   ABW   AFG 1990   NA
>> where:
>> iso_o: code of country of origin
>> iso_d: code of country of destination
>> year: 1985:2015
>> FLOW: amount of trade (values are "NA", 0s, or positive numbers)
>> I have 215 countries. I would like to create a 215x215 matrix , say M, in
>> which element M(i,j) is the total trade between countries i and j between
>> 1985 and 2015 (i.e. the sum of annual amounts of trade).
>> After collecting the country codes in a variable named "my_iso", I can
>> obtain M in a straightforward way using a loop such as:
>> for (i in my_iso){
>>   for(j in my_iso)
>>     if(i!=j){
>>       M[seq(1:length(my_iso))[my_iso==i],seq(1:length(my_iso))[
>> my_iso==j]]
>> <-
>>         sum(dataTrade[dataTrade$iso_o==i &
>> dataTrade$iso_d==j,"FLOW"],na.rm=TRUE)
>>     }
>> }
>> However, it takes ages.
>> Is there a way to avoid these loops?
>> Thanks for your help
>> Mario
>> --
>> Andrea Mario Lavezzi
>> DiGi,Sezione Diritto e Società
>> Università di Palermo
>> Piazza Bologni 8
>> 90134 Palermo, Italy
>> tel. ++39 091 23892208 <+39%20091%202389%202208>
>> fax ++39 091 6111268 <+39%20091%20611%201268>
>> skype: lavezzimario
>> email: mario.lavezzi (at)
>> <>
>> web:
>> <>
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> --
> Sarah Goslee
> <>
> <>
> <>

Andrea Mario Lavezzi
DiGi,Sezione Diritto e Società
Università di Palermo
Piazza Bologni 8
90134 Palermo, Italy
tel. ++39 091 23892208
fax ++39 091 6111268
skype: lavezzimario
email: mario.lavezzi (at)

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