On 14/06/19 5:30 AM, Tina Chatterjee wrote:

Hello everyone!
I have the following dataframe(df).

time <- c(runif(6,0,1))


<rant on>

I know that it's basically harmless, but it drives me nuts when people do things like:

time <- c(runif(6,0,1))

What the <expletive deleted> do you think that the c() construction is doing? ("Hint": Absolutely nothing!!! You get the same result as you'd get from "time <- runif(6,0,1)" --- or, better, time <- runif(6).
Note that 0 and 1 are the *default* values and *need not be specified*!)

The c() function *catenates* a number of objects (usually vectors) together. Modulo a certain amount of over-simplification, applying c() to a single object just returns that object.

(Example of why that's an over-simplification:  if m is a matrix,
c(m) strips away the "dim" attribute of m and you just get the vector of entries of m, strung out in column order. This is however not advised;
see fortunes::fortune("side effects").)

Using c() as you have done indicates that you don't really understand what you're doing, and that's *not* the way to get the best out of R.

<rant off>



Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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