After a run multdrc comment in R program, show warning sign in this
program. I attached the saving page of the script. I hope you could help
me, please.
Thanks a lot
A. Rahbari
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> library(drc)
Loading required package: MASS
> library(drc)
> choose.files()
[1] "D:\\R\\EPTC.csv"
> mydata<- read.csv ("D:\\R\\EPTC.csv", sep=",", dec=".", header=TRUE)
> mydata
   Dose Herbicide  Survival
1  0.00        EC 100.00000
2  1.23        EC  89.76064
3  2.46        EC  59.84043
4  3.69        EC  29.92021
5  4.92        EC  33.24468
6  0.00        EC 100.00000
7  1.23        EC  96.55172
8  2.46        EC  37.93103
9  3.69        EC  30.34483
10 4.92        EC  27.58621
11 0.00        EC 100.00000
12 1.23        EC  88.23529
13 2.46        EC  50.00000
14 3.69        EC  37.64706
15 4.92        EC  32.35294
16 0.00        MC 100.00000
17 1.23        MC  43.47826
18 2.46        MC  52.17391
19 3.69        MC  43.47826
20 4.92        MC  39.13043
21 0.00        MC 100.00000
22 1.23        MC  61.11111
23 2.46        MC  16.66667
24 3.69        MC  33.33333
25 4.92        MC  38.88889
26 0.00        MC 100.00000
27 1.23        MC  81.81818
28 2.46        MC  54.54545
29 3.69        MC  45.45455
30 4.92        MC  31.81818
> mydata1 <- multdrc (Survival ~ Dose, Herbicide, fct = l4(names = c("Slope", 
> "Upper Limit", "Lower Limit", "ED50")), data=mydata)
There were 36 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
2: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
3: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
4: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
5: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
6: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
7: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
8: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
9: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
10: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
11: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
12: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
13: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
14: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
15: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
16: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
17: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
18: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
19: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
20: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
21: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
22: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
23: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
24: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
25: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
26: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
27: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
28: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
29: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
30: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
31: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
32: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
33: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
34: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
35: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
36: NaNs produced in: log(x) 
> save.image("C:/Documents and Settings/Spring/Desktop/1.RData")

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