My final post for thisthread!

Since I first asked myquestion on Stack Overflow, I posted all the solutions 
along with my timingstudy there.

Thanks again toeveryone for their help.


    On Saturday, June 30, 2018, 6:11:00 PM PDT, Jeff Newmiller 
<> wrote:  
 Your request is getting a bit complicated with so much re-hashing, but 
here are three solutions: base only, a bit of dplyr, and dplyr+tidyr:

# input data
employees4List = list(data.frame(first1 = "Al", second1 = 
                      data.frame(first2 = c("Al2", "Barb"),
                                  second2 = c("Jones", "Smith")),
                      data.frame(first3 = c("Al3", "Barbara", 
                                  second3 = c("Jones", "Smith", 
                      data.frame(first4 = ("Al"), second4 = 
#> [[1]]
#>  first1 second1
#> 1    Al  Jones
#> [[2]]
#>  first2 second2
#> 1    Al2  Jones
#> 2  Barb  Smith
#> [[3]]
#>    first3 second3
#> 1    Al3  Jones
#> 2 Barbara  Smith
#> 3  Carol  Adams
#> [[4]]
#>  first4 second4
#> 1    Al  Jones2

# expected output
df1 = data.frame(First1 = "Al", Second1 = "Jones",
                  First2 = NA, Second2 = NA,
                  First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
                  First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df2 = data.frame(First1 = "Al2", Second1 = "Jones",
                  First2 = "Barb", Second2 = "Smith",
                  First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
                  First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df3 = data.frame(First1 = "Al3", Second1 = "Jones",
                  First2 = "Barbara", Second2 = "Smith",
                  First3 = "Carol", Second3 = "Adams",
                  First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df4 = data.frame(First1 = "Al", Second1 = "Jones2",
                  First2 = NA, Second2 = NA,
                  First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
                  First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
listFinal = list(df1, df2, df3, df4)
#> [[1]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2 First3 Second3 First4 Second4
#> 1    Al  Jones    NA      NA    NA      NA    NA      NA
#> [[2]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2 First3 Second3 First4 Second4
#> 1    Al2  Jones  Barb  Smith    NA      NA    NA      NA
#> [[3]]
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3 First4 Second4
#> 1    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams    NA      NA
#> [[4]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2 First3 Second3 First4 Second4
#> 1    Al  Jones2    NA      NA    NA      NA    NA      NA

myrename1 <- function( DF, m ) {
  # if a pair of columns is not present, raise an error
  stopifnot( 2 == length( DF ) )
  n <- nrow( DF )
  # use memory layout of elements of matrix
  # t() automatically converts to matrix (nrow=2)
  # matrix(,nrow=1) re-interprets the column-major output of t()
  # as a single row matrix
  result <- matrix( t( DF ), nrow = 1 )
                          , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if ( n < m ) {
    result[ , seq( 2 * n + 1, 2 * m ) ] <- NA
  setNames( result
          , sprintf( "%s%d"
                    , c( "First", "Second" )
                      , rep( m ), each = 2 )

m <- max( unlist( lapply( employees4List, nrow ) ) )
listFinal1 <- lapply( employees4List, myrename1, m = m )
#> [[1]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al  Jones    NA      NA    NA      NA
#> [[2]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al2  Jones  Barb  Smith    NA      NA
#> [[3]]
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams
#> [[4]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al  Jones2    NA      NA    NA      NA
result1 <- rbind, listFinal1 )
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al  Jones    <NA>    <NA>  <NA>    <NA>
#> 2    Al2  Jones    Barb  Smith  <NA>    <NA>
#> 3    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams
#> 4    Al  Jones2    <NA>    <NA>  <NA>    <NA>

myrename2 <- function( DF ) {
  # if a pair of columns is not present, raise an error
  stopifnot( 2 == length( DF ) )
  n <- nrow( DF )
  # use memory layout of elements of matrix
  # t() automatically converts to matrix (nrow=2)
  # matrix(,nrow=1) re-interprets the column-major output of t()
  # as a single row matrix
  setNames( matrix( t( DF ), nrow = 1 )
                          , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          , sprintf( "%s%d"
                    , c( "First", "Second" )
                    , rep( n ), each = 2 )

listFinal2 <- lapply( employees4List, myrename2 )
#> [[1]]
#>  First1 Second1
#> 1    Al  Jones
#> [[2]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2
#> 1    Al2  Jones  Barb  Smith
#> [[3]]
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams
#> [[4]]
#>  First1 Second1
#> 1    Al  Jones2
result2 <- dplyr::bind_rows( listFinal2 )
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al  Jones    <NA>    <NA>  <NA>    <NA>
#> 2    Al2  Jones    Barb  Smith  <NA>    <NA>
#> 3    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams
#> 4    Al  Jones2    <NA>    <NA>  <NA>    <NA>

