I posted my question at Stack Overflow, where it didn’t get much of a response, 
and I was pointed in this direction by Ben Bolker. I’m happy to send the whole 
dataset to anyone who wants but thought that it would be presumptuous to 
include an enormous dput() here.

I’m looking at the effects of education spending per school district on crime 
rate (FBI crime data/UCR) within the cities and towns those school districts 
serve over a fifteen year period. The DV now has 203,410 observations of 
city/town crime data over those fifteen years. (I use that figure with some 
reticence, because there are so many moving parts and things to account for, 
but having employed over 100 datasets and hours passing through the code again, 
I think that figure is correct.)

Cities are technically crossed with school district, in that one city might 
attend multiple school districts. This means that one city could have multiple 
values for expenditure per student. School districts, however, also overlap 
with counties. As if things weren’t complicated enough, cities are mostly 
nested within county (though there are cities that exist in two counties, but 
it’s not often, and it’s usually by a small amount). Given that each city/town 
has a distinct PLACE_ID, my understanding is that this could be represented as 

I’m pretty familiar with mixed-effect models, and I’ve looked through clear and 
informative posts such as this one: 
 I believe things would remain sane to include school district 
(full_district_id) as another crossed effect, as below:
glmer.total <- glmer(CRIME_TOTAL ~ 1 + (year|PLACE_ID) + (1|STATE/COUNTY_ID) + 
(year|full_district_id), family = "poisson", control = glmerControl(optimizer = 
"nloptwrap", calc.derivs = FALSE), REML = FALSE, total.years, na.action = 

Variables (not included in this model, to keep things null and simple) are 
centered and logged: pop per city, pop.dens per city, year, unemployment rate 
per county, proportion children living in poverty per school district, per 
capita income per county, difference in those who voted democrat in 
presidential elections per county, log enforcement per city/town, centered 
expenditure per student/ 1000 (per school district). PLACE_ID corresponds to 
cities and towns, COUNTY_ID to counties, full_district_id to school districts, 
and state.

First, if I try to run the full model, using UCSD’s supercomputer, I get the 
error that the job was killed, presumably because it got to a point where it 
consumed too much ram (I think 125mb).

I then tried to create a small subsection of data with arrange(STATE, 
COUNTY_ID, PLACE_ID) and then slicing by the first ten states (up through 
Delaware), so that I have 26,599 values. If I run this null model with the 
above code, I get the following error:

Error in getOptfun(optimizer) :
  optimizer function must use (at least) formal parameters ‘fn’, ‘par’, 
‘lower’, ‘control’

Then I tried with the optimx, with these configurations: control = 
glmerControl(optimizer = "optimx”,
optCtrl = list(method = "nlminb”,
lower = c(0,0,0),
upper = c(Inf,10,1)))

and I received the following warning…since this is a null model, there aren’t 
any variables to really rescale.\

Warning messages:
1: In nlminb(start = par, objective = ufn, gradient = ugr, lower = lower,  :
  unrecognized control elements named ‘lower’, ‘upper’ ignored
2: In nlminb(start = par, objective = ufn, gradient = ugr, lower = lower,  :
  unrecognized control elements named ‘lower’, ‘upper’ ignored
3: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv,  :
  Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00102386 (tol = 0.001, component 
4: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv,  :
  Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
 - Rescale variables?

I then tried more values (to 92,486, through Missouri). First, I tried the 
optimizer nloptr, and then I tried the optimix. I still received the same above 

I’ve checked and rechecked everything, so I wanted to solicit advice, either 
for where I might be going wrong, or for what I could do to resolve these error 

I’ve provided a brief snippet of the data below (randomly pulling a number of 
cities within counties of Arkansas, Arizona, and Alabama, as a dput.


