Às 12:41 de 24/06/2024, Steven Yen escreveu:
I would like a loop to

(1) read data files 2010midata1,2010midata2,2010midata3; and

(2)  name OUTPUT bop1,bop2,bop3.

I succeeded in line 3 of the code below,

BUT not line 4. The error message says:

Error in paste0("bop", im) <- boprobit(eqs, mydata, wt = weight, method
= "NR", : target of assignment expands to non-language object Please
help. Thanks.

for (im in 1:m) {

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Here are two ways, with a for loop and with a lapply loop.

# for loop
m <- 3
# create the input filenames in one instruction
INPUT <- paste0("2010midata", seq.int(m), ".csv")
# create a named list with m elements to store the output
OUTPUT <- vector("list", length = m) |> setNames(paste0("bop", seq.int(m)))
for(i in seq.int(m)) {
  mydata <- read.csv(INPUT[[i]])
  OUTPUT[[i]] <- boprobit(eqs, mydata, wt=weight, method="BHHH",
                          tol=0, reltol=0, gradtol=1e-5, Fisher=TRUE)

# lapply loop
m <- 3
# create the input filenames in one instruction
INPUT <- paste0("2010midata", seq.int(m), ".csv")
# no need to create the output list, it will be the
# return value of lapply
OUTPUT <- lapply(INPUT, \(f) {
  mydata <- read.csv(f)
  boprobit(eqs, mydata, wt=weight, method="BHHH",
           tol=0, reltol=0, gradtol=1e-5, Fisher=TRUE)
# assign the output list's names
names(OUTPUT) <- paste0("bop", seq.int(m))

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

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