Hi Robert,

A package I use for spatial statistics is gstat. It supports a method called co-kriging that seems to fit your needs. To get a good overview of the spatial capabilities of R a good place to start is the Spatial Task View (http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Spatial.html). If you have more geo type questions the r-sig-geo list is a better forum (https://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/R-SIG-Geo/).


I have two spatial datasets Sa and Sb, both with lat-lon coordinates and
from same geographic area, but from different localities within the area
(independent samples). Sa is biotoc data, Sb is some environmental
parameter (fertility). I 'know' that Sb affects Sa, but wonder on which
scale. I tried different interpolations by creating different grids of Sb
(e.g. 20x20 and 100x100 points using 'interp' ...) and found that a more
coarse grid did a better job in predicting Sa than a high resolution grid.
However, I wonder if there aren't more elegant ways, e.g. using kriging.
Just to avoid misunderstandings: I do not just want to get a spatial grid
of Sa and Sb, but I want to find on which Scale Sb affects Sa.

 Robert Ptacnik
 Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
 Gaustadalléen 21
 NO-0349 Oslo
 FON +47 982 277 81
 FAX +47 221 852 00

NIVAs hovedkontor har flyttet til nye lokaler i CIENS - Forskningssenter
for miljø og samfunn; Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo. Meld deg på vårt
nyhetsbrev på www.niva.no).
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