231, 206, 935, 1070, 974, 1108, 1244, 1095, 1131, 1151, 1420,
1316, 1321, 1414, 1484), full_district_id = c("0100240", "0100240",
"0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240",
"0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240",
"0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240",
"0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240",
"0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100240", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270", "0100270",
"0100270", "0100270", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130",
"0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130",
"0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0408080", "0408080",
"0408080", "0408080", "0408080", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130",
"0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130",
"0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0407130", "0400212", "0408020",
"0400212", "0408020", "0400212", "0408020", "0400212", "0408020",
"0400212", "0408020", "0400212", "0408020", "0401180", "0401180",
"0401180", "0401180", "0401180", "0401180", "0401180", "0401180",
"0401180", "0402530", "0402530", "0402530", "0402530", "0402530",
"0402530", "0402530", "0402530", "0408600", "0408600", "0408600",
"0408600", "0408600", "0408600", "0408600", "0408600", "0408600",
"0403150", "0401460", "0403150", "0401460", "0403150", "0401460",
"0403150", "0401460", "0403150", "0401460", "0403150", "0401460",
"0401460", "0403150", "0401460", "0403150", "0401460", "0403150",
"0401460", "0401460", "0401460", "0401460", "0408600", "0408600",
"0408600", "0408600", "0409250", "0409250", "0409250", "0409250",
"0409250", "0409250", "0409250", "0409250", "0409250", "0409250",
"0409250", "0409250", "0409250", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860",
"0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860",
"0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860",
"0403080", "0403080", "0403080", "0403080", "0403080", "0403080",
"0403080", "0403080", "0403080", "0403080", "0403080", "0403080",
"0403080", "0403080", "0405820", "0403080", "0405820", "0403080",
"0405820", "0403080", "0405820", "0403080", "0405820", "0403080",
"0405820", "0403080", "0405820", "0403080", "0405820", "0403080",
"0405820", "0403080", "0405820", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860",
"0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860", "0402860",
"0402860", "0402860", "0409310", "0409310", "0409310", "0409310",
"0409310", "0409310", "0409310", "0409310", "0409310", "0409310",
"0409310", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500",
"0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500",
"0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500",
"0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403500", "0405030", "0403730",
"0405030", "0405030", "0405030", "0405030", "0405030", "0405030",
"0405030", "0405030", "0405030", "0405030", "0405030", "0405030",
"0405030", "0406070", "0406070", "0406070", "0406070", "0406070",
"0406070", "0406070", "0406070", "0406070", "0406070", "0406070",
"0406070", "0406440", "0406440", "0406440", "0406440", "0406440",
"0406440", "0406440", "0406440", "0406440", "0406440", "0406440",
"0406440", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240",
"0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240",
"0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240",
"0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240",
"0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240",
"0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240", "0408410", "0407240",
"0408410", "0402110", "0405320", "0402110", "0405320", "0402110",
"0405320", "0402110", "0405320", "0402110", "0405320", "0402110",
"0405320", "0405320", "0402110", "0405320", "0402110", "0405320",
"0405980", "0405980", "0405980", "0405980", "0405980", "0405980",
"0405980", "0509000", "0509000", "0509000", "0509000", "0509000",
"0509000", "0509000", "0509000", "0509000", "0509000", "0509000",
"0509000", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850",
"0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850",
"0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0509000",
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"0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0509000",
"0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0509000",
"0511850", "0509000", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850",
"0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850",
"0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850", "0510680", "0511850",
"0500009", "0500009", "0500009", "0500009", "0500009", "0500009",
"0500009", "0500009", "0500009", "0500009", "0509270", "0509270",
"0509270", "0513080", "0513080", "0513080", "0513080", "0513080",
"0513080", "0513080", "0513080", "0513080", "0513080", "0513080",
"0513080", "0513080", "0511610", "0511610", "0511610", "0511610",
"0511610", "0511610", "0511610", "0511610", "0511610", "0511610",
"0512480", "0512480", "0512480", "0512480", "0506270", "0506270",
"0506270", "0506270", "0506270", "0506270", "0506270", "0506270",
