In RStudio, I enter File -> Open Project -> and browse to open a .Rproj file. Then, I click Build -> Build Binary Package. Thanks.

On 2020/4/28 下午 10:55, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 28/04/2020 9:56 a.m., Steven Yen wrote:
Thanks. I visited the Rtools web page and learned to run the following
lines. I am still getting the same warning message.

And you are still not telling us what command you used to trigger that message.

Duncan Murdoch

  > writeLines('PATH="${RTOOLS40_HOME}\\usr\\bin;${PATH}"', con =
  > Sys.which("make")

On 2020/4/28 下午 08:39, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 28/04/2020 5:57 a.m., Steven T. Yen wrote:
Dear All

I updated to R-4.0.0. and also installed the latest Rtools 4.0 (to now
the new default folder c:\rtools40). While compiling a package (binary)
I received the follow marning message saying Rtools is required. Any
clues? Thanks.

Presumably you didn't put it on your path, or you used a non-standard
way to build.  You need to say what command you used.

Duncan Murdoch

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