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>    filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
myrename3 <- function( DF ) {
  # if a pair of columns is not present, raise an error
  stopifnot( 2 == length( DF ) )
  names( DF ) <- c( "a", "b" )
  m <- nrow( DF )
  (  DF
  %>% mutate_all( as.character )
  %>% mutate( rw = LETTERS[ n() ) ] )
  %>% gather( col, val, -rw )
  %>% tidyr::unite( "labels", rw, col, sep="" )
  %>% spread( labels, val )
  %>% setNames( sprintf( "%s%d"
                        , c( "First", "Second" )
                        , rep( m ), each = 2 )

listFinal3 <- lapply( employees4List, myrename3 )
#> [[1]]
#>  First1 Second1
#> 1    Al  Jones
#> [[2]]
#>  First1 Second1 First2 Second2
#> 1    Al2  Jones  Barb  Smith
#> [[3]]
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams
#> [[4]]
#>  First1 Second1
#> 1    Al  Jones2
result3 <- dplyr::bind_rows( listFinal3 )
#>  First1 Second1  First2 Second2 First3 Second3
#> 1    Al  Jones    <NA>    <NA>  <NA>    <NA>
#> 2    Al2  Jones    Barb  Smith  <NA>    <NA>
#> 3    Al3  Jones Barbara  Smith  Carol  Adams
#> 4    Al  Jones2    <NA>    <NA>  <NA>    <NA>

#' Created on 2018-06-30 by the [reprex 
package]( (v0.2.0).

On Sat, 30 Jun 2018, Ira Sharenow via R-help wrote:

