This "data_long" appears to be a mess you are not satisfied with, rather than 
the "data" you started with or a model of what you want.

On November 28, 2021 9:06:54 AM PST, Philip Monk <> wrote:
>Thanks for your suggestions, Chris.
>I'm writing from Gmail's web client, and have checked the message is
>being sent as plain text (though I also did this previously so it may
>be that I need to change to Outlook).  Let me know if it doesn't work.
>Hopefully I've used dput properly (see example below with apologies to
>Burt and the PG).   In my defence, I have very limited time due to
>caring responsibilities so am time-poor out of necessity rather than
>Reading the 'pivot_longer' documentation I think I need to use
>'names_pattern' to split the weather data into different columns, but
>I don't understand the required syntax.
>Thanks for your help,
>data_long <-
>  structure(
>    list(
>      Buffer = c(
>        "100",
>        "200",
>        "300",
>        "400",
>        "500",
>        "600",
>        "700",
>        "800",
>        "900",
>        "1000",
>        "1100",
>        "1200",
>        "1300",
>        "1400",
>        "1500",
>        "1600",
>        "1700",
>        "1800",
>        "1900",
>        "Temperature",
>        "Wind speed",
>        "Wind trend",
>        "Wind direction",
>        "Humidity",
>        "Pressure",
>        "Pressure trend"
>      ),
>      `15/01/2010` = c(
>        6.091741043,
>        5.271975614,
>        4.451891901,
>        3.385694303,
>        2.900508112,
>        3.110238149,
>        3.150580922,
>        3.079728958,
>        2.327902499,
>        1.641887823,
>        1.63370882,
>        0.986559368,
>        0.920601397,
>        0.571882394,
>        0.340505009,
>        0.813480877,
>        0.471988882,
>        0.269067515,
>        0.303179244,
>        12,
>        10,
>        1,
>        22.5,
>        40,
>        1024,
>        1
>      ),
>      `16/02/2010` = c(
>        6.405879111,
>        5.994054977,
>        5.61142085,
>        4.77953426,
>        4.305900444,
>        3.616699448,
>        2.848148846,
>        2.016807672,
>        1.452876728,
>        2.120099832,
>        1.661317381,
>        1.133219897,
>        1.237239562,
>        0.93675648,
>        0.7379146,
>        1.026085605,
>        0.566766122,
>        0.13349775,
>        0.082892149,
>        15,
>        9,
>        1,
>        45,
>        44.5,
>        1018.5,
>        1
>      ),
>      `20/03/2010` = c(
>        8.925945159,
>        7.375445078,
>        6.120095292,
>        5.608927408,
>        5.61367474,
>        4.800003992,
>        4.216782177,
>        4.05288041,
>        3.779922823,
>        4.267840277,
>        3.747342619,
>        2.414025636,
>        2.647100163,
>        2.272566024,
>        2.526476424,
>        2.643863876,
>        1.290173713,
>        0.612263766,
>        0.465457136,
>        16,
>        10.5,
>        1,
>        67.5,
>        22,
>        1025,
>        1
>      ),
>      `24/04/2011` = c(
>        6.278147269,
>        5.805619599,
>        5.149985946,
>        4.542354226,
>        4.320657374,
>        4.006103489,
>        3.642003696,
>        3.315992643,
>        3.181741995,
>        3.321634055,
>        2.814670223,
>        2.180686348,
>        2.253223258,
>        2.07198929,
>        1.912840489,
>        1.825988411,
>        1.360936689,
>        0.666152106,
>        0.537232782,
>        23,
>        19.5,
>        0,
>        191.25,
>        24.5,
>        1005.5,
>        1
>      )
>    ),
>    row.names = c(NA, 26L),
>    class = "data.frame"
>  )
># Converts data table from wide (many columns) to long (many rows) and
>creates the new object 'data_long'
># Column 1 is the 'Buffer' number (100-2000), Columns 2-25 contain
>monthly data covering 2 years.
