Thanks... I agree that the problem was explained in the documentation but I can't find a way to have axis() working even manipulating par("plt") or with graphics.reset = TRUE:
- adding graphics.reset=TRUE does not allow axis() to be shown;
- I see that par()$plt is involved but it is the not sufficient to explain why axis() works because if it is changed by hand, axes are not shown.

Thanks for the trick about range(). I didn't notice that it has also a na.rm option. It is more elegant.

Here is the code showing the various propositions and checks:

D <- matrix(c(10, 20, 25, 30, 12, 22, 32, 35, 13, 25, 38, 40), nrow=3)
(pplt <- par()$plt)
#### [1] 0.08844944 0.95469663 0.14253275 0.88541485

# original problem. Axis() not shown

image.plot(D, col=rev(heat.colors(128)),bty="n", xlab="Lines",
           ylab="Columns", cex.lab = 0.5, zlim=range(D, na.rm=TRUE),
           las=1, axes=FALSE)
# Check the value of par()$plt; it is indeed modified
#### [1] 0.08844944 0.86408989 0.14253275 0.88541485
# axis() does not work
axis(1, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=nrow(D)), labels=0:2, cex.axis=0.5)
axis(2, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=ncol(D)), labels=0:3, las=1, cex.axis=0.5)

# I restore par("plt") to it original value

# graphics.reset = TRUE. Axis() not shown

### [1] 0.08844944 0.95469663 0.14253275 0.88541485
image.plot(D, col=rev(heat.colors(128)),bty="n", xlab="Lines",
           ylab="Columns", cex.lab = 0.5, zlim=range(D, na.rm=TRUE),
           las=1, axes=FALSE, graphics.reset = TRUE)
# Check an effect on par()$plt. Indeed with graphics.reset = TRUE par()$plt is restored
### [1] 0.08844944 0.95469663 0.14253275 0.88541485
# But the axes at not shown
axis(1, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=nrow(D)), labels=0:2, cex.axis=0.5)
axis(2, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=ncol(D)), labels=0:3, las=1, cex.axis=0.5)

# Check an effect of points() on par()$plt
# There is an effect
# axes are shown

### [1] 0.08844944 0.95469663 0.14253275 0.88541485
image.plot(D, col=rev(heat.colors(128)),bty="n", xlab="Lines",
           ylab="Columns", cex.lab = 0.5, zlim=range(D, na.rm=TRUE),
           las=1, axes=FALSE)
points(1.5, 1.5, type="p")
### [1] 0.08844944 0.86408989 0.14253275 0.88541485
axis(1, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=nrow(D)), labels=0:2, cex.axis=0.5)
axis(2, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=ncol(D)), labels=0:3, las=1, cex.axis=0.5)

# Try to reproduce the effect of points() on par()$plt
# axes are not shown. Then points() is doing something else !

image.plot(D, col=rev(heat.colors(128)),bty="n", xlab="Lines",
           ylab="Columns", cex.lab = 0.5, zlim=range(D, na.rm=TRUE),
           las=1, axes=FALSE)
par(plt=c(0.08844944, 0.86408989, 0.14253275, 0.88541485))
axis(1, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=nrow(D)), labels=0:2, cex.axis=0.5)
axis(2, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=ncol(D)), labels=0:3, las=1, cex.axis=0.5)
# check that par("plt") is correctly setup
### [1] 0.08844944 0.86408989 0.14253275 0.88541485

I think that it will remain a mystery !
At least the trick with points() is working.


Le 25/07/2017 à 13:03, Martin Maechler a écrit :
Marc Girondot via R-help <>
     on Mon, 24 Jul 2017 09:35:06 +0200 writes:
     > Thanks for the proposition. As you see bellow, par("usr") is the same
     > before and after the points() (the full code is bellow):
     > ....
     >> par("usr")
     > [1] -0.2500000  1.2500000 -0.1666667  1.1666667
     >> # if you remove this points() function, axis will show nothing.
     >> points(1.5, 1.5, type="p")
     >> p2 <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
     >> par("usr")
     > [1] -0.2500000  1.2500000 -0.1666667  1.1666667
     > ...

     > I can reproduce it in Ubuntu and MacosX R Gui and Rstudio (R 3.4.1).

     > Marc

     > Here is the code:
     > library(fields)
     > par(mar=c(5,4.5,4,7))
     > D <- matrix(c(10, 20, 25, 30, 12, 22, 32, 35, 13, 25, 38, 40), nrow=3)

     > p0 <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
     > image.plot(D, col=rev(heat.colors(128)),bty="n", xlab="Lines",
     >           ylab="Columns", cex.lab = 0.5,
     >           zlim=c(min(D, na.rm=TRUE),max(D, na.rm=TRUE)),
     >           las=1, axes=FALSE)
     > p1 <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

     > par("usr")
     > par("xpd")

     > # if you remove this points() function, axis will show nothing.

     > points(1.5, 1.5, type="p")
     > p2 <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
     > par("usr")
     > par("xpd")

     > ##########
     > axis(1, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=nrow(D)), labels=0:2, cex.axis=0.5)
     > axis(2, at=seq(from=0, to=1, length=ncol(D)), labels=0:3, las=1,
     > cex.axis=0.5)

     > identical(p1, p2)

Have you ever carefully read the detailed help page about image.plot()?
I haven't, but a cursory reading already shows me that the
author of the function did this partly on purpose:

   > Side Effects:
   >      After exiting, the plotting region may be changed to make it
   >      possible to add more features to the plot. To be explicit,
   >      ‘par()\$plt’ may be changed to reflect a smaller plotting region
   >      that has accommodated room for the legend subplot.

Unfortunately, there it does _not_ mention the following :

>From looking at its code, and then re-reading parts of the help page,
I see that there is a 'graphics.reset' argument which you can
set to TRUE in such a case:

  image.plot(D, col=rev(heat.colors(128)),bty="n", xlab="Lines",
            ylab="Columns", cex.lab = 0.5,
            zlim= range(D, na.rm=TRUE),
           graphics.reset = TRUE, # <<<<< the solution
            las=1, axes=FALSE)

Also note that
      zlim = range(D ...)
is infinitely more elegant than
      zlim = c(min((D, ...), max(D, ...)))

Martin Maechler
ETH Zurich (and R core)

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