On Thu, 4 Nov 2021, Ben Tupper wrote:

The help for problems() shows that the expected argument has a default
value of .Last.value. If you don't provide the input argument, it just
uses the last thing your R session evaluated. That's great if you run
problems() right after your issues arises. But you have inserted
stop_for_problems() before you get a chance to run problems(). So, in your
case, if you want to inspect the problems associated with x, you should
provide x explicitly ala problems(x).


I've isolated one data file to import by removing both stop_for_problems()
and problems():

cor_stage <- read_csv("../data/cor-stage.csv", col_names = TRUE,
                      col_types = list (
                          site_nbr = col_character(),
                          year = col_integer(),
                          mon = col_integer(),
                          day = col_integer(),
                          hr = col_double(),
                          min = col_double(),
                          ft = col_integer())

The gzipped data file can be downloaded from <https://tinyurl.com/5usc8wbz>.

R imports the file but when I look at it the last column has not been
imported and problems() doesn't return them:

# A tibble: 415,903 × 8
   site_nbr  year   mon   day    hr   min tz       ft
   <chr>    <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int>
 1 14171600  2009    10    23     0     0 PDT      NA
 2 14171600  2009    10    23     0    15 PDT      NA
 3 14171600  2009    10    23     0    30 PDT      NA
 4 14171600  2009    10    23     0    45 PDT      NA
 5 14171600  2009    10    23     1     0 PDT      NA
 6 14171600  2009    10    23     1    15 PDT      NA
 7 14171600  2009    10    23     1    30 PDT      NA
 8 14171600  2009    10    23     1    45 PDT      NA
 9 14171600  2009    10    23     2     0 PDT      NA
10 14171600  2009    10    23     2    15 PDT      NA
# … with 415,893 more rows
Warning message:
One or more parsing issues, see `problems()` for details

There are 20 .csv files; a few import properly the rest don't. I've not
before needed to import this many data files for a project but using
read.csv() hasn't failed to import the data column, either.



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