Hi, Chris,

had the same problem (and first thought it was my fault), but there
seems to be a typo in the code of pairs.default. Below is a workaround.
Look for two comments (starting with #####) in the code to see what I
have changed to make it work at least the way I'd expect it in one of
your examples.

 Hth --  Gerrit

mypairs <- function (x, labels, panel = points, ...,
    horInd = 1:nc, verInd = 1:nc,
    lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = NULL,
    text.panel = textPanel, label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3,
    cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1,
    log = "") {
    if (doText <- missing(text.panel) || is.function(text.panel))
        textPanel <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, txt, cex, font) text(x,
            y, txt, cex = cex, font = font)
    localAxis <- function(side, x, y, xpd, bg, col = NULL, main,
        oma, ...) {
        xpd <- NA
        if (side%%2L == 1L && xl[j])
            xpd <- FALSE
        if (side%%2L == 0L && yl[i])
            xpd <- FALSE
        if (side%%2L == 1L)
            Axis(x, side = side, xpd = xpd, ...)
        else Axis(y, side = side, xpd = xpd, ...)
    localPlot <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) plot(...)
localLowerPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) lower.panel(...) localUpperPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) upper.panel(...) localDiagPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) diag.panel(...)
    dots <- list(...)
    nmdots <- names(dots)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) {
        x <- as.data.frame(x)
        for (i in seq_along(names(x))) {
            if (is.factor(x[[i]]) || is.logical(x[[i]]))
                x[[i]] <- as.numeric(x[[i]])
            if (!is.numeric(unclass(x[[i]])))
                stop("non-numeric argument to 'pairs'")
    else if (!is.numeric(x))
        stop("non-numeric argument to 'pairs'")
    panel <- match.fun(panel)
    if ((has.lower <- !is.null(lower.panel)) && !missing(lower.panel))
        lower.panel <- match.fun(lower.panel)
    if ((has.upper <- !is.null(upper.panel)) && !missing(upper.panel))
        upper.panel <- match.fun(upper.panel)
    if ((has.diag <- !is.null(diag.panel)) && !missing(diag.panel))
        diag.panel <- match.fun(diag.panel)
    if (row1attop) {
        tmp <- lower.panel
        lower.panel <- upper.panel
        upper.panel <- tmp
        tmp <- has.lower
        has.lower <- has.upper
        has.upper <- tmp
    nc <- ncol(x)
    if (nc < 2L)
        stop("only one column in the argument to 'pairs'")
    if (!all(horInd >= 1L && horInd <= nc))
        stop("invalid argument 'horInd'")
    if (!all(verInd >= 1L && verInd <= nc))
        stop("invalid argument 'verInd'")
    if (doText) {
        if (missing(labels)) {
            labels <- colnames(x)
            if (is.null(labels))
                labels <- paste("var", 1L:nc)
        else if (is.null(labels))
            doText <- FALSE
    oma <- if ("oma" %in% nmdots)
    main <- if ("main" %in% nmdots)
    if (is.null(oma))
        oma <- c(4, 4, if (!is.null(main)) 6 else 4, 4)
    opar <- par(mfcol = c(length(horInd), length(verInd)),
##### Changed from mfrow to mfcol
                mar = rep.int(gap/2, 4), oma = oma)
    on.exit(dev.flush(), add = TRUE)
    xl <- yl <- logical(nc)
    if (is.numeric(log))
        xl[log] <- yl[log] <- TRUE
    else {
        xl[] <- grepl("x", log)
        yl[] <- grepl("y", log)
    for (j in if (row1attop) verInd else rev(verInd))
     for (i in horInd) {
##### Exchanged i and j. (i used to be in
##### the outer and j in the inner loop!)
        l <- paste0(ifelse(xl[j], "x", ""), ifelse(yl[i], "y", ""))
        localPlot(x[, j], x[, i], xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
            type = "n", ..., log = l)
        if (i == j || (i < j && has.lower) || (i > j && has.upper)) {
            if (i == 1 && (!(j%%2L) || !has.upper || !has.lower))
                localAxis(1L + 2L * row1attop, x[, j], x[, i],
            if (i == nc && (j%%2L || !has.upper || !has.lower))
                localAxis(3L - 2L * row1attop, x[, j], x[, i],
            if (j == 1 && (!(i%%2L) || !has.upper || !has.lower))
                localAxis(2L, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
            if (j == nc && (i%%2L || !has.upper || !has.lower))
                localAxis(4L, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
            mfg <- par("mfg")
            if (i == j) {
                if (has.diag)
                  localDiagPanel(as.vector(x[, i]), ...)
                if (doText) {
                  par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
                  if (is.null(cex.labels)) {
                    l.wid <- strwidth(labels, "user")
                    cex.labels <- max(0.8, min(2, 0.9/max(l.wid)))
                  xlp <- if (xl[i])
                  else 0.5
                  ylp <- if (yl[j])
                  else label.pos
                  text.panel(xlp, ylp, labels[i], cex = cex.labels,
                    font = font.labels)
            else if (i < j)
                localLowerPanel(as.vector(x[, j]), as.vector(x[,
                  i]), ...)
            else localUpperPanel(as.vector(x[, j]), as.vector(x[,
                i]), ...)
            if (any(par("mfg") != mfg))
                stop("the 'panel' function made a new plot")
        else par(new = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        font.main <- if ("font.main" %in% nmdots)
        else par("font.main")
        cex.main <- if ("cex.main" %in% nmdots)
        else par("cex.main")
        mtext(main, 3, line.main, outer = TRUE, at = 0.5, cex = cex.main,
            font = font.main)

## Example:

mypairs(xmat, xlim=lim, ylim=lim, verInd=1:2, horInd=1:4)

Am 06.06.2018 um 23:55 schrieb Andrews, Chris:

After making scatterplot matrix, I determined I only needed the first 2 columns 
of the matrix so I added verInd=1:2 to my pairs() call.  However, it did not 
turn out as I expected.

Perhaps the attached pdf of the example code will make it through.  If not, my 
description is "the wrong scatterplot pairs are in the wrong places" for the 
last two pairs() calls.



# fake data
xmat <- matrix(1:28, ncol=4)
lim <- range(xmat)

# what I expected
pairs(xmat, xlim=lim, ylim=lim) # 4x4 matrix of scatterplots
pairs(xmat, xlim=lim, ylim=lim, verInd=1:2, horInd=1:2) # 2x2 matrix of 
scatterplots: upper left

# here comes trouble
pairs(xmat, xlim=lim, ylim=lim, horInd=1:2) # 2x4 matrix of scatterplots: but 
not the top 2 rows (or bottom 2 rows)
pairs(xmat, xlim=lim, ylim=lim, verInd=1:2) # 4x2 matrix of scatterplots: but 
not the left 2 columns (or right 2 columns)


R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252  
  LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.5.0 tools_3.5.0
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