On 29/07/18 02:54, Jeff Newmiller wrote:

1) I don't know... it looks to me like you did not run my code.

Aaaarrrgghhh. I *thought* I had, but instead left "fill=Type" inside the aes() call and neglected to add fill=NULL outside this call. Duhhhh!!! It's tough being mentally challenged, let me assure you.

I have included a complete reprex below... try it out in a fresh session. If you still get the problem, check your sessionInfo package versions against mine.

Yep.  Works like a charm.

2) This still smells like your fill parameter is inside the aes function with Type as value. This causes a legend to be created, and since that legend has a different name ("Type") than the colour scale, they are separated. Confirm that you are using fill outside the aes function (because you don't want fill to depend on the data) and have the constant NULL as value (so it won't generate any fill graphical representation).

Yeah.  Well.  Duhhh.  I'm a retread.

3) I missed that... the ylim()/scales_y_continuous(breaks=) limits constrain which data are included as input into the graph. The coord_cartesian function forces the limits as desired.

Bewdy, ta.

4) While showing outliers is a standard semantic feature of boxplots whether produced by ggplot or lattice or base or non-R solution,

Indeed.  But the client is always right! :-)

you can please the client by making the outliers transparent.

And your code shows me how!  Which I need.  Bewdy, ta.

There is a link to the generated image below.

# Simulate some data:
Type <- rep( c( "National", "Local" ), each = 250 )
M0   <- 1300+50*(0:4)
set.seed( 42 )
M1   <- M0 + runif( 5, -100, -50 )
X0   <- rnorm( 250, rep( M0, each = 50 ), 150 )
X1   <- rnorm( 250, rep( M1, each = 50 ), 100 )

Year <- factor( rep( 4:8, each = 50, times = 2)
               , levels = 0:8 )
DemoDat <- data.frame( Year = Year
                      , Score = c( X0, X1 )
                      , Type = Type

ggplot( data = DemoDat
       , aes( x = Year
            , y = Score
            , color = Type
       , fill = NULL
       ) +
     geom_boxplot( position = position_dodge( 1 )
                 , outlier.alpha = 0
                 ) +
     theme_minimal() +
     scale_colour_manual( name = "National v. Local"
                        , values = c( "red", "black" ) ) +
     scale_x_discrete( drop = FALSE ) +
     scale_y_continuous( breaks=seq( 700, 2100, 100 ) ) +
     coord_cartesian( ylim = c( 700, 2100 ) )

# ![](https://i.imgur.com/wUVYU5H.png)

Looks perfect.  Thanks *HUGELY* for your patience with my stupidity.




Technical Editor ANZJS
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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