I don't understand your question.  It looks like the example in 
?lattice::panel.bwplot does
exactly what you want (modulo using ggplot instead of lattice).  Therefore it 
looks like creating a single column of y
from the y in each data.frame, and also a single column of x from the x in each 
data.frame should be enough.

Here is an even simpler example

y <- rnorm(20)
x <- rep(1:2, each=10)
bwplot(x ~ y, horizontal=TRUE)

> On Nov 10, 2021, at 15:16, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Nov 2021, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> I have the code to create ggplot2 boxplots using two attributes (e.g.,
>> chemical concentration and month) from the same tibble. Is there an
>> example from which I can learn how to make boxplots from different
>> tibbles/dataframes (e.g., chemical concentrations and monitoring
>> location)?
> To clarify: I'd like to produce a plot such as Naomi Robbins presents in
> figure 4.11 of her book, "Creating More Effective Graphics."
> In my case I want to present river boxplots of discharges over each
> monitoring site's period of record as a vertical stack of horizontal
> boxplots. The northern-most site actually has negative discharges twice a
> day as it's tidally influenced at about 125 River Miles from the ocean and
> the incoming tides push the water upriver.
> Rich
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