Eric's approach seems reasonable to me, and I agree that it's probably not the 
use of a "for" loop that makes the original version slow. As Eric mentioned, 
there are lots of unnecessary things happening in the loop.

For example, list.files() was called twice inside the loop, which is 
unnecessary, and will definitely slow the loop down (though probably not by 
much). Call it outside the loop, save the results in a vector, and use the 
vector inside the loop.

Here's another way (also untested).

infiles <- list.files()
nfiles <- length(infiles)

## read the first file
dfall <- read_xlsx(infiles[1], sheet=1, range=cell_cols(c(1,30,38:42)))
dfall <- dfall[dfall$Id %in% c("geneA","geneB","geneC") , ]

## I'm going to assume the colnames are all the same on input
## if that's wrong, then they have to be fixed inside the loop

## read the remaining files, appending their contents each time
for (ifl in 2:nfiles) {
  temp <- read_xlsx(infiles[ifl], sheet=1, range=cell_cols(c(1,30,38:42)))
  dfall <- rbind( dfall, temp[temp$Id %in% c("geneA","geneB","geneC") , ] )

## fix the colnames here
## write the output file here.

In Eric's approach (which I have sometimes used), all of the input data frames 
are stored in myL.
This has some benefit, but is strictly speaking not necessary (but would not be 
a concern unless the files are huge).

In my alternative approach, the contents of each input file are discarded after 
they have been appended to the previous ones.

The data frame (dfall) is enlarged at each iteration. Many times I have seen 
recommendations against this.

The help page for read_xlsx says it returns a tibble. I've never had a need to 
learn about tibbles, but there may be some overhead in creating a tibble 
instead of a data frame that is slowing down the loop. There are other packages 
that read Excel files that create data frames. Maybe they would be faster. I 
don't see anything in the original question to indicate that tibbles are needed.

Potentially important:  are any of your columns character strings in the Excel 
file? Are they being converted to factors by read_xlsx()? If so, I would 
suggest preventing that.

Going back to the original code, the correct way to initialize a list is not
   temp.df<-c() # create an empty list to store the extracted result from each 
excel file inside for-loop
Instead, use
   temp.df <- vector("list",  nfiles)
However, in that case, one would not append new elements to the list inside the 
loop. One would assign them to existing elements using an element index.

Regarding this
     temp.df<-append(temp.df, list(  # change the 
dataframe to list, so it can be append to list.

The original question described temp as a data frame, so using would do nothing, and probably makes the loop take a little 
longer. But if temp is a tibble, perhaps this step is needed (and if needed, 
takes a little bit of time, thus slowing the loop).

The expression
does not convert temp to a list. It puts temp into the first element of a new 

If temp.df is a list with some number of elements, then a simpler way to append 
a new element would be
   temp.df <- c( temp.df,  list( temp) )
append() is a (slightly?) more complex function than c(), so might be slower.

If all of the data is numeric, or all of it is character, and the loop still 
takes too long with Eric's version or mine, there might be a speedup from 
converting to a matrix and using rbind() on matrices. Data frames have some 
overhead that matrices don't, especially if factors are involved.


Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
Lab cell 925-724-7509

On 5/25/18, 12:21 AM, "R-help on behalf of Eric Berger" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    Hi Stephen,
    I am not sure that the "for loop" is the source of slowness.
    You seem to be doing a lot of unnecessary work each time through the loop.
    e.g. no need to check if it's the last file, just move that section outside
    of the loop.
    It will be executed when the loop finishes. As it is you are calling
    list.files() each time
    through the loop which could be slow.
    In any case here's a possible way to do it. Warning: untested!
    f <- function(fn) {
      temp<-temp[temp$Id %in% c("geneA","geneB","geneC"),]
    myL <- lapply( X=list.files(), FUN=f )
    names(temp.df.all)<-gsub("^.*] ","",names(temp.df.all))
    write_xlsx(temp.df.all, path="output.xlsx")
    On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 9:24 AM, Stephen HonKit Wong <>
    > Dear All,
    > I have a following for-loop code which is basically intended to read in
    > many excel files (each file has many columns and rows) in a directory and
    > extract the some rows and columns out of each file and then combine them
    > together into a dataframe. I use for loop which can do the work but quite
    > slow. How to make it faster using lapply function ?  Thanks in advance!
    > temp.df<-c() # create an empty list to store the extracted result from 
    > excel file inside for-loop
    > for (i in list.files()) {  # loop through each excel file in the directory
    >   temp<-read_xlsx(i,sheet=1,range=cell_cols(c(1,30,38:42)))  # from
    > package
    > "readxl" to read in excel file
    >   temp<-temp[grep("^geneA$|^geneB$|^geneC$",temp$Id),]   # extract rows
    > based on temp$id
    >   names(temp)<-gsub("^.*] ","",names(temp)) # clean up column names
    >   temp.df<-append(temp.df, list( # change the
    > dataframe to list, so it can be append to list.
    >   if (i == list.files()[length(list.files())]){ # if it is last excel
    > file,
    > then combine all the rows in the list into a dataframe because they all
    > have same column names
    >     temp.df.all<"rbind",temp.df)
    >     write_xlsx(temp.df.all, path="output.xlsx")  # write_xlsx from package
    > writexl.
    >   }
    >   }
    > *Stephen*
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