> On Jun 17, 2018, at 10:19 AM, Hannah van Noort <hannahvno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> My apologies for the incomplete script last time. Hereby the updated dataset, 
> phylogenetic tree information and R-script. This time the errors I mentioned 
> should pop up.
> Once again thank you in advance for any help/tips.

> row.names(d) <- c("Diomedea_exulans", "Diomedea_epomophora", 
> "Thalassarche_chrysostoma", "Thalassarche_melanophrys", 
> "Phoebetria_palpebrata", "Macronectes_giganteus", "Fulmarus_glacialis",
+                   "Procellaria_aequinoctialis", "Puffinus_tenuirostris", 
"Puffinus_puffinus", "Oceanites_oceanicus", "Oceanodroma_leucorhoa", 
+                   "Pelecanus_occidentalis", "Fregata_magnificens", 
+                   "Sula_dactylatra", "Sula_leucogaster", "Sula_sula", 
"Phalacrocorax_carbo", "Phalacrocorax_aristotelis", "Larus_dominicanus", 
"Larus_occidentalis", "Larus_argentatus", "Rissa_tridactyla", "Sterna_bergii",
+                   "Sterna_sandvicensis", "Sterna_dougallii", 
"Sterna_hirundo", "Sterna_paradisaea", "Sterna_fuscata", "Anous_stolidus", 
"Anous_minutus", "Cepphus_columba", "Cepphus_grylle", "Uria_lomvia", 
Error in `.rowNamesDF<-`(x, value = value) : invalid 'row.names' length

Needed to remove the extraneous "+" signs that persisted after copying from the 
console, but still no progress:

length( c("Diomedea_exulans", "Diomedea_epomophora", 
"Thalassarche_chrysostoma", "Thalassarche_melanophrys", 
"Phoebetria_palpebrata", "Macronectes_giganteus", "Fulmarus_glacialis",
+                    "Procellaria_aequinoctialis", "Puffinus_tenuirostris", 
"Puffinus_puffinus", "Oceanites_oceanicus", "Oceanodroma_leucorhoa", 
+                   "Pelecanus_occidentalis", "Fregata_magnificens", 
+                    "Sula_dactylatra", "Sula_leucogaster", "Sula_sula", 
"Phalacrocorax_carbo", "Phalacrocorax_aristotelis", "Larus_dominicanus", 
"Larus_occidentalis", "Larus_argentatus", "Rissa_tridactyla", "Sterna_bergii",
+                   "Sterna_sandvicensis", "Sterna_dougallii", 
"Sterna_hirundo", "Sterna_paradisaea", "Sterna_fuscata", "Anous_stolidus", 
"Anous_minutus", "Cepphus_columba", "Cepphus_grylle", "Uria_lomvia", 
+ )
[1] 37

[1] 40

So yet another error that prevents further progress.

Run your code in a clean session and try to recognize and correct the syntactic 
and other errors that I have already identified. I think it's time for you to 
adopt a strategy of creating asource file that is then submitted by your 
editor. (Such a facility is supplied by Rstudio.)

> Kind regards,
> Hannah van Noort
> 2018-06-17 7:27 GMT+02:00 David Winsemius <dwinsem...@comcast.net>:
> > On Jun 16, 2018, at 1:37 PM, Hannah van Noort <hannahvno...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > I'm having trouble running a PGLS model with the package "AICmodavg".
> Did you mean "AICmodavg"?
> > I
> > continuously get the error of false convergence with certain Lambda
> > values (even
> > when trying to run the model with different Lambda values) and for other La
> > mbda values I run into "error in eigen(val) : infinite or missing values in
> > 'X' ". I've tried several optimizers and removing some outlier values but
> > the same errors keep on popping up.. Does anyone know how to solve this
> > problem?
> > Below a part of my script with the specific dependent and independent varia
> > bles and I've also attached files with the relevant data and phylogenetic
> > tree information.
> d <- read.table("~/Seabirddat_growth.txt", head=TRUE)
> library(AICmodavg)
> Error in library(AICmodavg) : there is no package called ‘AICmodavg’
> library(AICcmodavg)
> > 
> > Cand.models = list()
> > niter = 100
> > for (i in 1:niter) {
> >  Cand.models[[i]] = gls(Maxgrowthrate ~ log.Forrang+log.Weight_av),
> A syntax error is thrown here -------------------------------------^  
> #removed paren
> > data =
> > d, method= "ML", na.action=na.omit
> And here ---------------------------^
> >                         correlation = corPagel(value=0.4, trees[[i]]))
> And after fixing these errors I get the error that `gls` is not found (even 
> after adding `library(AICcmodavg)`
>  could not find function "gls"
> > ?corPagel
> No documentation for ‘corPagel’ in specified packages and libraries:
> you could try ‘??corPagel’
> > ??gls
> > library(nlme)
> Attaching package: ‘nlme’
> The following object is masked from ‘package:dplyr’:
>     collapse
> > Cand.models = list()
> > niter = 100
> > for (i in 1:niter) {
> +  Cand.models[[i]] = gls(Maxgrowthrate ~ log.Forrang+log.Weight_av, data =
> + d, method= "ML", na.action=na.omit,
> +                         correlation = corPagel(value=0.4, trees[[i]]) )
> + }
> Error in corPagel(value = 0.4, trees[[i]]) : 
>   could not find function "corPagel"
> > ??corPagel
> > library(ape)
> Attaching package: ‘ape’
> The following object is masked from ‘package:Hmisc’:
>     zoom
> > Cand.models = list()
> > niter = 100
> > for (i in 1:niter) {
> +  Cand.models[[i]] = gls(Maxgrowthrate ~ log.Forrang+log.Weight_av, data =
> + d, method= "ML", na.action=na.omit,
> +                         correlation = corPagel(value=0.4, trees[[i]]) )
> + }
> Error in corPagel(value = 0.4, trees[[i]]) : 
>   object "phy" is not of class "phylo"
> Perhaps you have yet another unnamed package with a corPagel that doesn't 
> require a second argument of class "phylo"? I've reached "the end of my rope".
> > }
> > 
> > Thank you in advance for any help, it's much appreciated!
> Please submit code that will run in a clean session. Close R. Do not save 
> anything except your history. Delete or rename your `.Rdata` file and staart 
> a fresh session. then include everything needed to get the behavior you are 
> reporting.
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > 
> > Hannah van Noort
> > <Seabirddat_growth.txt>______________________________________________
> > R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
> > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> David Winsemius
> Alameda, CA, USA
> 'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.'   
> -Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law
> <Seabirddat_growth.txt><output.nex><Scripts_Growthrate.R>

David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.'   
-Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law

R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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