Hi all...
I assume there are a host of GGplot2 users out there.
I have circular plot - polar plot code questions
I needed to create circular – polar plots of reproductive status for 
bats.  I found a great sample of how to do this here:

I modified the sample code to meet the 3 data elements I am using the 
"raw data" table below with T=testes enlarge, P= Pregnant and L= Lactating.


m <- fread("id    T    month    P    L
1    0    1    0    0
2    0    2    0    0
3    0    3    0    0
4    1    4    0    0
5    1    5    1    0
6    1    6    1    1
7    0    7    1    1
8    0    8    1    1
9    0    9    0    1
10    0    10    0    0
11    0    11    0    0
12    0    12    0    0")
# reshape from wide to long (as preferred by ggplot)
ml <- melt(m, measure.vars = c("T", "P", "L"))

# create factors to ensure desired order
ml[, variable := factor(variable, levels = c("T", "P","L"))]

ml[, fct_month := factor(month, levels = 1:12, labels = month.abb)]
ggplot(ml[value != 0], aes(x = fct_month, y = variable,
                            group = variable, colour = variable)) +
   geom_line(size = 3) +
   scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 1), breaks = NULL) +
   xlim(month.abb) +
   coord_polar() +
   theme_bw() + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)

This is creating a plot more or less as needed.  4 questions:
1 Do I even need the ID field? Seems not useful.
2 I assume the melt step can be avoided if my data is "Tidy" and long 
format at the start, correct?
3  How can I increase the weight of the month lines and labels
4  Where can I add color choices for the 3 variables in the plot? Simply 
adding an HTML color number to the “colour=variable” then plots the data 
and labeling one value as that color.

Tnx all. The list is always educational on a daily basis.
Bat Dude
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