"0506270", "0506270", "0508040", "0508040", "0508040", "0508040",
"0508040", "0508040", "0503690", "0503690", "0502790", "0502960",
"0503690", "0507320", "0502790", "0502960", "0503690", "0507320",
"0502790", "0502960", "0503690", "0507320", "0502790", "0502960",
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"0503690", "0507320", "0502790", "0502960", "0503690", "0507320",
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"0503690", "0507320", "0503690", "0503690", "0503690", "0503690",
"0503690", "0503690", "0503690", "0503690", "0503690", "0503690",
"0503690", "0506420", "0506420", "0506420", "0506420", "0506420",
"0506420", "0506420", "0506420", "0506420", "0506420", "0506420",
"0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850",
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"0500015", "0500015", "0500015", "0500015", "0500015", "0500015",
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"0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850", "0511850"
), COUNTY = c("autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county",
"autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county",
"autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county",
"autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county",
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"autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county",
"autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county", "autauga county",
"baldwin county", "baldwin county", "baldwin county", "baldwin county",
"baldwin county", "baldwin county", "baldwin county", "baldwin county",
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"coconino county", "coconino county", "gila county", "gila county",
"gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county",
"gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county",
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"gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county",
"gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county", "gila county",
"gila county", "graham county", "graham county", "graham county",
"graham county", "graham county", "graham county", "graham county",
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"graham county", "greenlee county", "greenlee county", "greenlee county",
"greenlee county", "greenlee county", "greenlee county", "greenlee county",
"greenlee county", "greenlee county", "greenlee county", "greenlee county",
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"greenlee county", "greenlee county", "la paz county", "la paz county",
"la paz county", "la paz county", "la paz county", "la paz county",
"la paz county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county", "pulaski county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county", "randolph county",
"st. francis county", "st. francis county", "st. francis county",
"st. francis county", "st. francis county", "st. francis county",
"st. francis county", "st. francis county", "st. francis county",
"st. francis county", "st. francis county", "st. francis county",
"st. francis county", "st. francis county", "st. francis county",
"st. francis county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county", "saline county", "saline county", "saline county",
"saline county"), COUNTY_ID = c("01001", "01001", "01001", "01001",
"01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001",
"01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001",
"01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001",
"01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01001", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003", "01003",
"01003", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001",
"04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001",
"04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001",
"04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001",
"04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04001", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003",
"04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04003", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005",
"04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04005", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04007",
"04007", "04007", "04007", "04007", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009", "04009",
"04009", "04009", "04009", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04011",
"04011", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04011",
"04011", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04011", "04012",
"04012", "04012", "04012", "04012", "04012", "04012", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119",
"05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05119", "05121",
"05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121",
"05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121",
"05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121",
"05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121",
"05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05121",
