It is still not clear to me (1) if you just want the printed output in your SAS list file, or (2) if you want the actual numerical results returned to SAS so that you can do more manipulation with the numbers.

If (1) you can precede your R code with sink() to output to your SAS list file

 #--------R libraries---------
sink('path/to/your/listfile.lst', append=TRUE)

MFSubj(lesion ~ group, calflung)
HLBoot(lesion ~ group,  calflung, compare = c("con", "vac"), b = 100,
          B = 100, alpha = 0.05, hpd = TRUE, bca = FALSE,
          return.boot = FALSE, <> = FALSE, seed = NULL)

You will probably need to redirect your SAS list file to the same location
   PROC PRINTTO file='path/to/your/listfile.lst' new;

If (2), then you need to store the output from you function into variables that you can examine to see what you may want to import into SAS.  So, something like this in R

mfsubj <- MFSubj(lesion ~ group, calflung)
hlboot <- HLBoot(lesion ~ group,  calflung, compare = c("con", "vac"), b = 100,
          B = 100, alpha = 0.05, hpd = TRUE, bca = FALSE,
          return.boot = FALSE, = FALSE, seed = NULL)

After examining the output, you will know what variables/dataframes you want to import and you can use the functions provided by PROC IML for that purpose.  You will need to read the SAS documentation to understand how to do that.

This is becoming off topic for R-Help, so let me end with suggesting you pursue this question either on SAScommunity or the SAS-L listserve.  You might also want to look into SAS Viya for running your R code. If you want to continue this off-list, I can try to help you more, but I will need to better understand what it is that you want to get back into SAS.


On 8/23/2020 6:46 AM, Jomy Jose wrote:
 Hi Daniel

Thanks,please find the code and output

 #--------R libraries---------

MFSubj(lesion ~ group, calflung)
HLBoot(lesion ~ group,  calflung, compare = c("con", "vac"), b = 100,
          B = 100, alpha = 0.05, hpd = TRUE, bca = FALSE,
          return.boot = FALSE, <> = FALSE, seed = NULL)

10000 bootstrap samples
95% confidence intervals
Comparing vac to con

Mitigated Fraction

                observed median  lower  upper
Equal Tailed        0.44 0.4464 0.1360 0.7024
Highest Density     0.44 0.4464 0.1456 0.7088


                observed   median     lower    upper
Equal Tailed    -0.07335 -0.07125 -0.170425 -0.01480
Highest Density -0.07335 -0.07125 -0.156350 -0.00975

Quartile Differences (quartiles of vac - quartiles of con)

     observed    median    lower     upper
Q25 -0.041500 -0.041300 -0.10340 -0.000905
Q50 -0.112525 -0.111175 -0.28115  0.019350
Q75 -0.168000 -0.170425 -0.38650  0.030000

Quartiles of con
    observed   median   lower   upper
Q25 0.054000 0.054000 0.01525 0.11275
Q50 0.139275 0.139275 0.06140 0.31000
Q75 0.315000 0.315000 0.17300 0.45250

Quartiles of vac
    observed  median   lower    upper
Q25  0.01250 0.01250 0.00125 0.026000
Q50  0.02675 0.02675 0.01665 0.144575
Q75  0.14700 0.14700 0.02810 0.292000


On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 2:44 AM Daniel Nordlund < <>> wrote:

    On 8/22/2020 9:05 AM, Rasmus Liland wrote:
    > On 2020-08-22 08:17 +0530, Jomy Jose wrote:
    > | Hi
    > | I was able to run R code via PROC IML
    > | in SAS,so is there any way to export
    > | the generated outputs to SAS datasets
    > | since the R outputs don't follow data
    > | frame structure.
    > Dear Jomy,
    > But perhaps you can take the outputs in
    > SAS and work on them inside from there?
    > To export a data frame from R to SAS via
    > a file[1], you can use
    >       foreign::write.foreign(..., package="SAS")
    > But I have not tried it.
    > I have used foreign::read.spss before,
    > hehe :-)
    > I know R is also possible to call from
    > Julia, and the df appearing in Julia,
    > this sounds like it should be possible
    > SAS too[2], yes?
    > Best,
    > Rasmus
    > [1]
    > [2]
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    Can you give a reproducible example of the R-code you are running and
    the R "output" you want to get back in SAS?  It is difficult from way
    over here to know if you are wanting numerical results like means or
    regression coefficients ... or if you just want printed output in
    SAS log or listing.


-- Daniel Nordlund
    Port Townsend, WA  USA

Daniel Nordlund
Port Townsend, WA  USA

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