> I would like to thank everyone who helped me out. I have obtained some 
> offline help, so I would like to summarize all the information I have 
> received.
> Before I summarize the thread, there is one loose end.
> Initially I thought
> library(dplyr)
> dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(employees4List, function(x) 
> would work, but there were problems.
> lapply(employees4List, function(x)
> spreads out the data frames converting the data frames from long to wide, but 
> it messes up the names. So one question I still have, is how can I 
> programmatically change all of the names?
> After this initial step, the first data frame's names might be derived from
> c("George", "Washington")
> and the second data frame's names might be derived from
> c("John", "Adams", "Thomas", "Jefferson")
> What I want to change to the names to:
> c("First1", "Second1")
> and
> c("First1", "Second1", "First2", "Second2")
> I believe that will enable me to then go back and use bind_rows and complete 
> that method of solution:
> Step 1: lapply(employees4List, function(x)
> Step 2: Clean up the names
> Step 3: bind_rows
> Immediately below is hopefully a clear and precise statement of the problem 
> and the proposed solution path. Then there are the various solutions.
> # Starting list of data frames
> employees4List = list(data.frame(first1 = "Al", second1 = "Jones"),
>                      data.frame(first2 = c("Al2", "Barb"), second2 = 
> c("Jones", "Smith")),
>                      data.frame(first3 = c("Al3", "Barbara", "Carol"), 
> second3 = c("Jones", "Smith", "Adams")),
>                      data.frame(first4 = ("Al"), second4 = "Jones2"))
> employees4List
> # Intermediate step that messes up the names but successfully converts from 
> long to wide
> lapply(employees4List, function(x)
> # The intermediate list should likely look like this listFinal
> df1 = data.frame(First1 = "Al", Second1 = "Jones", First2 = NA, Second2 = NA, 
> First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
>                  First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
> df2 = data.frame(First1 = "Al2", Second1 = "Jones", First2 = "Barb", Second2 
> = "Smith",
>                  First3 = NA, Second3 = NA, First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
> df3 = data.frame(First1 = "Al3", Second1 = "Jones", First2 = "Barbara", 
> Second2 = "Smith",
>                  First3 = "Carol", Second3 = "Adams", First4 = NA, Second4 = 
> NA)
> df4 = data.frame(First1 = "Al", Second1 = "Jones2", First2 = NA, Second2 = 
> NA, First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
>                  First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
> listFinal = list(df1, df2, df3, df4)
> listFinal
> # Requested data frame (except that the columns are not just character but 
> some are factor or even logical)
> dplyr::bind_rows(listFinal)
> Sarah Goslee solved the problem using base R.
> Given
> employees4List = list(
>   data.frame(first1 = ("Al"), second1 = "Jones"),
>   data.frame(first2 = c("Al2", "Barb"), second2 = c("Jones2", "Smith")),
>   data.frame(first3 = c("Al3", "Barbara", "Carol"), second3 = c("Jones3",
>                                                                 "Smith", 
> "Adams")),
>   data.frame(first4 = ("Al"), second4 = "Jones2"))
> This function produces the solution in the requested structure.
> dfbycol <- function(x) {
>   x <- lapply(x, function(y)as.vector(t(as.matrix(y))))
>   x <- lapply(x, function(y){length(y) <- max(sapply(x, length)); y})
>   x <-, x)
>   x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
>   colnames(x) <- paste0(c("first", "last"), rep(seq(1, ncol(x)/2), each=2))
>   x
> }
> dfbycol(employees4List)
> Offline, Jeff Newmiller and Bert Gunter provided alternative approaches to 
> the problem as well as other advice. Their solutions meet the "tidy" 
> criterion.
> Bert suggested this online.
> ## list of two data frames with different column names and numbers of rows:
> zz <-list(one = data.frame(f=1:3,g=letters[2:4]), two = data.frame(a = 5:9,b 
> = letters[11:15]))
> ## create common column names and bind them up:
>,lapply(zz,function(x){   names(x) <- c("first","last"); x}))
> This and the next suggestion by Jeff produced useful solutions but not in the 
> requested form.
> library(dplyr)
> # note that these data frames all have character columns
> # rather than factors, due to the option when the
> # data are read in.
> DF1 <- read.table( text =
> "First          Last
> George          Washington
> ", header=TRUE, = TRUE )
> # dput looks ugly but is actually much more practical for
> # providing R data on the mailing list... here is an example
> dput( DF1 )
> #> structure(list(First = "George", Last = "Washington")
> #>, .Names = c("First",
> #> "Last"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L))
> DF2 <- read.table( text =
> "Start              End
> John              Adams
> Thomas        Jefferson
> ", header = TRUE, = TRUE )
> DFL <- list( DF1, DF2 )
> # DFNames is a set of unique identifiers
> DFL1 <- data_frame( .DFNames = sprintf( "DF%d", 1:2 )
>                   , data = DFL
>                   )
> DFL2 <- (  DFL1
>         %>% mutate( data = lapply( data
>                                   , function( DF ) {
>                                       DF[[ ".PK" ]] <- nrow( DF ))
>                                       gather( DF, ".Col", "value", -.PK )
>                                     }
>                                   )
>                   )
>         %>% unnest
>         %>% spread( .Col, value )
>         )
> DFL2
> During the discussion, useful links were recommended
> [1]   Hadley on tidy data
> [2]  Hadley on relational data
> [3] 
>   How to make a great reproducible example
>     Improving lapply and related 
> skills
> Thanks again to everyone!