"05121", "05121", "05121", "05121", "05123", "05123", "05123",
"05123", "05123", "05123", "05123", "05123", "05123", "05123",
"05123", "05123", "05123", "05123", "05123", "05123", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125",
"05125", "05125", "05125", "05125", "05125"), DISTRICT = c("Autauga County 
School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Autauga County School District", "Autauga County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Baldwin County School District",
"Baldwin County School District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "St. Johns Unified District",
"St. Johns Unified District", "St. Johns Unified District", "St. Johns Unified 
"St. Johns Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Round Valley Unified District", "Round Valley Unified District",
"Benson Unified School District", "St. David Unified District",
"Benson Unified School District", "St. David Unified District",
"Benson Unified School District", "St. David Unified District",
"Benson Unified School District", "St. David Unified District",
"Benson Unified School District", "St. David Unified District",
"Benson Unified School District", "St. David Unified District",
"Bisbee Unified District", "Bisbee Unified District", "Bisbee Unified District",
"Bisbee Unified District", "Bisbee Unified District", "Bisbee Unified District",
"Bisbee Unified District", "Bisbee Unified District", "Bisbee Unified District",
"Douglas Unified District", "Douglas Unified District", "Douglas Unified 
"Douglas Unified District", "Douglas Unified District", "Douglas Unified 
"Douglas Unified District", "Douglas Unified District", "Tombstone Unified 
"Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified 
"Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified 
"Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified District", "Fort Huachuca 
Accommodation District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Fort Huachuca Accommodation District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Fort Huachuca Accommodation District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Fort Huachuca Accommodation District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Fort Huachuca Accommodation District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Fort Huachuca Accommodation District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Sierra Vista Unified District",
"Fort Huachuca Accommodation District", "Sierra Vista Unified District",
"Fort Huachuca Accommodation District", "Sierra Vista Unified District",
"Fort Huachuca Accommodation District", "Sierra Vista Unified District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Sierra Vista Unified District",
"Sierra Vista Unified District", "Tombstone Unified District",
"Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified District", "Tombstone Unified 
"Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified 
"Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified 
"Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified 
"Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified District", "Willcox Unified 
"Willcox Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District", "Page Unified District",
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified 
"Flagstaff Unified District", "Flagstaff Unified District", "Williams Unified 
"Williams Unified District", "Williams Unified District", "Williams Unified 
"Williams Unified District", "Williams Unified District", "Williams Unified 
"Williams Unified District", "Williams Unified District", "Williams Unified 
"Williams Unified District", "Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Globe Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Globe Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Globe Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Globe Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Hayden-Winkelman Unified 
"Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District", "Miami Unified District",
"Miami Unified District", "Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District",
"Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District",
"Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District",
"Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District", "Payson Unified District",
"Payson Unified District", "Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District",
"Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District",
"Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District",
"Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District", "Pima Unified District",
"Pima Unified District", "Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified 
"Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified 
"Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified 
"Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified 
"Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified 
"Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified 
"Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified 
"Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified 
"Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified 
"Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified 
"Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified 
"Safford Unified District", "Thatcher Unified District", "Safford Unified 
"Thatcher Unified District", "Clifton Unified District", "Morenci Unified 
"Clifton Unified District", "Morenci Unified District", "Clifton Unified 
"Morenci Unified District", "Clifton Unified District", "Morenci Unified 
"Clifton Unified District", "Morenci Unified District", "Clifton Unified 
"Morenci Unified District", "Morenci Unified District", "Clifton Unified 
"Morenci Unified District", "Clifton Unified District", "Morenci Unified 
"Parker Unified School District", "Parker Unified School District",
"Parker Unified School District", "Parker Unified School District",
"Parker Unified School District", "Parker Unified School District",
"Parker Unified School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Little Rock School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Little Rock School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Little Rock School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Little Rock School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Little Rock School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Little Rock School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"North Little Rock School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Corning Public Schools", "Corning Public Schools", "Corning Public Schools",
"Corning Public Schools", "Corning Public Schools", "Corning Public Schools",
"Corning Public Schools", "Corning Public Schools", "Corning Public Schools",
"Corning Public Schools", "Mammoth Spring Schools", "Mammoth Spring Schools",
"Mammoth Spring Schools", "Greene County Technical School District",
"Greene County Technical School District", "Greene County Technical School 
"Greene County Technical School District", "Greene County Technical School 
"Greene County Technical School District", "Greene County Technical School 
"Greene County Technical School District", "Greene County Technical School 
"Greene County Technical School District", "Greene County Technical School 
"Greene County Technical School District", "Greene County Technical School 
"Pocahontas School District", "Pocahontas School District", "Pocahontas School 
"Pocahontas School District", "Pocahontas School District", "Pocahontas School 
"Pocahontas School District", "Pocahontas School District", "Pocahontas School 
"Pocahontas School District", "Sloan-Hendrix School District",
"Sloan-Hendrix School District", "Sloan-Hendrix School District",
"Sloan-Hendrix School District", "Forrest City School District",
"Forrest City School District", "Forrest City School District",
"Forrest City School District", "Forrest City School District",
"Forrest City School District", "Forrest City School District",
"Forrest City School District", "Forrest City School District",
"Forrest City School District", "West Memphis School District",
"West Memphis School District", "West Memphis School District",
"West Memphis School District", "West Memphis School District",
"West Memphis School District", "Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public 
"Bauxite School District", "Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School District", "Benton School 
"Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School 
"Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School 
"Bauxite School District", "Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School District", "Benton School 
"Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School 
"Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School 
"Bauxite School District", "Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School District", "Benton School 
"Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School 
"Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School 
"Bauxite School District", "Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School District", "Benton School 
"Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School District", "Bauxite School 
"Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools", "Harmony Grove School 
"Bauxite School District", "Benton School District", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Harmony Grove School District", "Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public 
"Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public Schools", "Bryant Public Schools",
"Fountain Lake School District", "Fountain Lake School District",
"Fountain Lake School District", "Fountain Lake School District",
"Fountain Lake School District", "Fountain Lake School District",
"Fountain Lake School District", "Fountain Lake School District",
"Fountain Lake School District", "Fountain Lake School District",
