Tim, Richard, y'all are reading too much into this. I believe that TMAX
is the high temperature of the day, and TMIN is the low. I'm trying to
compute the average or median high and low temperatures for the data I
have (2011 to present). I'm going on a trip to this area, and want to
know how to pack.

Thanks for your interest.


On Thu, 2023-09-14 at 03:07 +1200, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
> I am well aware of the physiological implications
> of temperature, and that is *why* I view recorded
> TMIN and TMAX at a single point with an extremely
> jaundiced eye.  TMAX at shoulder height has very
> little relevance to an insect living in grass, for
> example.  And if TMAX is sustained for one second,
> that has very different consequences from if TMAX
> is sustained for five minutes.  I can see the usefulness
> of "proportion of day above Thi/below Tlo", but that
> is quite different.
> OK, so my interest in weather data was mainly based
> around water management: precipitation, evaporation,
> herd and crop water needs, that kind of thing.  And
> the first thing you learn from that experience is
> that ANY kind of single-point summary is seriously
> misleading.
> Let's end this digression.
> On Thu, 14 Sept 2023 at 02:18, Ebert,Timothy Aaron <teb...@ufl.edu>
> wrote:
> > I had the same question.
> > However, I can partly answer the off-topic question. Min and max
> > can be important as lower and upper development thresholds. Below
> > the min no growth or development occur because reaction rates are
> > too slow to enable such. Above max, temperatures are too hot.
> > Protein function is impaired, and systems stop functioning. There
> > is a considerable range between where systems shut down (but
> > recover) and tissue death.
> > In a simple form the growth and physiological stage of plants,
> > insects, and many others, can be modeled as a function of
> > temperature. These are often called growing degree day models (or
> > some version of that). This is number of thermal units needed for
> > the organism to develop to the next stage (e.g. instar for an
> > insect, or fruit/flower formation for a plant). However, better
> > accuracy is obtained if the model includes both min and max
> > thresholds.
> > 
> > All I have done is provide an example where min and max could have
> > a real world use. I use max(temp) over some interval and then
> > update an accumulated thermal units variable based on the outcome.
> > That detail is not evident in the original request.
> > 
> > Tim
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: R-help <r-help-boun...@r-project.org> On Behalf Of Richard
> > O'Keefe
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:58 AM
> > To: Kevin Zembower <ke...@zembower.org>
> > Cc: r-help@r-project.org
> > Subject: Re: [R] Help with plotting and date-times for climate data
> > 
> > [External Email]
> > 
> > Off-topic, but what is a "mean temperature max"
> > and what good would it do you to know you if you did?
> > I've been looking at a lot of weather station data and for no
> > question I've ever had (except "would the newspapers get excited
> > about this") was "max" (or min) the answer.  Considering the way
> > that temperature can change by several degrees in a few minutes, or
> > a few metres -- I meant horizontally when I wrote that, but as you
> > know your head and feet don't experience the same temperature,
> > again by more than one degree -- I am at something of a loss to
> > ascribe much practical significance to TMAX.  Are you sure this is
> > the analysis you want to do?  Is this the most informative data you
> > can get?
> > 
> > On Wed, 13 Sept 2023 at 08:51, Kevin Zembower via R-help <
> > r-help@r-project.org> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I'm trying to calculate the mean temperature max from a file of
> > > climate date, and plot it over a range of days in the year. I've
> > > downloaded the data, and cleaned it up the way I think it should
> > > be.
> > > However, when I plot it, the geom_smooth line doesn't show up. I
> > > think
> > > that's because my x axis is characters or factors. Here's what I
> > > have so far:
> > > ========================================
> > > library(tidyverse)
> > > 
> > > data <- read_csv("Ely_MN_Weather.csv")
> > > 
> > > start_day = yday(as_date("2023-09-22")) end_day =
> > > yday(as_date("2023-10-15"))
> > > 
> > > d <- as_tibble(data) %>%
> > >      select(DATE,TMAX,TMIN) %>%
> > >      mutate(DATE = as_date(DATE),
> > >             yday = yday(DATE),
> > >             md = sprintf("%02d-%02d", month(DATE), mday(DATE))
> > >             ) %>%
> > >      filter(yday >= start_day & yday <= end_day) %>%
> > >      mutate(md = as.factor(md))
> > > 
> > > d_sum <- d %>%
> > >      group_by(md) %>%
> > >      summarize(tmax_mean = mean(TMAX, na.rm=TRUE))
> > > 
> > > ## Here's the filtered data:
> > > dput(d_sum)
> > > 
> > > > structure(list(md = structure(1:25, levels = c("09-21", "09-
> > > > 22",
> > > "09-23", "09-24", "09-25", "09-26", "09-27", "09-28", "09-29",
> > > "09-30", "10-01", "10-02", "10-03", "10-04", "10-05", "10-06",
> > > "10-07", "10-08", "10-09", "10-10", "10-11", "10-12", "10-13",
> > > "10-14", "10-15"), class = "factor"), tmax_mean = c(65,
> > > 62.2222222222222, 61.3, 63.8888888888889, 64.3, 60.1111111111111,
> > > 62.3, 60.5, 61.9, 61.2, 63.6666666666667, 59.5, 59.5555555555556,
> > > 61.5555555555556, 59.4444444444444, 58.7777777777778,
> > > 55.8888888888889, 58.125, 58, 55.6666666666667, 57,
> > > 55.4444444444444,
> > > 49.7777777777778, 48.75, 43.6666666666667)), class = c("tbl_df",
> > > "tbl", "data.frame"
> > > ), row.names = c(NA, -25L))
> > > > 
> > > ggplot(data = d_sum, aes(x = md)) +
> > >      geom_point(aes(y = tmax_mean, color = "blue")) +
> > >      geom_smooth(aes(y = tmax_mean, color = "blue"))
> > > =====================================
> > > My questions are:
> > > 1. Why isn't my geom_smooth plotting? How can I fix it?
> > > 2. I don't think I'm handling the month and day combination
> > > correctly.
> > > Is there a way to encode month and day (but not year) as a date?
> > > 3. (Minor point) Why does my graph of tmax_mean come out red when
> > > I
> > > specify "blue"?
> > > 
> > > Thanks for any advice or guidance you can offer. I really
> > > appreciate
> > > the expertise of this group.
> > > 
> > > -Kevin
> > > 
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