On Thu, 7 Mar 2019, Sparks, John wrote:

Thanks to Achim's direction I now have a re-producible example.

The code below creates a ts object. The x scale of the last graph runs from 0 to 700.

Yes, and hence breakpoints() re-uses that scaling. As I wrote in my previous mail you either have to squeeze your data into a regular grid of 52 weekly observations per year or you have to keep track of the time index yourself. See below.

So just need a way to get that scale to show the weeks (or some summary of them).

Thanks a bunch.



bp.nile <- breakpoints(Nile ~ 1)
ci.nile <- confint(bp.nile, breaks = 1)

tsNile <- as.xts(x = dfNile[, -2], order.by = dfNile$week)

bp.tsNile <- breakpoints(tsNile ~ 1)
ci.tsNile <- confint(bp.tsNile, breaks = 1)

If you want to use your own non-ts time scale, you can use "xts" (as you do above) or "zoo" (as I do below) or keep thing in a plain "data.frame" (or similar). Then you just have to index the times with the breakpoints or their confidence intervals respectively:

## zoo series
x <- zoo(Nile, seq(ymd('2012-01-01'),ymd('2013-11-30'),by='weeks'))

## breakpoints and confidence intervals
bp <- breakpoints(x ~ 1)
ci <- confint(bp, breaks = 1)

## map time index
cix <- time(x)[ci$confint]

## visualize
abline(v = cix[2], lty = 2)
arrows(cix[1], min(x), cix[3], min(x),
  col = 2, angle = 90, length = 0.05, code = 3)

Above, the $confint is a vector. If it is a matrix (due to more than one breakpoint) the code needs to be tweaked to make cix also a matrix and then use cix[,i] rather than cix[i] for i = 1, 2, 3.

From: Achim Zeileis <achim.zeil...@uibk.ac.at>
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:11 PM
To: Sparks, John
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] strucchange Graph By Week and xts error

On Thu, 7 Mar 2019, Sparks, John wrote:

Hi R Helpers,

I am doing some work at identifying change points in time series data.
A very nice example is given in the R Bloggers post


The data for the aswan dam in that example is yearly.  My data is
weekly.  I ran the code switching the data for the analysis to my data
and it worked, but the scale of the line chart is not sensible.  I have
225 weekly observations and the x-axis of the line graph shows numbers
from 0 to over 1500.  The information on the ts object is

Unfortunately, breakpoints() can only deal automatically with "ts" time
series not with zoo/xts/... So either you can squeeze your data onto a
regular "ts" grid which may work in the case of weekly data. Or you need
to handle the time index "by hand". See


for an example for this.

As for the as.xts() error below. This is because dfNile[, -2] is still a
"ts" object and then as.xts() sets up "order.by" for you.

Either you use xts() rather than as.xts() or you make the first column in
the data.frame "numeric" rather than "ts", e.g., by starting the
transformation with:



I can't share the data because it is proprietary.

Wanting to be a good member of the list, I attempted to put weekly
increments on the Nile data so I could reproduce the x axis of the chart
with the axis scale that I am seeing.  Unfortunately, in doing so I got
another error that I don't understand.


# example from R-Blog runs fine
bp.nile <- breakpoints(Nile ~ 1)
ci.nile <- confint(bp.nile, breaks = 1)

#problem comes in here

Error in xts(x.mat, order.by = order.by, frequency = frequency(x), ...) :
 formal argument "order.by" matched by multiple actual arguments

Can somebody help me to put together the ts object with weeks so that I can 
demonstrate the problem with the scale on the x-axis and then try to get some 
help with that original problem?

Much appreciated.
--John Sparks

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