"Fountain Lake School District", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Bryant Public Schools", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Bryant Public Schools", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Bryant Public Schools", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Bryant Public Schools", "Pulaski County Special School District",
"Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School 
"Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School 
"Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School 
"Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School District", "Sheridan School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District", "Pulaski County Special School 
"Pulaski County Special School District"), EXPENDITURE_PER_STUDENT = 
5.83217391304348, 6.24197091745999, 7.00549108992955, 7.58262281770199,
7.42023581578152, 5.2927293064877, 6.24197091745999, 7.58262281770199,
7.42023581578152, 7.3847757046447, 7.53533925686591, 7.0917048346056,
7.18122877431306, 7.4336542486396, 7.54056291390728, 8.11883528526915,
5.2927293064877, 5.4061504667765, 5.83217391304348, 6.24197091745999,
7.00549108992955, 7.58262281770199, 7.3847757046447, 7.53533925686591,
7.0917048346056, 7.18122877431306, 7.4336542486396, 7.54056291390728,
7.62202102195858, 8.11883528526915, 6.72722224595276, 7.55975125802888,
9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623, 8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132,
8.10149903123832, 8.8251378752353, 8.82232971630278, 9.07112703083024,
6.72722224595276, 6.76353122269834, 7.55975125802888, 8.21461591802142,
9.08160237388724, 9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151, 8.34440937621902,
8.12038327526132, 8.10149903123832, 8.8251378752353, 8.82232971630278,
8.94384274675891, 9.07112703083024, 6.72722224595276, 7.55975125802888,
9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623, 9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151,
8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132, 8.8251378752353, 6.72722224595276,
6.76353122269834, 7.55975125802888, 9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623,
9.40051622418879, 8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132, 8.10149903123832,
8.8251378752353, 8.82232971630278, 8.94384274675891, 9.07112703083024,
6.72722224595276, 9.08160237388724, 9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151,
8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132, 8.10149903123832, 8.8251378752353,
8.82232971630278, 9.07112703083024, 6.72722224595276, 7.55975125802888,
8.21461591802142, 9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623, 9.40051622418879,
8.27094691535151, 8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132, 8.10149903123832,
8.8251378752353, 8.82232971630278, 8.94384274675891, 9.07112703083024,
6.72722224595276, 7.55975125802888, 8.21461591802142, 9.08160237388724,
8.27094691535151, 8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132, 8.10149903123832,
9.07112703083024, 6.72722224595276, 7.55975125802888, 8.21461591802142,
9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623, 9.40051622418879, 8.34440937621902,
8.12038327526132, 8.94384274675891, 9.07112703083024, 6.72722224595276,
9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623, 9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151,
8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132, 8.10149903123832, 8.8251378752353,
8.82232971630278, 8.94384274675891, 9.07112703083024, 6.72722224595276,
7.55975125802888, 8.21461591802142, 9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623,
9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151, 8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132,
8.10149903123832, 8.82232971630278, 8.94384274675891, 6.72722224595276,
9.08160237388724, 10.0624245624623, 9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151,
8.12038327526132, 8.82232971630278, 8.94384274675891, 9.07112703083024,
6.72722224595276, 7.55975125802888, 8.21461591802142, 9.08160237388724,
9.40051622418879, 8.27094691535151, 8.34440937621902, 8.12038327526132,
8.10149903123832, 8.8251378752353, 8.82232971630278, 8.94384274675891,
9.07112703083024, 6.12082777036048, 7.13046495489244, 7.48205822613406,
8.42205582028591, 8.80758807588076, 9.71007853403141, 8.90625,
8.23277074542897, 8.28856088560886, 6.7035633055345, 8.31709145427286,
8.39924812030075, 8.18996138996139, 7.76379176379176, 7.18944392082941,
7.68155893536122, 8.99380421313507, 9.23019801980198, 9.44252163164401,
6.12082777036048, 7.13046495489244, 7.48205822613406, 8.42205582028591,
9.71007853403141, 8.90625, 8.23277074542897, 8.28856088560886,
6.7035633055345, 8.31709145427286, 8.39924812030075, 8.18996138996139,
7.76379176379176, 6.62690839694656, 6.32572614107884, 6.91001011122346,
8.82959641255605, 7.57358870967742, 8.00948766603416, 7.39882121807466,
9.23711340206185, 8.05449330783939, 8.3406374501992, 7.63463203463203,
8.23214285714286, 5.51444547996272, 7.53790238836968, 7.63434343434343,
7.92813765182186, 8.50155763239875, 9.61519302615193, 9.70428015564202,
9.4328947368421, 8.59541984732824, 5.55893074119077, 5.86838837844549,
6.35430694218714, 6.68793828892006, 6.59272979856448, 5.81831610044313,
7.18246822033898, 7.32805676855895, 5.939, 6.85257731958763,