> Ira
>    On Friday, June 29, 2018, 7:47:13 PM PDT, Jeff Newmiller 
><> wrote:
> Code below...
> a) Just because something can be done with dplyr does not mean that is the
> best way to do it. A solution in the hand is worth two on the Internet,
> and dplyr is not always the fastest method anyway.
> b) I highly recommend that you read Hadley Wickham's paper on tidy data
> [1]. Also, having a group of one or more columns at all times that
> uniquely identify where the data came from is a "key" to success [2].
> c) Please read and follow one of the various online documents about making
> reproducible examples in R (e.g. [3]). HTML formatting is really a pain
> (at best... at worst, it corrupts your code) on a plain-text-only list
> (you have read the Posting Guide, right?). Consider my example below as a
> model for you to follow in the future, and make sure to set your email
> program to send plain text. (Obviously your examples don't have to achieve
> success... but they should bring us up to speed with where you are having
> troubles IN R.)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] 
> ----
> library(dplyr)
> #>
> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
> #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
> #>
> #>    filter, lag
> #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
> #>
> #>    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
> library(tidyr)
> # note that these data frames all have character columns
> # rather than factors, due to the option when the
> # data are read in.
> DF1 <- read.table( text =
> "First          Last
> George          Washington
> ", header=TRUE, = TRUE )
> # dput looks ugly but is actually much more practical for
> # providing R data on the mailing list... here is an example
> dput( DF1 )
> #> structure(list(First = "George", Last = "Washington")
> #>, .Names = c("First",
> #> "Last"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L))
> DF2 <- read.table( text =
> "Start              End
> John              Adams
> Thomas        Jefferson
> ", header = TRUE, = TRUE )
> DFL <- list( DF1, DF2 )
> # DFNames is a set of unique identifiers
> DFL1 <- data_frame( .DFNames = sprintf( "DF%d", 1:2 )
>                   , data = DFL
>                   )
> DFL2 <- (  DFL1
>         %>% mutate( data = lapply( data
>                                   , function( DF ) {
>                                       DF[[ ".PK" ]] <- nrow( DF ))
>                                       gather( DF, ".Col", "value", -.PK )
>                                     }
>                                   )
>                   )
>         %>% unnest
>         %>% spread( .Col, value )
>         )
> DFL2
> #> # A tibble: 3 x 6
> #>  .DFNames  .PK End      First  Last      Start
> #>  <chr>    <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>      <chr>
> #> 1 DF1          1 <NA>      George Washington <NA>
> #> 2 DF2          1 Adams    <NA>  <NA>      John
> #> 3 DF2          2 Jefferson <NA>  <NA>      Thomas
> #' Created on 2018-06-29 by the [reprex package]( 
> (v0.2.0).
> ----
> On Sat, 30 Jun 2018, Ira Sharenow via R-help wrote:
>> Sarah and David,
>> Thank you for your responses.I will try and be clearer.
>> Base R solution: Sarah?smethod worked perfectly
>> Is there a dplyrsolution?
>> START: list of dataframes
>> FINISH: one data frame
>> DETAILS: The initiallist of data frames might have hundreds or a few 
>> thousand data frames. Everydata frame will have two columns. The first 
>> column will represent first names.The second column will represent last 
>> names. The column names are notconsistent. Data frames will most likely have 
>> from one to five rows.
>> SUGGESTED STRATEGY:Convert the n by 2 data frames to 1 by 2n data frames. 
>> Then somehow do an rbindeven though the number of columns differ from data 
>> frame to data frame.
>> EXAMPLE: List with twodata frames
>> # DF1
>> First          Last
>> George Washington
>> # DF2
>> Start              End
>> John               Adams
>> Thomas        Jefferson
>> # End Result. One dataframe
>> First1      Second1        First2           Second2
>> George Washington       NA                    NA
>> John               Adams    Thomas        Jefferson
>> DISCUSSION: As mentionedI posted something on Stack Overflow. Unfortunately, 
>> my example was not generalenough and so the suggested solutions worked on 
>> the easy case which I provided butnot when the names were different.
>> The suggested solution was:
>> library(dplyr)
>> bind_rows(lapply(employees4List,function(x)
>> On this site I pointedout that the inner function: lapply(employees4List, 
>> function(x)
>> For each data frame correctlyspread the multiple rows into  1 by 2ndata 
>> frames. However, the column names were derived from the values and were 
>> amess. This caused a problem with bind_rows.
>> I felt that if I knewhow to change all the names of all of the data frames 
>> that were created afterlapply, then I could then use bind_rows. So if 
>> someone knows how to change allof the names at this intermediate stage, I 
>> hope that person will provide thesolution.
>> In  the end a 1 by 2 data frame would have namesFirst1      Second1. A 1 by 
>> 4 data framewould have names First1      Second1        First2           
>> Second2.
>> Ira
>>     On Friday, June 29, 2018, 12:49:18 PM PDT, David Winsemius 
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Jun 29, 2018, at 7:28 AM, Sarah Goslee <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It isn't super clear to me what you're after.
>> Agree.
>> Had a different read of ht erequest. Thought the request was for a first 
>> step that "harmonized" the names of the columns and then used 
>> `dplyr::bind_rows`:
>> library(dplyr)
>> newList <- lapply( employees4List, 'names<-', names(employees4List[[1]]) )
>> bind_rows(newList)