># Column headers for columns 2:25 are mutated into a column called
>'Date', values for each buffer and each date into the column 'LST'
>data_long <- data %>% pivot_longer(cols = 2:25, names_pattern = names_to =
>                                     "Date", values_to = "LST")
># Instructs R to treat the 'Date' column data as a date
>data_long$Date <- as.Date(data_long$Date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
># Creates a new column called 'Month' by extracting the month number
>from the date in the 'Date' column
>data_long <- mutate(data_long, Month = format(data_long$Date, "%m"))
># Creates a new column called 'Year' by extracting the Year number
>(YYYY as %Y not %y) from the date in the 'Date' column
>data_long <- mutate(data_long, Year = format(data_long$Date, "%Y"))
># Creates a new column called 'JulianDay' by calculating the Julian
>Day (day of the year from 1 January) from the date in the 'Date'
>data_long <- mutate(data_long, JulianDay = format(data_long$Date, "%j"))
># Creates a new column called 'TimePeriod' where 1 = pre-construction,
>and 2 = post-construction of solar park.
># Uses 'if_else' - If Year < 2015 value = 1, else 2.
>data_long <- mutate(data_long, TimePeriod = if_else(data_long$Year <
>2015, 1,2, missing = NULL))
># Instructs R to treat the 'TimePeriod' column as a (categorical)
>factor - it is either 1 (pre-construction, or 2 (post-construction)
>data_long$TimePeriod <- as.factor(data_long$TimePeriod)
># Change data types of Month, Year nad JulianDay
>data_long$Month <- as.numeric(data_long$Month)
>data_long$Year <- as.numeric(data_long$Year)
>data_long$JulianDay <- as.numeric(data_long$JulianDay)
># 'Compactly display the internal structure of an R object'
># Adds 'data_long' to R search path so that R can access it when
>evaluating a variable (simplifies syntax).
>On Sun, 28 Nov 2021 at 15:59, Chris Evans <> wrote:
>> Often the issue is that different variables in the wide format are of 
>> different types so won't simply
>> pivot_longer without you making decisions which the function shouldn't make 
>> for you.  However, I think
>> the error messages when that happens are fairly clear so perhaps that's not 
>> what's happening here.
>> I'm happy to have a look at this as I've slowly become a convert to using 
>> tidyverse principles and tools
>> (sometimes seen, legalistically correctly I think, as outside the remit of 
>> this Email list) but I agree
>> that the help for pivot_longer() and many other tidyverse functions is not 
>> as good as it could be particularly
>> for people new to R.  Often there is better documentation in vignettes (so 
>> look for that) or in other things
>> on the web.
>> However, for me the data that was posted are mangled by the post coming in 
>> HTML format.  Please read the
>> list documentation and resubmit the question in raw text Email and submit a 
>> bit of your data using
>> dput() (see ?dput and search out "R reproducible examples") and then I'll 
>> look at it.
>> Very best (all),
>> Chris
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "Philip Monk" <>
>> > To: "R-help Mailing List" <>
>> > Sent: Sunday, 28 November, 2021 13:57:07
>> > Subject: [R] Syntax help for 'Pivot_longer'
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I have a wide table that I transform to a long table for analysis.
>> > The wide table has 25 columns - the first is labels, then columns 2:25
>> > are monthly data of LST which is in 19 rows.
>> >
>> > I mutate this with :
>> >
>> > data_long <- data %>% pivot_longer(cols = 2:25, names_to =
>> >                                     "Date", values_to = "LST")
>> >
>> > I've decided to add some weather data which might be relevant,
>> > inputting this as an additional 7 rows of data in the wide format (see
>> > example below of the first 5 months of data).
>> >
>> > I have belatedly realised that I cannot work out how to pivot this
>> > into the long format I need - the documentation doesn't provide enough
>> > syntax examples for me to work it out (I've not long been using 'R').
>> >
>> > How do I mutate this to provide the additional columns in the long
>> > table for the weather variables?