7.48630887185104, 7.16906077348066, 9.00130890052356, 9.90243902439024,
7.84958871915394, 8.19285714285714, 7.69109357384442, 7.87118084227911,
4.83343091334895, 8.06544293695132, 5.55677928263134, 8.83374689826303,
5.91642995963522, 8.51578947368421, 6.26183602771363, 10.4579349904398,
6.92585083272991, 9.41557305336833, 7.19042740046838, 7.6807833147588,
10.9243295019157, 7.87441627751835, 6.29256360078278, 7.52888022678951,
6.18485742379548, 7.40448625180897, 7.00034734282737, 7.04250087811732,
7.88884892086331, 5.939, 9.90243902439024, 7.84958871915394,
8.19285714285714, 5.96870653685675, 6.76280701754386, 7.08764367816092,
7.34377276037873, 8.15425531914894, 8.22409638554217, 7.60411899313501,
7.58069498069498, 7.49270664505673, 6.86683630195081, 8.12709620476611,
7.46073298429319, 7.82620087336245, 6.1090719318083, 6.19281131909658,
6.62732809603672, 7.20896453395117, 7.57677270303892, 7.89167412712623,
8.40861296516412, 8.17979855031535, 8.793385982231, 8.76992084432718,
7.95928593798935, 7.74918133442489, 7.97295629820051, 8.09428950863214,
8.44476683937824, 7.01617250673854, 8.24033149171271, 8.15584415584416,
7.792, 8.92711370262391, 9.64838709677419, 10.7218045112782,
8.49354838709677, 9.14084507042254, 7.74712643678161, 9.88702928870293,
9.50579150579151, 10.108, 7.01617250673854, 7.27842377260982,
8.24033149171271, 8.56187521544295, 10.7218045112782, 8.53533333333333,
8.49354838709677, 8.62977099236641, 9.14084507042254, 8.14606741573034,
7.74712643678161, 7.01046176046176, 9.88702928870293, 9.46165191740413,
9.50579150579151, 9.23091110291405, 10.108, 9.37196261682243,
10.6221198156682, 8.92933382407067, 6.1090719318083, 6.62732809603672,
7.20896453395117, 7.57677270303892, 7.89167412712623, 8.40861296516412,
8.17979855031535, 8.793385982231, 8.76992084432718, 7.95928593798935,
7.97295629820051, 6.6392811296534, 7.89387755102041, 8.45956873315364,
11.218523878437, 8.52815829528158, 8.36842105263158, 7.81199351701783,
9.1421647819063, 8.63695299837925, 8.80372250423012, 8.40688575899843,
5.38861047835991, 5.75704809286899, 5.67469310670444, 7.44364292155095,
6.69357976653697, 7.11985688729875, 6.91486146095718, 7.21993127147766,
7.25245732022763, 7.72690106295993, 6.78057939914163, 7.1227495908347,
5.89532920652786, 7.14781172584641, 5.44613511868533, 6.3986543313709,
6.55555555555556, 7.14873140857393, 6.97257268239166, 6.9459219858156,
7.816553428042, 7.19015280135823, 8.65277777777778, 7.44364292155095,
7.11985688729875, 7.21993127147766, 7.72690106295993, 7.53658536585366,
7.1227495908347, 7.14781172584641, 7.14390842191333, 6.3986543313709,
7.14873140857393, 6.9459219858156, 7.16031886625332, 7.19015280135823,
5.12904347826087, 5.90447443181818, 6.26032315978456, 6.51832088224831,
7.62146454862456, 7.76151980598222, 7.66235931638183, 7.14583333333333,
7.40443329150983, 7.63142123287671, 7.54361567635904, 7.9720910261915,
5.56259426847662, 6.42748091603053, 10.6981132075472, 7.92669432918396,
7.15964240102171, 6.74368686868687, 6.8751677852349, 5.89911727616646,
6.29238329238329, 6.35765550239234, 6.54787878787879, 6.6196682464455,
4.97549019607843, 4.76815181518152, 6.92771464646465, 5.67053364269142,
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4.97549019607843, 4.76815181518152, 5.77957177957178, 5.61423550087873,
5.92077087794433, 5.71404399323181, 6.21070693205216, 5.85202863961814,
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6.27197452229299, 5.2630890052356, 6.00831467860569, 5.20410703173615,
6.69428926132837, 5.35815602836879, 6.92771464646465, 5.67053364269142,
7.18136769078295, 5.61715601611975, 7.3194626474443, 5.95308083663086,
7.58947368421053, 6.12723449001052, 8.22988505747126, 6.13786008230453,
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9.55633802816901, 6.40726124704025, 10.9912280701754, 7.50491510277033,
6.6267902274642, 12.7692307692308, 6.54754358161648, 9.41666666666667,
6.12397311426438, 6.33300923675255, 7.51452081316554, 8.43537759756716,
8.91471658866355, 8.85417775412453, 9.22906267332224, 7.91540948275862,
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10.9882582421785, 12.2438777496593, 12.0890472647531, 12.5818225285891,
12.9612504978096, 12.9894630601534, 12.7830785982175, 12.4487962924989,
8.12304189928993, 8.22741701189003, 8.67943833678023, 9.64585063389249,
10.3339912033382, 10.8793211816468, 10.9038385212905, 9.96331605062162,
10.5577464788732, 10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488, 11.7409097942132,
9.5292768273717, 8.12304189928993, 9.9727155921699, 8.22741701189003,
10.4415342832695, 8.67943833678023, 10.6431472456063, 9.44432726465364,
10.9882582421785, 9.64585063389249, 11.2046290203971, 10.3339912033382,
12.2438777496593, 10.8793211816468, 12.0890472647531, 10.9038385212905,
12.5818225285891, 9.96331605062162, 12.9612504978096, 10.5577464788732,
12.9894630601534, 10.6464283645212, 12.7830785982175, 10.9712915896488,
12.4487962924989, 11.7409097942132, 8.12304189928993, 8.22741701189003,
8.67943833678023, 9.44432726465364, 9.64585063389249, 10.3339912033382,
10.8793211816468, 10.9038385212905, 9.96331605062162, 10.5577464788732,