>> #---------
>>   first1 second1
>> 1      Al  Jones
>> 2    Al2  Jones
>> 3    Barb  Smith
>> 4    Al3  Jones
>> 5 Barbara  Smith
>> 6  Carol  Adams
>> 7      Al  Jones2
>> Might want to wrap suppressWarnings around the right side of that assignment 
>> since there were many warnings regarding incongruent factor levels.
>> --
>> David.
>>> Is this what you intend?
>>>> dfbycol(employees4BList)
>>>   first1 last1 first2 last2 first3 last3
>>> 1    Al Jones  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
>>> 2    Al Jones  Barb Smith  <NA>  <NA>
>>> 3    Al Jones  Barb Smith  Carol Adams
>>> 4    Al Jones  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
>>>> dfbycol(employees4List)
>>>   first1  last1  first2 last2 first3 last3
>>> 1    Al  Jones    <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
>>> 2    Al2  Jones    Barb Smith  <NA>  <NA>
>>> 3    Al3  Jones Barbara Smith  Carol Adams
>>> 4    Al Jones2    <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>
>>> If so:
>>> employees4BList = list(
>>> data.frame(first1 = "Al", second1 = "Jones"),
>>> data.frame(first1 = c("Al", "Barb"), second1 = c("Jones", "Smith")),
>>> data.frame(first1 = c("Al", "Barb", "Carol"), second1 = c("Jones",
>>> "Smith", "Adams")),
>>> data.frame(first1 = ("Al"), second1 = "Jones"))
>>> employees4List = list(
>>> data.frame(first1 = ("Al"), second1 = "Jones"),
>>> data.frame(first2 = c("Al2", "Barb"), second2 = c("Jones", "Smith")),
>>> data.frame(first3 = c("Al3", "Barbara", "Carol"), second3 = c("Jones",
>>> "Smith", "Adams")),
>>> data.frame(first4 = ("Al"), second4 = "Jones2"))
>>> ###
>>> dfbycol <- function(x) {
>>>   x <- lapply(x, function(y)as.vector(t(as.matrix(y))))
>>>   x <- lapply(x, function(y){length(y) <- max(sapply(x, length)); y})
>>>   x <-, x)
>>>   x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
>>>   colnames(x) <- paste0(c("first", "last"), rep(seq(1, ncol(x)/2), each=2))
>>>   x
>>> }
>>> ###
>>> dfbycol(employees4BList)
>>> dfbycol(employees4List)
>>> On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 2:36 AM, Ira Sharenow via R-help
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I have a list of data frames which I would like to combine into one data
>>>> frame doing something like rbind. I wish to combine in column order and
>>>> not by names. However, there are issues.
>>>> The number of columns is not the same for each data frame. This is an
>>>> intermediate step to a problem and the number of columns could be
>>>> 2,4,6,8,or10. There might be a few thousand data frames. Another problem
>>>> is that the names of the columns produced by the first step are garbage.
>>>> Below is a method that I obtained by asking a question on stack
>>>> overflow. Unfortunately, my example was not general enough. The code
>>>> below works for the simple case where the names of the people are
>>>> consistent. It does not work when the names are realistically not the same.
>>>> Please note that the lapply step sets things up except for the column
>>>> name issue. If I could figure out a way to change the column names, then
>>>> the bind_rows step will, I believe, work.
>>>> So I really have two questions. How to change all column names of all
>>>> the data frames and then how to solve the original problem.
>>>> # The non general case works fine. It produces one data frame and I can
>>>> then change the column names to
>>>> # c("first1", "last1","first2", "last2","first3", "last3",)
>>>> #Non general easy case
>>>> employees4BList = list(data.frame(first1 = "Al", second1 = "Jones"),
>>>> data.frame(first1 = c("Al", "Barb"), second1 = c("Jones", "Smith")),
>>>> data.frame(first1 = c("Al", "Barb", "Carol"), second1 = c("Jones",
>>>> "Smith", "Adams")),
>>>> data.frame(first1 = ("Al"), second1 = "Jones"))
>>>> employees4BList
>>>> bind_rows(lapply(employees4BList, function(x)
>>>> # This produces a nice list of data frames, except for the names
>>>> lapply(employees4BList, function(x)
>>>> # This list is a disaster. I am looking for a solution that works in
>>>> this case.
>>>> employees4List = list(data.frame(first1 = ("Al"), second1 = "Jones"),
>>>> data.frame(first2 = c("Al2", "Barb"), second2 = c("Jones", "Smith")),
>>>> data.frame(first3 = c("Al3", "Barbara", "Carol"), second3 = c("Jones",
>>>> "Smith", "Adams")),
>>>> data.frame(first4 = ("Al"), second4 = "Jones2"))
>>>>   bind_rows(lapply(employees4List, function(x)
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Ira
>>> --
>>> Sarah Goslee
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
>>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
>> David Winsemius
>> Alameda, CA, USA
>> 'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.'  
>> -Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jeff Newmiller                        The    .....      .....  Go Live...
> DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.      ##.#.  Live Go...
>                                       Live:  OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
> Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.      #.O#.  with
> /Software/Embedded Controllers)              .OO#.      .OO#.  rocks...1k
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ______________________________________________
> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Jeff Newmiller                        The    .....      .....  Go Live...
DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.      ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:  OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.      #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)              .OO#.      .OO#.  rocks...1k
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PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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