>> >
>> > Thanks for your time,
>> >
>> > Philip
>> >
>> > Part-time PhD Student (Environmental Science)
>> > Lancaster University, UK.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Wide data
>> > ------------------
>> >
>> > Buffer            15/01/2010     16/02/2010     20/03/2010
>> > 24/04/2011      07/05/2010
>> >
>> > 100                6.091741043   6.405879111   8.925945159
>> > 6.278147269   6.133940129
>> >
>> > 200                5.271975614   5.994054977   7.375445078
>> > 5.805619599   5.537759202
>> >
>> > 300                4.451891901   5.61142085     6.120095292
>> > 5.149985946   5.353001442
>> >
>> > 400                3.385694303   4.77953426     5.608927408
>> > 4.542354226   4.824773827
>> >
>> > 500                2.900508112   4.305900444   5.61367474
>> > 4.320657374   4.520022189
>> >
>> > 600                3.110238149   3.616699448   4.800003992
>> > 4.006103489   4.188421662
>> >
>> > 700                 3.150580922   2.848148846   4.216782177
>> > 3.642003696   3.725611032
>> >
>> > 800                 3.079728958   2.016807672   4.05288041
>> > 3.315992643   3.278124347
>> >
>> > 900                 2.327902499   1.452876728   3.779922823
>> > 3.181741995   3.29577819
>> >
>> > 1000               1.641887823   2.120099832   4.267840277
>> > 3.321634055   3.551965361
>> >
>> > 1100               1.63370882     1.661317381   3.747342619
>> > 2.814670223   2.807355369
>> >
>> > 1200               0.986559368   1.133219897   2.414025636
>> > 2.180686348   2.166547946
>> >
>> > 1300               0.920601397   1.237239562   2.647100163
>> > 2.253223258   2.411947081
>> >
>> > 1400               0.571882394   0.93675648     2.272566024
>> > 2.07198929     1.954723088
>> >
>> > 1500               0.340505009   0.7379146       2.526476424
>> > 1.912840489   2.003872651
>> >
>> > 1600               0.813480877   1.026085605   2.643863876
>> > 1.825988411   2.278799668
>> >
>> > 1700               0.471988882   0.566766122   1.290173713
>> > 1.360936689   1.45967449
>> >
>> > 1800               0.269067515   0.13349775     0.612263766
>> > 0.666152106   0.680354177
>> >
>> > 1900               0.303179244   0.082892149   0.465457136
>> > 0.537232782   0.287185161
>> >
>> > Temperautre   12                    15                     16
>> >          23                   21.5
>> >
>> > Wind speed     10                    9                      10.5
>> >          9.5                   9.5
>> >
>> > Wind trend       1                      1                      1
>> >                0                     1
>> >
>> > Wind direction  22.5                45                      67.5
>> >         191.25            56.25
>> >
>> > Humidity           40                   44.5                   22
>> >              24.5                7
>> >
>> > Pressure          1024               1018.5               1025
>> >       1005.5            1015.5
>> >
>> > Pressure trend 1                      1                        1
>> >               1                      1
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > long data
>> > -----------------
>> > Buffer         Date             LST             Temperature      Wind
>> > speed ......
>> > 1                  01.01.21     4                  5                       
>> >  10
>> > 2                  01.02.21     5                  2                       
>> >  11
>> > 3                  01.03.21     7                  5                       
>> >  15
>> > 4                  01.04.21     9                  6                       
>> >  7
>> > 5                  01.05.21     7                  5                       
>> >  10
>> >
>> > ______________________________________________
>> > mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
>> >
>> > PLEASE do read the posting guide 
>> >
>> > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
>> --
>> Chris Evans (he/him) <>
>> Visiting Professor, UDLA, Quito, Ecuador & Honorary Professor, University of 
>> Roehampton, London, UK.
>> Work web site:
>> CORE site:
>> Personal site:
>> OMbook:
> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

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PLEASE do read the posting guide
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