10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488, 11.7409097942132, 7.60162173546757,
8.12304189928993, 8.12884556807798, 8.22741701189003, 8.50751879699248,
8.67943833678023, 9.50669336987457, 9.44432726465364, 9.60444538080691,
9.64585063389249, 10.3580374702412, 10.3339912033382, 10.623085106383,
10.8793211816468, 10.652063841497, 10.9038385212905, 9.73269924565431,
9.96331605062162, 9.73378689783825, 10.5577464788732, 9.40273672687466,
10.6464283645212, 9.63958263958264, 10.9712915896488, 9.58136439267887,
11.7409097942132, 10.5577464788732, 10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488,
11.7409097942132, 7.60162173546757, 8.12304189928993, 8.12884556807798,
8.22741701189003, 8.50751879699248, 8.67943833678023, 9.50669336987457,
9.44432726465364, 9.60444538080691, 9.64585063389249, 10.3580374702412,
10.3339912033382, 10.623085106383, 10.8793211816468, 10.652063841497,
10.9038385212905, 9.73269924565431, 9.96331605062162, 9.73378689783825,
10.5577464788732, 9.40273672687466, 10.6464283645212, 9.63958263958264,
10.9712915896488, 9.58136439267887, 11.7409097942132, 7.80456026058632,
8.21162579473206, 7.90869939707149, 9.46188340807175, 9.84302862419206,
9.28445747800587, 8.86706349206349, 9.19162303664922, 9.07971014492754,
9.36363636363636, 8.9917695473251, 9.58350515463917, 9.92813141683778,
6.91358743089904, 6.79414180125924, 7.10879001627781, 7.57619451512581,
7.44309173272933, 7.84115827944897, 8.11397967591321, 8.60985797827903,
8.50920411478073, 8.42636072572038, 8.62165740005295, 8.74824081313526,
8.76567398119122, 6.7948984903696, 6.78862606945143, 7.73729266987694,
7.95042643923241, 8.11260775862069, 7.98584163607761, 8.20189773326305,
8.06330416881112, 8.26944585663447, 8.53329918032787, 7.45793103448276,
7.74049803407602, 8.16645161290323, 8.04025974025974, 8.01747815230961,
8.43163869693978, 8.95605518650996, 9.074016563147, 9.84807379272925,
10.4413265306122, 10.0133412392529, 10.3694306930693, 11.3058269996381,
10.5112277631963, 9.43511312217194, 10.0543611256773, 10.0988177166049,
9.43511312217194, 10.0543611256773, 10.0988177166049, 7.95654087358345,
8.30098346482222, 6.09793351302785, 6.63657733897508, 6.20885116702031,
7.01203369434416, 6.72523686477175, 6.81696529825357, 6.60735659027879,
7.2252358490566, 7.15823293172691, 6.95142670442169, 7.00189449140192,
7.40715109573241, 7.14274691358025, 7.1871996505024, 7.08865000698032,
7.20507399577167, 6.90175438596491, 7.26443243243243, 7.16230014778987,
7.62271805273834, 7.19021364576154, 7.57658619953001, 7.5522002839076,
7.9588785046729, 7.41418157720345, 7.72357894736842, 7.43353681325526,
7.81007067137809, 7.65282284231019, 7.89898132427844, 7.58417971083762,
8.20162748643761, 7.48300192431046, 7.57974891953077, 7.69333333333333,
8.15555555555556, 7.56432566811684, 7.7354761429427, 7.81993065652612,
8.25194805194805, 7.9640644361834, 7.7116781157998, 7.8797826328047,
8.15601023017903, 8.30181818181818, 7.99027426570706, 7.95654087358345,
8.79780960404381, 7.93843395098625, 7.840061514802, 8.30098346482222,
8.58135860979463, 6.20885116702031, 7.00189449140192, 7.08865000698032,
7.16230014778987, 7.5522002839076, 7.43353681325526, 7.58417971083762,
7.69333333333333, 7.8797826328047, 7.95654087358345, 8.30098346482222,
6.97558922558923, 7.56495726495726, 7.99651264167393, 9.85160202360877,
8.94103194103194, 9.66104417670683, 10.6750814332248, 11.5657998423956,
11.4848254931715, 10.4968242766408, 10.1266435986159, 8.12304189928993,
8.22741701189003, 8.67943833678023, 9.64585063389249, 10.3339912033382,
10.8793211816468, 10.9038385212905, 9.96331605062162, 10.5577464788732,
10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488, 11.7409097942132, 8.12304189928993,
8.22741701189003, 8.67943833678023, 9.44432726465364, 9.64585063389249,
10.3339912033382, 10.8793211816468, 10.9038385212905, 9.96331605062162,
10.5577464788732, 10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488, 11.7409097942132,
8.12304189928993, 8.22741701189003, 8.67943833678023, 9.44432726465364,
9.64585063389249, 10.3339912033382, 10.8793211816468, 10.9038385212905,
9.96331605062162, 10.5577464788732, 10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488,
11.7409097942132, 8.12304189928993, 8.22741701189003, 8.67943833678023,
9.44432726465364, 9.64585063389249, 10.3339912033382, 10.8793211816468,
10.9038385212905, 9.96331605062162, 10.5577464788732, 10.6464283645212,
10.9712915896488, 11.7409097942132, 7.81993065652612, 10.5577464788732,
7.8797826328047, 10.6464283645212, 7.95654087358345, 10.9712915896488,
8.30098346482222, 11.7409097942132, 6.8108605614358, 6.88741567806467,
6.98612074947953, 6.9482880755608, 7.5150142993327, 7.67364213496356,
8.04991719895907, 8.06427398545625, 7.73682983682984, 7.91900905192949,
7.91520190023753, 8.0556866446437, 8.12304189928993, 8.22741701189003,
8.67943833678023, 9.44432726465364, 9.64585063389249, 10.3339912033382,
10.8793211816468, 10.9038385212905, 9.96331605062162, 10.5577464788732,
10.6464283645212, 10.9712915896488, 11.7409097942132)), row.names = c(NA,
-800L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

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